FBI's Failed Ron Johnson Set-Up a Case Study In Intel Agency-Media Info Ops


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

For years now, a number of the country's most prominent publications have assumed the groveling role of palace guards for the state and its friends in Congress.
4 May 2021 ~~ By Christopher Bedford
The Washington Post gave its readers a clear-eyed view this weekend of how American intel agencies work with sympathetic reporters to smear and discredit political opponents, ignoring a specific explanation from one of the article’s targets of how reporters were being used, and leading to embarrassing corrections in multiple articles (as well as in The New York Times and at NBC News).
The story targeted Rudy Giuliani and Wisconsin’s Sen. Ron Johnson, excitedly reporting that they were the targets of Russian disinformation campaigns and had been warned of this by the FBI. Sound familiar? Unsurprisingly, there were a number of problems.
First, powerful people across the planet are often the targets of foreign disinformation campaigns; this is normal. Second, powerful intel agencies have a history of conducting briefings solely to create records that can then be leaked to sympathetic reporters in order to generate stories about said threats. Third, there were no actionable specifics in the Johnson briefing, as the senator explained to the Post, generating strong evidence for his suspicion the FBI was setting him up. And fourth, well, the big Giuliani briefing didn’t actually happen at all.
powerful intel agencies have a known and well-documented history of conducting briefings solely to create records that can then be leaked to sympathetic reporters in order to generate the narratives actors at the agencies want.
This isn’t conspiracy: Former FBI Director James Comey admitted it to the Senate four years ago, testifying that he had briefed the then-president on his theories of Russian collusion — a conspiracy he also testified “was not true” — only to record his interactions and leak them to a friend to hand off to an allied reporter. His goal, he explained, was to “prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”
there were reportedly no actionable specifics in the Johnson briefing. The senator explained this to The Washington Post, and it’s worth notice because it itself is strong evidence for the senator’s near-immediate suspicion that the entire briefing was a set-up by the FBI — just as Trump’s had been.
Finally, the big Giuliani briefing didn’t even happen. Now, that’s not actually that important were you to read the story as it goes right now, but it sure was when it went live, as the original headline and subsequent headlines suggest.
“An overarching media rule in many sectors of US journalism,” left-wing investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald tweeted in March, “is if you recklessly publish a story that maligns people hated by the outlet & its readers/viewers, and the story turns out to be false, the audience doesn’t mind, so the outlet also doesn’t.”
Nor do The Washington Post’s friends. By the time the paper made its essential correction/retraction, allied outlets the country over, including The New York Times and NBC News, had repeated it, forcing embarrassing corrections across the industry. Not that it will reflect poorly on the reporters, who, like their peers in the entire Russia story, will be rewarded for their efforts with awards and job offers for years to come.
Consequences aren’t going to change the behavior of the media, leaving Americans with only one choice: know it’s all a game — and treat it as such.

The so called JournOlists like Costa, Lemon, Bernstein, Woodward et al. have become the least
“An overarching media rule in many sectors of US journalism,” left-wing investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald tweeted in March, “is if you recklessly publish a story that maligns people hated by the outlet & its readers/viewers, and the story turns out to be false, the audience doesn’t mind, so the outlet also doesn’t.”

Nor do The Washington Post’s friends. By the time the paper made its essential correction/retraction, allied outlets the country over, including The New York Times and NBC News, had repeated it, forcing embarrassing corrections across the industry. Not that it will reflect poorly on the reporters, who, like their peers in the entire Russia story, will be rewarded for their efforts with awards and job offers for years to come.

Consequences aren’t going to change the behavior of the media, leaving Americans with only one choice: know it’s all a game — and treat it as such.

JournOlists no longer are the arbiters of truth, they've become Quisling of the Fifth Coulmn distributors disinformation, lies and whispered falsehoods, Finally coconspirators in the destruction of America.
Who disputed it. Giuliano? he lies and Johnson was warned by the FBI.

