FBI took records from Mar A Lago covered by attorney client privilege.

The stink just keeps getting worse.

Dude. It's no different than when they raid a drug lords operation, and just seize everything, and let an evidence team go through it over a period of weeks, to separate legal evidence of a crime, from personal papers and property.

When it comes to seizing property the police ALWAYS take too much. Since those objects can always be returned. While taking too little, means they left evidence, and even criminal assets in the perps hands.
Nobody tried to overthrow an election, you shithead. By the way, there’s no need to sign your posts. We all realize you are a bed wetter.
Your boy did. And everyone knows it except you retards who deny it.
Not everybody knows it, but everybody should know it. The people involved had plead guilty to trying to overthrow the government, plead guilty to taking arms to the Capitol.

Only ididots like backagain can still deny the insurgents allocutions.
You're a liar. Just like your boy, birds of a feather.
Backagain is known for lying about what words mean. You can show him the definition out of the dictionary, and he says the dictionary is wrong.

The dude is sick.
You're a liar. Just like your boy, birds of a feather.
Why do you rely entirely on lying? Does the truth cause you to burst into flame?

You make absolutely moronic claims and you have zero ability to support them. If it only happened once in a blue moon, they could be written off as mere mistakes. But you and your filthy ilk do it constantly.

You’re an unmitigated, deliberate, perpetual liar.

That said, let’s get back ON TOPIC.

WHY do you and your fellow leftards insist on supporting the violation of the Constitutional protections by this vile DOJ and the FBI in something as basic as executing a search warrant?
If it only happened once in a blue moon, they could be written off as mere mistakes. But you and your filthy ilk to it constantly.
That's because Trump lies constantly, commits crimes constantly, and now the chicken have come home to roost.
WHY do you and your fellow leftards insist on supporting the violation of the Constitutional protections by this vile DOJ and the FBI in something as basic as executing a search warrant?
The constitution requires a warrant made on affidavit as the requirement. That it state the places to be searched and the property to be seized.

This was done by the book, and by the Constitution.

Affidavit - Check
Warrant issued - Check
Warrant specifies property and places - Check
Warrant executed by FBI - Check

Backagain claiming it wasn't done by the Constitution - Check
Why do you rely entirely on lying? Does the truth cause you to burst into flame?

You make absolutely moronic claims and you have zero ability to support them. If it only happened once in a blue moon, they could be written off as mere mistakes. But you and your filthy ilk do it constantly.

You’re an unmitigated, deliberate, perpetual liar.

That said, let’s get back ON TOPIC.

WHY do you and your fellow leftards insist on supporting the violation of the Constitutional protections by this vile DOJ and the FBI in something as basic as executing a search warrant?
Explain how Trump's constitutional rights were violated, asshole. Let's have it or STFU.
Explain how Trump's constitutional rights were violated, asshole. Let's have it or STFU.
Listen up you scumbag moron rat bastard. They took privileged attorney client communications. That is a violation of a Constitutional right.

And try to stop saying idiotic things or STFU.

Now, feel obligated to gfy.
Not everybody knows it, but everybody should know it. The people involved had plead guilty to trying to overthrow the government, plead guilty to taking arms to the Capitol.

Only ididots like backagain can still deny the insurgents allocutions.

Wait a minute, how plead guilty to trying to take overthrow the government? Who was armed and convicted of being armed at the Capitol?
Dude. It's no different than when they raid a drug lords operation, and just seize everything, and let an evidence team go through it over a period of weeks, to separate legal evidence of a crime, from personal papers and property.

When it comes to seizing property the police ALWAYS take too much. Since those objects can always be returned. While taking too little, means they left evidence, and even criminal assets in the perps hands.

No, police can only take evidence related to a crime. It has to be listed in the warrant. There were reportedly 30 agents who spent 9 hours in the compound and took 15 boxes. That's one box for every two agents. 9 hours is certainly enough for two people to go through a box to determine what is related to their case and what is not.
Listen up you scumbag moron rat bastard. They took privileged attorney client communications. That is a violation of a Constitutional right.

And try to stop saying idiotic things or STFU.

Now, feel obligated to gfy.
The "priviledged information" was returned to him, you unhinged halfwit. As was his passport. Btw CLOWN, his attorneys were in court yesterday. Did they bring it up? Nope.

Now have another shit sandwich as you dry your tears. Thanks for playing.
The "priviledged information" was returned to him, you unhinged halfwit. As was his passport. Btw CLOWN, his attorneys were in court yesterday. Did they bring it up? Nope.

Now have another shit sandwich as you dry your tears. Thanks for playing.
They shouldn’t have taken it in the first place you imbecile.

Your abject failure continues. So gfy. I will continue to piss all over all of your retarded posts — and I don’t care what you eat or how much you cry. 👍
They shouldn’t have taken it in the first place you imbecile.

Your abject failure continues. So gfy. I will continue to piss all over all of your retarded posts — and I don’t care what you eat or how much you cry. 👍
Think those FBI agents had time to riffle thru thousands of documents, you asswipe?

Keep posting dumb shit, retard.
Think those FBI agents had time to riffle thru thousands of documents
Yes, you flaming retard. I’m quite certain that they had plenty of time to do their fucking job properly.
Keep posting dumb shit
I leave the posting of dumb shit to you. I remain happy to highlight your inability to think or post intelligently. 😎
Yes, you flaming retard. I’m quite certain that they had plenty of time to do their fucking job properly.

I leave the posting of dumb shit to you. I remain happy to highlight your inability to think or post intelligently. 😎
They did their job, halfwit. Trump got his shit back, didn't he?

Do you need it explained to you in crayon?
They did their job, halfwit. Trump got his shit back, didn't he?

Do you need it explained to you in crayon?
Hey fucktard. They didn’t do their job. They wouldn’t have taken his stuff if they were doing their job. And yes. They did return the stuff they shouldn’t have taken when they weren’t doing their job properly in the first place.

It wouldn’t help anyone for a moron like you to try to “explain” anything at all. You’re far too stupid to understand things to any credible job “explaining” what you don’t understand.
Hey fucktard. They didn’t do their job. They wouldn’t have taken his stuff if they were doing their job. And yes. They did return the stuff they shouldn’t have taken when they weren’t doing their job properly in the first place.

It wouldn’t help anyone for a moron like you to try to “explain” anything at all. You’re far too stupid to understand things to any credible job “explaining” what you don’t understand.
They did their job. They owned Trump with a warrant signed by a federal judge. Just because full blown retards like you have got a bleeding ass over it doesn't mean those agents didn't do their jobs, toddler.

Now that I've straightened your stupid ass out, fuck off.

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