FBI’s Wray tells FISA court Bureau ‘deeply regrets’ failures in Carter Page case

Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.
Wray is covering up as if HE were the director during the treasonous acts.
He wasn't director then. But the FBI is a paramilitary organization by its nature. If the guy above you says you go up to the 10th floor, go to room 101 and knock. When the door opens, you arrest all and only the men in room 101, you do not bring back women, you bring back the men in one piece if you can. In other words, you follow the orders of your superior officer sans debate, sans fear, and sans resistance. It's your job. My hunch is Wray is now the director, and is trying the best he can to convey his personal disenchantment with the treasonous acts without conferring undue criticisms on agents trying to obey orders. Just my 2 cents.

That rationale' does not address the wrongdoing by FBI leadership.
I'm okay with giving a pass to the foot soldiers following orders, buy NOT those in the chain of command who knew they were breaking the law.
kyzr says: "That rationale' does not address the wrongdoing by FBI leadership.
I'm okay with giving a pass to the foot soldiers following orders, buy NOT those in the chain of command who knew they were breaking the law."
Of that there can be no doubt, kyzr. I find American Justice confusing when I think of this symbol:

Lady Justice is supposed to be blind and balanced toward all exterior excuses when judging adults -- race, rank, social standing, office, honors, former crimes, and make judgments solely on absolute proof of wrongdoing the specific crime under scrutiny in a court of law, which in America first says all are equal under the law.

But in military courts, there are or should be standards based on what is expected of the individual being tried, and failure to obey an order can result in execution if cowardice is the cause. And because the FBI is a paramilitary group, failure to obey a superior's command that results in the death of one or several other agents death is likely punishable in some ways. As a consequence, it becomes an unwritten law that one must obey direct orders. with responsibility landing at the level of the individual handing down the order, and he is supposed to be ordering on the certainty his basis has been explored and is true to justify his actions. This could land on a commander in chief if that's where the order was issued in a way that would make the order acted out by a regular agent potentially sinister if the commander-in-chief had less than putting the American people first reasons. In the case of a person issuing an order for purely political gains or to camouflage his errors of the past, present, or future, the blame ought to be higher for the issuer of the order than the person whose dismal task was to carry out such an order.

However, if the guy who pulled the trigger and assassinates a person who is later found to be completely innocent and was harmed out of the irrational idea one can cover one's errors if someone else takes the rap for it, that's a whole 'nother ball game, and would take a forensics expert and a completely true judicial Lady Justice approach to resolving, wouldn't you think? It would be doubly the commander-in-chief's blame if he knew he was doing it to cover his own butt.

And imho, that's exactly why the Democrat Party is constantly harassing President Trump with false charges. They've utterly zero respect for Lady Justice's principles. I don't know how you can fix that, except to go back to the Constitution and pull up the "all men are created equal" idea behind the Constitution's protection of individual people's civil rights.

Jealousy because a man won an election is not just cause to frame him for a crime or crimes he did not commit is the wrong reason to impeach a man.

And there should be a severing of plotters from damaging the people's choice of electing a President who is falsely maligned over and over and over again for 3 solid and stinking years by a party who lost the election soliciting its members to harass the winner's staff and supporters over their disenchantment with American voters who, through the Electoral College, duly elected a man President of the United States of America.

And that's what I think.

I also think that persons fit to try this mess Congress has created should weigh in on military reasons when they are dealing with an FBI agent who is dealing fairly with the object of his spying upon and not prejudiced for or against the person whose personal doings he is investigating. Audio proof that he "hates" the person he is investigating ought to ride on whether he recuses himself from this duty or not. If that is written into his instruction manual, he could be called out for treason if he instigates over and beyond his call flimsy and false findings his object is guilty. Somehow, the FBI has a habit of informing Democrats they are being investigated and withhold informing Republicans they are being investigated. That is the worst imaginable reason to eliminate an elected official from being confronted with removal, which an impeachment certainly is.

I've heard several people accuse Nancy Pelosi of hating the President, and in fact, she acts like a full-fledged hater when she storms out of the President's office for offending whatever she is mad about, and she is mad a lots.

Many Americans lose trust in the government when people in power become bipolar under pressure, which can make matters worse than they already are. Pelosi cannot handle her bipolar feelings, and she really has no business assuming her power as Speaker of the House gives her such a right as to make an ass of herself. That's just one example.

