FBI Uncovers Russian Collusion.... (Hillary and Uranium One)


Of course it was the accusers who were doing the collusion.


Just a reminder, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She did not work with or for or at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Yeah. And the guy who robbed the bank last year, was actually a clerk at the local grocery store. He did not work with or for or at the bank.

This liberal actually wants you to believe he has a valid point here somewhere. :cuckoo: <----duh
Why can't the CLINTON FOUNDATION give $250,000 to charities for women who are victims of rape?


Can't Hillary talk to a WALL STREET FIRM for 20 minutes and make the $250,000 to give to charities for women who have been raped?

Clinton has already given the money donated by Weinstein to charity. Hillary is not responsible for the actions of Harvey Weinstein.

Why does Trump still publically humiliate and shame the women he admits to groping? Why would you vote for a man who admits to sexually assaulting women?

What kind of person votes in favour someone who has gone bankrupt 7 times? Been sued 3000 times, been accused of fraud - in court and paid a huge settlement of the case? Why would you vote for a man who openly lies, to your face and then insults and lies about others?

Really!!! Hillary gave 10% of the money, you may want to go back are re-watch the video.
Since uranium mines in the US only produce about 20% of the Uranium we use every year, regardless of who owns the mines we still need to import 80%. So is it surprising Russia was seeking to sell more here?

That still a big nothing sandwich you got there.

Want to make a bet? Check out the players involved. AND Mueller was the FBI Director. His conflicts of interest are glaring. He needs to resign.

The investigation was ultimately supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show.

Both men now play a key role in the current investigation into possible, but still unproven, collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election cycle.

McCabe is under congressional and Justice Department inspector general investigation in connection with money his wife’s Virginia state Senate campaign accepted in 2015 from now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe at a time when McAuliffe was reportedly under investigation by the FBI.

The connections to the current Russia case are many. The Mikerin probe began in 2009 when Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, was still FBI director. And it ended in late 2015 under the direction of then-FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired earlier this year."

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Just a reminder, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She did not work with or for or at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
What does that have to do with corrupt behavior?

Well for starters, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the deal. State department was only one of nine federal agencies which gave ancillary approval of this transaction. Hillary Clinton had no control over the approval or denial of this sale.

Secondly the monies that the Clinton foundation received from Russia were two years after the deal was approved. Who pays a bribe after they've already got what they want?
Bombshell: FBI found Russia bribery, extortion plot in US nuclear industry - in 2009 - Hot Air

"Call it the original Russia collusion case, only it came long before the 2016 election. According to The Hill’s John Solomon and Alison Spann, the FBI began to piece together a Russian operation designed to advance Vladimir Putin’s control of nuclear materials in 2009 that involved both bribery and extortion. The discovery predated two key decisions that gave Moscow control over a significant portion of the US uranium market, including the Uranium One deal that put hundreds of thousands of dollars into Bill Clinton’s pockets...

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow."


'Game, set, and match'...

Vladimir is so proud of you little paid shill....
So is the FBI a paid shill as well? If this is real and it looks like it is, the democrats are done. They'll get Trump impeached on this one for sure, even if he wasn't president then! By God!
Why can't the CLINTON FOUNDATION give $250,000 to charities for women who are victims of rape?


Can't Hillary talk to a WALL STREET FIRM for 20 minutes and make the $250,000 to give to charities for women who have been raped?

Clinton has already given the money donated by Weinstein to charity. Hillary is not responsible for the actions of Harvey Weinstein.

Why does Trump still publically humiliate and shame the women he admits to groping? Why would you vote for a man who admits to sexually assaulting women?

What kind of person votes in favour someone who has gone bankrupt 7 times? Been sued 3000 times, been accused of fraud - in court and paid a huge settlement of the case? Why would you vote for a man who openly lies, to your face and then insults and lies about others?

Really!!! Hillary gave 10% of the money, you may want to go back are re-watch the video.



She can't even lie accurately.
What's funny is even if True. So what? She'll go to prison for it but she doesn't matter one single atom when it comes to politics. Trump and his treason does because he holds political office.
We could only wish this will amount to something, but it won't. I predicted from the beginning that the Russia investigation would backfire on the democrats.

The left is trying to convince us that Trump is in over his head. If he were he would be seriously going after Hillary. But since he is all but ignoring her and her corruption that leads me to believe that he is AOK.
Why can't the CLINTON FOUNDATION give $250,000 to charities for women who are victims of rape?


Can't Hillary talk to a WALL STREET FIRM for 20 minutes and make the $250,000 to give to charities for women who have been raped?

Clinton has already given the money donated by Weinstein to charity. Hillary is not responsible for the actions of Harvey Weinstein.

Why does Trump still publically humiliate and shame the women he admits to groping? Why would you vote for a man who admits to sexually assaulting women?

What kind of person votes in favour someone who has gone bankrupt 7 times? Been sued 3000 times, been accused of fraud - in court and paid a huge settlement of the case? Why would you vote for a man who openly lies, to your face and then insults and lies about others?

Really!!! Hillary gave 10% of the money, you may want to go back are re-watch the video.

Well that's more than Trump. He hasn't donated to his Foundation since 2008, but then his Foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, illegal political campaign contributions (bribes), and misuse of charitable funds (paying off business debts).

Yes let's look at the well documented and illegal activities of the Trump Foundation. Why aren't you concerned about the bribery and corruption of the Trump Family Foundation? What about the payments received by family members for sitting on the Board of the Foundation?

Or the current investigation of the Trump Corporation for skimming more than $3 million dollars off the top of the money raised by Eric Trump in aid of St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
If Hillary won, we would have been facing MUSSOLINI type FASCISM.

She is pure evil.

Tell me this isn't PROG PARADISE:

The ideological basis for fascism came from a number of sources. Mussolini utilized works of Plato, Georges Sorel, Nietzsche, and the economic ideas of Vilfredo Pareto, to develop fascism. Mussolini admired Plato's The Republic, which he often read for inspiration.The Republic expounded a number of ideas that fascism promoted, such as rule by an elite promoting the state as the ultimate end, opposition to democracy, protecting the class system and promoting class collaboration, rejection of egalitarianism, promoting the militarization of a nation by creating a class of warriors, demanding that citizens perform civic duties in the interest of the state, and utilizing state intervention in education to promote the development of warriors and future rulers of the state.The Republic differed from fascism in that it did not promote aggressive war, but only defensive war. Also unlike fascism, it promoted very communist-like views on property. Plato was an idealist, focused on achieving justice and morality, while Mussolini and fascism were realist, focused on achieving political goals.

But Hillary didn't win? Instead you have real Nazis marching in your streets, carrying torches and chanting "The Jews will not replace us".

Your President is speaking to encourage a hate group that wants to execute gays.

Richard Spencer, who lead the Nazi March in Charlottesville wants the government to be elected by white men as the Founders intended. One of the "good people" Trump said was in Charlottesville.

Women have lost the right to have their birth control paid for by the employer health insurance.

Yes you picked a real winner when you voted for Trump over Clinton. Who's Trump's enemy today? There's a new bad guy every day with Trump as President.
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FOLKS, set your DVR's to Hannity's show tonight 9:00 PM on FOX assuming you do not have it automatically record Tucker and Hannity as you should!
This again? Something must be coming soon to embarass Herr trump.....time to deflect with old news, twisted fake old news.
Just a reminder, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She did not work with or for or at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


She had to approve of the sale though...duh!

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