Correction: An earlier version of this story, published Thursday, incorrectly reported that One America News was warned by the FBI that it was the target of a Russian influence operation. That version also said the FBI had provided a similar warning to Rudolph W. Giuliani, which he has since disputed. This version has been corrected to remove assertions that OAN and Giuliani received the warnings.

Johnson, a staunch Trump ally, recalled receiving a vague warning from FBI briefers in August, but he said Thursday that there was no substance to their cautionary message and that he did not view the meeting as a “defensive briefing” on his oversight of the Biden family’s foreign business ventures.
There is something terribly wrong with Johnson and Rudy G.

Rudy G is still in a shitload of trouble.
Who disputed it. Giuliano? he lies and Johnson was warned by the FBI.

Correction: An earlier version of this story, published Thursday, incorrectly reported that One America News was warned by the FBI that it was the target of a Russian influence operation. That version also said the FBI had provided a similar warning to Rudolph W. Giuliani, which he has since disputed. This version has been corrected to remove assertions that OAN and Giuliani received the warnings.

Johnson, a staunch Trump ally, recalled receiving a vague warning from FBI briefers in August, but he said Thursday that there was no substance to their cautionary message and that he did not view the meeting as a “defensive briefing” on his oversight of the Biden family’s foreign business ventures.
There is something terribly wrong with Johnson and Rudy G.

Rudy G is still in a shitload of trouble.
Uh-huh, you really got Rudy now, he's in deep kimchi for sure. Don't hold your breath.

Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz compared the United States to a banana republic for the search warrant carried out by federal investigators at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani.
Who disputed it. Giuliano? he lies and Johnson was warned by the FBI.

Correction: An earlier version of this story, published Thursday, incorrectly reported that One America News was warned by the FBI that it was the target of a Russian influence operation. That version also said the FBI had provided a similar warning to Rudolph W. Giuliani, which he has since disputed. This version has been corrected to remove assertions that OAN and Giuliani received the warnings.

Johnson, a staunch Trump ally, recalled receiving a vague warning from FBI briefers in August, but he said Thursday that there was no substance to their cautionary message and that he did not view the meeting as a “defensive briefing” on his oversight of the Biden family’s foreign business ventures.
There is something terribly wrong with Johnson and Rudy G.

Rudy G is still in a shitload of trouble.
Uh-huh, you really got Rudy now, he's in deep kimchi for sure. Don't hold your breath.

Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz compared the United States to a banana republic for the search warrant carried out by federal investigators at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani.
Dershowitz might be only liberal left standing.
Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz compared the United States to a banana republic for the search warrant carried out by federal investigators at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani.
Banana republics are the ones that don’t investigate politically powerful people for violating the law.
When it comes to republicans the media doesn't have to be coerced by Intel. agencies to produce disinformation. they do it on their own. The FBI and the rest of the so-called intelligence agencies have become the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz compared the United States to a banana republic for the search warrant carried out by federal investigators at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani.
Banana republics are the ones that don’t investigate politically powerful people for violating the law.
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
What law did Rudy break?
What law did Flynn break?
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)

