FBI whistleblower confirms AG Merrick Garland committed perjury in front of Congress.

They've been documented multiple times dimwit. Seems to me you're ok with death threats when it suits you. Just like that.
Then they should be easy to find. I can't find them so please provide.
Links and articles have been provided by multiple people. What exactly do you require for proof? You seem to readily believe it when it's threats directed against rightwing figures so does it only matter when it's against your own? There are crazy people out there these days. School board members are often themselves parents with children and members of the local community - not pedophiles and satan's spawn and they aren't even all "lefties" either. They are people who care enough to run for an unpaid position as a public service. They don't deserve this and they don't deserve to have their families and children threatened.

So in these 3 examples, we have 1 redacted unverified piece of email

Why do we go straight to the fbi vs local law authorities. Why do you suddenly welcome feds stopping local violence when you argued they should stay out of Portland?

If these are happening yes, it is wrong. Let the local police handle it and the police can call in help as needed
It's been posted multiple times in multiple threads. I know I have, I'm sure others have. The fact you choose to ignore it doesn't mean I have to keep reposting it for you. Use google.
yeah you said that, but where?
Links and articles have been provided by multiple people. What exactly do you require for proof? You seem to readily believe it when it's threats directed against rightwing figures so does it only matter when it's against your own? There are crazy people out there these days. School board members are often themselves parents with children and members of the local community - not pedophiles and satan's spawn and they aren't even all "lefties" either. They are people who care enough to run for an unpaid position as a public service. They don't deserve this and they don't deserve to have their families and children threatened.

Local issue for local authorities.

Got anything that would require the FBI?
Links and articles have been provided by multiple people. What exactly do you require for proof? You seem to readily believe it when it's threats directed against rightwing figures so does it only matter when it's against your own? There are crazy people out there these days. School board members are often themselves parents with children and members of the local community - not pedophiles and satan's spawn and they aren't even all "lefties" either. They are people who care enough to run for an unpaid position as a public service. They don't deserve this and they don't deserve to have their families and children threatened.

so where is the local police reports of those threats?
Links and articles have been provided by multiple people. What exactly do you require for proof? You seem to readily believe it when it's threats directed against rightwing figures so does it only matter when it's against your own? There are crazy people out there these days. School board members are often themselves parents with children and members of the local community - not pedophiles and satan's spawn and they aren't even all "lefties" either. They are people who care enough to run for an unpaid position as a public service. They don't deserve this and they don't deserve to have their families and children threatened.

None of that rises to domestic terrorism... so explain why the FBI would be involved?
We all knew he was a liar when he tried to sell his lies. Now it is confirmed the AG Garland's FBI is targeting parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

This clown was a whisker away from SCOTUS.

Dodged a bullet there.
So presume he’s black and therefore presented facts adverse to him are racist?
Even threatening a school board member IS NOT TERRORISM. It is assault, a crime that happens EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY across our nation.
Happened to me just a few days ago in the McDonald's drive through. It didn't make him a terrorist, it made him a morron.....kinda like YOU

Turning petty crimes into terrorism is beyond the pale.
If you want to call me a M-O-R-O-N, asswipe, that's fine. But at least look it up in your dictionary so you'll know how to spell it correctly, genius.
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Even threatening a school board member IS NOT TERRORISM. It is assault, a crime that happens EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY across our nation.
Happened to me just a few days ago in the McDonald's drive through. It didn't make him a terrorist, it made him a morron.....kinda like YOU

Turning petty crimes into terrorism is beyond the pale.
And if you’re getting calls threatening your children or your livelihood
there is a difference between looking to see if this is just a local issue (and to me, it is) and then going counter terrorism against parents who are emotional about how their kids are being "taught" in schools.

now, find any threat made that warrants a counter terrorism response. if we can't find that, then the "reactions" from our AG are way out of line and an abuse of power.
What actual actions have been taken?
We all knew he was a liar when he tried to sell his lies. Now it is confirmed the AG Garland's FBI is targeting parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

It seems the tags were being used to highlight Education Officals who were under threat, have you proof they were targeting individual parents... If it only a few, then he could state that on going investigation...

Also you have to also prove that Garland actually knew exactly what the FBI was doing...
The email also directs FBI agents to consider whether the criminal activity being investigated is in violation of federal law and what the potential "motivation" is behind it.

"Merrick Garland testified that the FBI wasn’t targeting parents," Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, ranking member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, tweeted Tuesday afternoon. "We now know the FBI is ‘tagging’ parents they consider threatening. The Attorney General has some explaining to do."

He is not tagging "parents".

He is tagging criminal activity...ie threats of violence
From parents upset at a school board for how they teach their kids, by the fbi?

Ok, I'll play along for a minute. Please, provide us proof of these threats the parents made that were enough to warrant calling in the fbi.
Isn't up to the FBI to show that after an investigation... But the FBI can investigate stuff that is just suspicious...

This is the same thing as usual... Any investigation of RW violence or threats of violence has you screaming...

Shit they plead guilty with high priced lawyers beside them and you still side with the criminals...
The email also directs FBI agents to consider whether the criminal activity being investigated is in violation of federal law and what the potential "motivation" is behind it.

"Merrick Garland testified that the FBI wasn’t targeting parents," Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, ranking member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, tweeted Tuesday afternoon. "We now know the FBI is ‘tagging’ parents they consider threatening. The Attorney General has some explaining to do."

He is not tagging "parents".

He is tagging criminal activity...ie threats of violence

Thank God this motherfucker isn't on scotus
Even threatening a school board member IS NOT TERRORISM. It is assault, a crime that happens EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY across our nation.
Happened to me just a few days ago in the McDonald's drive through. It didn't make him a terrorist, it made him a morron.....kinda like YOU

Turning petty crimes into terrorism is beyond the pale.
Refresher on the definition of terrorism:

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Seems like threatening schoolboard members to change policy based on misguided wingnut politics is a textbook example of terrorism.
Refresher on the definition of terrorism:

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Seems like threatening schoolboard members to change policy based on misguided wingnut politics is a textbook example of terrorism.
Not wanting your child subjected to ridiculous race theories or forcing them to miss school or wear masks is not a political ideology.

Wingnut is not a real definition it is an insult and as such has NO FUCKING RELATION TO TERRORISM.

Grow up
In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation's public schools. While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.
Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation's core values. …
The Department takes these incidents seriously and is committed to using its authority and resources to discourage these threats, identify them when they occur, and prosecute them when appropriate. ...
Coordination and partnership with local law enforcement is critical to implementing these measures for the benefit of our nation’s nearly 14,000 public school districts. To this end, I am directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with each United States Attorney, to convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. These meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response. ...

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