FBI took records from Mar A Lago covered by attorney client privilege.

The entire Trump clan are a bunch of corrupt self dealing lowlifes. My bet is on Meadows rather then Kushner.

Kushner wants nothing to do with Trump. He's too busy dealing with that $2 billion dollars the Saudi's paid him off with for his Wall St investment fund. But then again, he'll do anything to stay out of jail.
And this coming from two faced left winger who looks the other way when it comes to Hunter Biden etc. go fly a kite.
The Trumpian lie that the FBI "planted" stuff has already been debunked by Trump's own lawyer. She said that not only was she there on site, watching them the whole time, but that the Donald and Melania Trump were in on a live feed of the security cameras, which are everywhere in the Club House and grounds. That they could see and monitor everything that was going on.

Every move Trump has made, has been shot down by his own people. NOBODY wants him to run again, especially the people who worked for him. They're the ones who are testifying against him in the Congressional Hearings, and they're the ones "informing" the DOJ about the stolen documents.

Even Ivanka and Jared are testifying against the lying criminal.

Mar-a-lago is NOT "a person's home". It's a public golf club.
Got any links to your bullshit lies, Dumbfuck Dragonlady
“They” being the same two-faced swamp rats accusing trump

Sorry, but the Deep State has no credibility

The "Deep State" got a judge to sign a warrant on the first try.

The Trump State couldn't get even one single solitary fucking judge out of 60+ to waste their time with election fraud claims bullshit.

Which side has more credibility?
The "Deep State" got a judge to sign a warrant on the first try.

The Trump State couldn't get even one single solitary fucking judge out of 60+ to waste their time with election fraud claims bullshit.

Which side has more credibility?
Maybe because Trump's claim of voter fraud was a crock of shit & the judges knew it. Ever hear of submitting actual evidence?
Considering the FBI had agents get caught sending female staffers pictures including a rainbow dildo, likely every agent involved is trying on Melania’s lingerie. Seems the Secret Service declined to turn off the security cameras too. The FBI is desperate to get that footage and have been told no.
The "Deep State" got a judge to sign a warrant on the first try.

The Trump State couldn't get even one single solitary fucking judge out of 60+ to waste their time with election fraud claims bullshit.

Which side has more credibility?

Courts don't get involved in elections. The only reason they did in the Bush/ Gore case is because the Florida federal judges were practicing judicial legislation. They decided to make law on the bench that favored Gore.

This judge is an Obama donor. Not only that, he Tweeted very abrasive things about President Trump. He's a Fn magistrate, not a real federal judge. A real unbiased judge would have never signed the warrant. They would have questioned why they didn't just apply for a subpoena for the documents they wanted. In other words yes, he was part of the deep state.

Because a President not only has exclusive power to declassify what he wants, but to create the process for declassification. Trump's policy was anything that leaves the oval office is automatically declassified. He often took his work home with him.
If he recused himself in another Trump case it was because their was a conflict, which is what he was required to do. Has nothing to do with this case.

Now, see how that works?

There are Tweets he sent out bashing Trump which is why he had to recuse himself. Nothing has changed in this matter. He's a pure Trump hater and it's on record.

See how this works now?
Here is what we have so far: The MSM reports that Trump had classified material. His attorneys (which Trump has the resources to hire the best) claim that none of the documents taken were classified. Given the criminal history of the FBI (as demonstrated in their spying operation using phony documentation for a warrant) I think I'm going to side with Trump's lawyers on this one. We all know how desperate the Communists are to make sure Trump can't run for President, and to tarnish his name before the midterms. We also know that since DumBama, the organization has become an arm of the Communist party.
Given the past history of statements from Trumps lawyers in the past, it is absolutely asinine to take anything they say as remotely honest. All we ever get from his legal team is bullshit.

I cannot even remember an honest word falling out of their mouth. This is a clear case of reinforcing your priors Ray. Take an honest look at it, his legal team has both clear motive and a history of making public statements that they refuse to make in court because they were direct lies.
The Trumpian lie that the FBI "planted" stuff has already been debunked by Trump's own lawyer. She said that not only was she there on site, watching them the whole time, but that the Donald and Melania Trump were in on a live feed of the security cameras, which are everywhere in the Club House and grounds. That they could see and monitor everything that was going on.