For years now, a number of the country's most prominent publications have assumed the groveling role of palace guards for the state and its friends in Congress.
4 May 2021 ~~ By Christopher Bedford
The Washington Post gave its readers a clear-eyed view this weekend of how American intel agencies work with sympathetic reporters to smear and discredit political opponents, ignoring a specific explanation from one of the article’s targets of how reporters were being used, and leading to embarrassing corrections in multiple articles (as well as in The New York Times and at NBC News).
The story targeted Rudy Giuliani and Wisconsin’s Sen. Ron Johnson, excitedly reporting that they were the targets of Russian disinformation campaigns and had been warned of this by the FBI. Sound familiar? Unsurprisingly, there were a number of problems.
First, powerful people across the planet are often the targets of foreign disinformation campaigns; this is normal. Second, powerful intel agencies have a history of conducting briefings solely to create records that can then be leaked to sympathetic reporters in order to generate stories about said threats. Third, there were no actionable specifics in the Johnson briefing, as the senator explained to the Post, generating strong evidence for his suspicion the FBI was setting him up. And fourth, well, the big Giuliani briefing didn’t actually happen at all.
powerful intel agencies have a known and well-documented history of conducting briefings solely to create records that can then be leaked to sympathetic reporters in order to generate the narratives actors at the agencies want.
This isn’t conspiracy: Former FBI Director James Comey admitted it to the Senate four years ago, testifying that he had briefed the then-president on his theories of Russian collusion — a conspiracy he also testified “was not true” — only to record his interactions and leak them to a friend to hand off to an allied reporter. His goal, he explained, was to “prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”
there were reportedly no actionable specifics in the Johnson briefing. The senator explained this to The Washington Post, and it’s worth notice because it itself is strong evidence for the senator’s near-immediate suspicion that the entire briefing was a set-up by the FBI — just as Trump’s had been.
Finally, the big Giuliani briefing didn’t even happen. Now, that’s not actually that important were you to read the story as it goes right now, but it sure was when it went live, as the original headline and subsequent headlines suggest.
“An overarching media rule in many sectors of US journalism,” left-wing investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald tweeted in March, “is if you recklessly publish a story that maligns people hated by the outlet & its readers/viewers, and the story turns out to be false, the audience doesn’t mind, so the outlet also doesn’t.”
Nor do The Washington Post’s friends. By the time the paper made its essential correction/retraction, allied outlets the country over, including The New York Times and NBC News, had repeated it, forcing embarrassing corrections across the industry. Not that it will reflect poorly on the reporters, who, like their peers in the entire Russia story, will be rewarded for their efforts with awards and job offers for years to come.
Consequences aren’t going to change the behavior of the media, leaving Americans with only one choice: know it’s all a game — and treat it as such.

The so called JournOlists like Costa, Lemon, Bernstein, Woodward et al. have become the least
“An overarching media rule in many sectors of US journalism,” left-wing investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald tweeted in March, “is if you recklessly publish a story that maligns people hated by the outlet & its readers/viewers, and the story turns out to be false, the audience doesn’t mind, so the outlet also doesn’t.”

Nor do The Washington Post’s friends. By the time the paper made its essential correction/retraction, allied outlets the country over, including The New York Times and NBC News, had repeated it, forcing embarrassing corrections across the industry. Not that it will reflect poorly on the reporters, who, like their peers in the entire Russia story, will be rewarded for their efforts with awards and job offers for years to come.

Consequences aren’t going to change the behavior of the media, leaving Americans with only one choice: know it’s all a game — and treat it as such.

JournOlists no longer are the arbiters of truth, they've become Quisling of the Fifth Coulmn distributors disinformation, lies and whispered falsehoods, Finally coconspirators in the destruction of America.


It's all a deep state conspiracy

Thanks GQP.
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. This isn’t exactly the kind of complaint that makes sense.
What law did Rudy break?
Looks like it might have been FARA violations. He might have been lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without telling anyone.
What law did Flynn break?
Easy. Lying to the FBI. FARA violations too.
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
Of course he is politically powerful, otherwise the right wing and Dershowitz wouldn’t be raising holy hell because of this. Retired? The idiot was filing court cases on behalf of Trump a few months ago and this investigation goes back to activity done years ago.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)
How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. This isn’t exactly the kind of complaint that makes sense.
What law did Rudy break?
Looks like it might have been FARA violations. He might have been lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without telling anyone.
What law did Flynn break?
Easy. Lying to the FBI. FARA violations too.
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
Of course he is politically powerful, otherwise the right wing and Dershowitz wouldn’t be raising holy hell because of this. Retired? The idiot was filing court cases on behalf of Trump a few months ago and this investigation goes back to activity done years ago.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)
How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
1. Hunter Biden should have been investigated 2-years ago, but the FBI did nothing with the laptop. You know Hunter gets a pass.
2. "Might have been FARA"? No one but republicans gets prosecuted for FARA, like in a banana republic.
3.Flynn was setup by Comey. If you don't admit that there is no point posting.
4. Rudy is not politically powerful anymore. But he has a Trump connection, which is of interest to democrats. Dershowitz is right in objecting to the raid on Rudy's apartment, the material should have been "subpoenaed".
5. Answer your question with links: How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. This isn’t exactly the kind of complaint that makes sense.
What law did Rudy break?
Looks like it might have been FARA violations. He might have been lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without telling anyone.
What law did Flynn break?
Easy. Lying to the FBI. FARA violations too.
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
Of course he is politically powerful, otherwise the right wing and Dershowitz wouldn’t be raising holy hell because of this. Retired? The idiot was filing court cases on behalf of Trump a few months ago and this investigation goes back to activity done years ago.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)
How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
1. Hunter Biden should have been investigated 2-years ago, but the FBI did nothing with the laptop. You know Hunter gets a pass.
2. "Might have been FARA"? No one but republicans gets prosecuted for FARA, like in a banana republic.
3.Flynn was setup by Comey. If you don't admit that there is no point posting.
4. Rudy is not politically powerful anymore. But he has a Trump connection, which is of interest to democrats. Dershowitz is right in objecting to the raid on Rudy's apartment, the material should have been "subpoenaed".
5. Answer your question with links: How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
1. What law did Hunter Biden break? I'm not aware of what the FBI did or didn't do with his laptop.
2. Are you really claiming to have comprehensive knowledge of who is and isn't prosecuted for FARA violations in order to make this statement?
3. Flynn was asked a straightforward question which he lied about.
4. Search warrants happen all the time. People under criminal investigation have incentive not to be as forthcoming with subpoenas, so no, it was perfectly within the letter of the law. Rudy is not special. He gets treated like everyone else.
5. I don't know. He got some. That's what the investigation is to find out. Rudy hasn't been exactly transparent.
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. This isn’t exactly the kind of complaint that makes sense.
What law did Rudy break?
Looks like it might have been FARA violations. He might have been lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without telling anyone.
What law did Flynn break?
Easy. Lying to the FBI. FARA violations too.
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
Of course he is politically powerful, otherwise the right wing and Dershowitz wouldn’t be raising holy hell because of this. Retired? The idiot was filing court cases on behalf of Trump a few months ago and this investigation goes back to activity done years ago.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)
How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
1. Hunter Biden should have been investigated 2-years ago, but the FBI did nothing with the laptop. You know Hunter gets a pass.
2. "Might have been FARA"? No one but republicans gets prosecuted for FARA, like in a banana republic.
3.Flynn was setup by Comey. If you don't admit that there is no point posting.
4. Rudy is not politically powerful anymore. But he has a Trump connection, which is of interest to democrats. Dershowitz is right in objecting to the raid on Rudy's apartment, the material should have been "subpoenaed".
5. Answer your question with links: How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
1. What law did Hunter Biden break? I'm not aware of what the FBI did or didn't do with his laptop.
2. Are you really claiming to have comprehensive knowledge of who is and isn't prosecuted for FARA violations in order to make this statement?
3. Flynn was asked a straightforward question which he lied about.
4. Search warrants happen all the time. People under criminal investigation have incentive not to be as forthcoming with subpoenas, so no, it was perfectly within the letter of the law. Rudy is not special. He gets treated like everyone else.
5. I don't know. He got some. That's what the investigation is to find out. Rudy hasn't been exactly transparent.
1. Hunter broke many laws, lying on a gun permit application is a felony.
2. You stupid or just playing dumb?
3. It was a "perjury trap" as Comey admitted
4. Your "legal opinion" is not as worthy as Alan Dershowitz'. The raid was unconstitutional.
5. If you don't know then stop bullshitting. Trump got zero unless proven otherwise.
1. Hunter broke many laws, lying on a gun permit application is a felony.
Hunter Biden Reportedly Violated Federal Law by Lying on Background Check 2. You stupid or just playing dumb?
3. It was a "perjury trap" as Comey admitted
4. Your "legal opinion" is not as worthy as Alan Dershowitz'. The raid was unconstitutional.
5. If you don't know then stop bullshitting. Trump got zero unless proven otherwise.
1. Lying on a gun permit has nothing to do with his laptop or Boblinski or whatever his name is.
2. Marco Rubio is a troll. His little letter is just him being a media whore. It wasn't long ago that Republicans were making fun of the Logan Act when it was considered (and rejected) to be used against Flynn, which is what this is really about. It has no factual basis.
3. That's not a perjury trap and you're misconstruing what Comey said.
4. There's nothing unconstitutional about it. Dershowitz just wants the rich and powerful to be treated with privileges as he has done his entire life.
5. That's what the investigation is going to turn up. Giuliani has been pretty tight lipped about his foreign dealings, which is unlikely to be an accident.
1. Hunter broke many laws, lying on a gun permit application is a felony.
Hunter Biden Reportedly Violated Federal Law by Lying on Background Check 2. You stupid or just playing dumb?
3. It was a "perjury trap" as Comey admitted
4. Your "legal opinion" is not as worthy as Alan Dershowitz'. The raid was unconstitutional.
5. If you don't know then stop bullshitting. Trump got zero unless proven otherwise.
1. Lying on a gun permit has nothing to do with his laptop or Boblinski or whatever his name is.
2. Marco Rubio is a troll. His little letter is just him being a media whore. It wasn't long ago that Republicans were making fun of the Logan Act when it was considered (and rejected) to be used against Flynn, which is what this is really about. It has no factual basis.
3. That's not a perjury trap and you're misconstruing what Comey said.
4. There's nothing unconstitutional about it. Dershowitz just wants the rich and powerful to be treated with privileges as he has done his entire life.
5. That's what the investigation is going to turn up. Giuliani has been pretty tight lipped about his foreign dealings, which is unlikely to be an accident.
Checkmate, thanks for playing. Bullshit always loses.
Checkmate, thanks for playing. Bullshit always loses.
Still dying to know what part of the constitution protects Giuliani from being subject to a search warrant.