Every move Trump has made, has been shot down by his own people. NOBODY wants him to run again, especially the people who worked for him. They're the ones who are testifying against him in the Congressional Hearings, and they're the ones "informing" the DOJ about the stolen documents.

Even Ivanka and Jared are testifying against the lying criminal.

Mar-a-lago is NOT "a person's home". It's a public golf club.

It's both. And how many drugs do you take to come up with your phony stories? Is your country that Communist that they lie to you in this degree?

Trump's attorney was interviewed on evil right-wing news. She stated when she got to the club, she started to follow the FBI to oversee the search. They not only ordered her to not oversee the raid, but ordered her to stand outside in the heat. They ordered the staff to turn off all security cameras.

You look like a fool when you make up lies that are easily debunked with video.

Oh you mean, it's an implied right then, not anything explicitly written in the Constitution. In other words, judges kinda, sorta assumed that the President has the power to declassify what he deems appropriate to classify, but that's not actually in the Constitution itself. Just checking.

For the record, I don't disagree that the president has the power to declassify - he does. But as with all rights and powers, those are not limitless. Presidential Records are not personal possessions; they are United States government property. Whatever powers the president has to declare information classified or not is within that context. If your argument prevails and presidential records become classified by simple decree depending on the president's mood, or if they become his own personal records by decree, then as I said earlier, any living president could walk right down to the Archives and take whatever shit they want. They could just take it all, put it in a large pile on their front yard, and burn it in a bonfire.

If we take your argument and extend it to its natural conclusion, we'd literally be writing a blank check to any administration past or future to create an Executive Branch that is based on total secrecy from now on. You think that's what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they put things into the Constitution like separation of powers, states rights, and civil liberties?

It would only be a conflict of separation of powers if the Congress tried to stop him. Read what I underlined in the article I posted. The court ruled that the President can classify or declassify at will, meaning there is no set process for him to do so. It's not my opinion, it's a court ruling.
The president’s classification and declassification powers are broad.

The president, as commander in chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When people lower in the chain of command handle classification and declassification duties — which is usually how it’s done — it’s because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president.

The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy v. Egan — which involved the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance — addresses this line of authority.

"The president, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the president, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, told PolitiFact in 2017 that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

Now link to the standing order.

I keep seeing he CLAIMS this but claiming it is useless. If it were a standing order it would be linked and the article you linked would not have quotes like:

It. Does. Not. Work. This. Way," national security lawyer Bradley Moss tweeted bluntly.

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reported asking "a former senior administration official who would be in a position to know about such a thing and they had absolutely no idea what this report is talking about."

Stop messing around and just link the standing order.
Dude it took me like 5 seconds to prove this claim was 100% bullshit - published by Trump-friendly Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post no less, lol.

So which is it, did he not watch the raid or were the cameras off? Is their lawyer in on the Democrat conspiracy? lol

Oh right, they planted those classified documents somewhere. Trump won the election. The earth is flat.

The staff wisely didn't disable the cameras, but they were ordered to by the FBI. I don't know if anything was planted or not. But if they give him any problems over what they found and his lawyers claim those "said" documents were never in his possession, who would the court believe?
Now link to the standing order.

Here ya go:

They took documents.
And. I responded to a specific claim, that attorney client privilege does not extend to documents. That is flat out bullshit.

As to the rest of what was taken or if there was even privileged documents in that mess, I have already made clear what I think about that.
Given the past history of statements from Trumps lawyers in the past, it is absolutely asinine to take anything they say as remotely honest. All we ever get from his legal team is bullshit.

I cannot even remember an honest word falling out of their mouth. This is a clear case of reinforcing your priors Ray. Take an honest look at it, his legal team has both clear motive and a history of making public statements that they refuse to make in court because they were direct lies.

Trump has the resources to hire the best in the legal department. The FBI has been proven to be corrupt since the DumBama presidency. From using false information to get warrants illegally to informing CNN to have cameras ready in raid of a Trump associate. The FBI is completely corrupt.

That's why I'd trust Trump's lawyers over the corrupt FBI any day of the week.
Maybe because Trump's claim of voter fraud was a crock of shit & the judges knew it. Ever hear of submitting actual evidence?

AFAIK, he never even made that claim in court in the first place. That is how brazen the lie was, tell the public one thing and then pretend that you are not even making the legal steps to match that claim and STLL being ignored by every single judge.

And yet half this board still demands the election was stolen.

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