“A search warrant on a lawyer or a doctor or a priest? You don’t use search warrants,” Dershowitz said. “You don’t use search warrants when people have privileged information on their cell phones and in their computers. You use a subpoena. The difference between a subpoena and a search warrant is like night and day….It’s just not constitutional.”
Not investigate, like for Hunter's laptop, and whistleblower Bobulinksi?
Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. This isn’t exactly the kind of complaint that makes sense.
What law did Rudy break?
Looks like it might have been FARA violations. He might have been lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without telling anyone.
What law did Flynn break?
Easy. Lying to the FBI. FARA violations too.
Besides, Rudy is NOT politically powerful, he's retired. The dems are still fishing for anything on Trump.
Of course he is politically powerful, otherwise the right wing and Dershowitz wouldn’t be raising holy hell because of this. Retired? The idiot was filing court cases on behalf of Trump a few months ago and this investigation goes back to activity done years ago.
How much money did the Bidens get from Russia, Burisma and China? (hint: $billions)
How much money did Giuliani get from Ukraine and Russia?
not as much as the corrupt xiden family
I don’t think any of these assholes complaining about FBI leaks minded when the FBI told Giuliani about Anthony Weiner’s laptop a week before the election in 2016.
1. Hunter broke many laws, lying on a gun permit application is a felony.
Hunter Biden Reportedly Violated Federal Law by Lying on Background Check 2. You stupid or just playing dumb?
3. It was a "perjury trap" as Comey admitted
4. Your "legal opinion" is not as worthy as Alan Dershowitz'. The raid was unconstitutional.
5. If you don't know then stop bullshitting. Trump got zero unless proven otherwise.
1. Lying on a gun permit has nothing to do with his laptop or Boblinski or whatever his name is.
2. Marco Rubio is a troll. His little letter is just him being a media whore. It wasn't long ago that Republicans were making fun of the Logan Act when it was considered (and rejected) to be used against Flynn, which is what this is really about. It has no factual basis.
3. That's not a perjury trap and you're misconstruing what Comey said.
4. There's nothing unconstitutional about it. Dershowitz just wants the rich and powerful to be treated with privileges as he has done his entire life.
5. That's what the investigation is going to turn up. Giuliani has been pretty tight lipped about his foreign dealings, which is unlikely to be an accident.
you're misconstruing what Comey said

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