We have a lot of proofs that the FBI under Obama went far off the deep end in their agreements to do political dirty work for a certifiably unqualified man doing dirt to half the American voters in this country who are Republican, because he could. And he destroyed the reputation of the FBI by forcing his will of getting rid of all Republicans as if they owed him their very jobs. That's not so. Their early training and how they used it should have been what merited their rank. Backbiters is who Obama picked, and I have a feeling he did not look at anything but how much they contributed to his presidential campaign, because that's how he rolls. That was evidence to me when he started doing bad things to states that did not give him all their electoral votes. He was a vengeful, hateful man to Americans who did not vote for him, and he had Hillary peeking in on stuff like that, because as first lady, she elected to outdo the men in the War Room of her husband. She went after Republican competitors with a fine toothed comb. Bill claimed that the American people got two for the price of one, but in fact, all we got was two lifelong dirtbags.

Beautifully written post. The only comments I can make are in support of your point that Obama used the Federal government to go after his "enemies list". There was Lois Lerner using the IRS to go after conservatives, and the most damning was using the FBI, DOJ, and the intel agencies to spy on, setup, and harass the Trump campaign and Trump administration. IMHO Barr and Durham have a lot of uncovering to do to get to the top of the food chain issuing those illegal orders.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

Only because the asshole went on tv and bragged about breaking the law, dumbass.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
yep, my point exactly.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

Only because the asshole went on tv and bragged about breaking the law, dumbass.

That’s idiotic.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

Only because the asshole went on tv and bragged about breaking the law, dumbass.

That’s idiotic.
it is? so breaking the law is funny?
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.

Interesting. How did they “set up” Trump?

Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein (because Sessions had recused himself due to his own false statements about his connections with Russians) after Trump fires Comey and lied about why. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump to the second most powerful position in the DoJ.

If this was their plan, it seems to be heavily reliant on actions taken by Trump himself. It just doesn’t seem like a plausible allegation to me.

Instead of reading a few books like "Witch Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett ( a very big book) watch this 28-minute video. Its claims are either proven true by Barr/Durham or not, we'll see.

This is another (15 minute) video that is either proven true or not.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.

Interesting. How did they “set up” Trump?

Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein (because Sessions had recused himself due to his own false statements about his connections with Russians) after Trump fires Comey and lied about why. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump to the second most powerful position in the DoJ.

If this was their plan, it seems to be heavily reliant on actions taken by Trump himself. It just doesn’t seem like a plausible allegation to me.

Instead of reading a few books like "Witch Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett ( a very big book) watch this 28-minute video. Its claims are either proven true by Barr/Durham or not, we'll see.

This is another (15 minute) video that is either proven true or not.

You picked three clowns as your sources. It’s good to see Jarrett sober up though. It’s embarrassing getting arrested for being belligerent. I’ll try to watch nearly an hour worth of videos but it would be a lot easier if you could express it in your own words.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.

Interesting. How did they “set up” Trump?

Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein (because Sessions had recused himself due to his own false statements about his connections with Russians) after Trump fires Comey and lied about why. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump to the second most powerful position in the DoJ.

If this was their plan, it seems to be heavily reliant on actions taken by Trump himself. It just doesn’t seem like a plausible allegation to me.

Instead of reading a few books like "Witch Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett ( a very big book) watch this 28-minute video. Its claims are either proven true by Barr/Durham or not, we'll see.

This is another (15 minute) video that is either proven true or not.

You picked three clowns as your sources. It’s good to see Jarrett sober up though. It’s embarrassing getting arrested for being belligerent. I’ll try to watch nearly an hour worth of videos but it would be a lot easier if you could express it in your own words.

I rest my case.
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?
Wray wants to cover up for Comey, McCabe and Strzok, but he can't escape the biggest scandal in US history, when the Obama admin "broke into" the Trump campaign using falsified evidence, and oppo research as justification for a FISA warrant and spying on Trump.

Mr. Wray may not like what Barr and Durham do to the prior FBI partisan leadership.

There is no amount "training" or "idiot proofing" methodology or protocols that could stop unscrupulous partisan FBI hacks from lying to the FISA court or falsifying evidence. Good, long, prison sentences is the strong medicine needed.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.
how isn't legitimate?
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.

Interesting. How did they “set up” Trump?

Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein (because Sessions had recused himself due to his own false statements about his connections with Russians) after Trump fires Comey and lied about why. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump to the second most powerful position in the DoJ.

If this was their plan, it seems to be heavily reliant on actions taken by Trump himself. It just doesn’t seem like a plausible allegation to me.

Instead of reading a few books like "Witch Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett ( a very big book) watch this 28-minute video. Its claims are either proven true by Barr/Durham or not, we'll see.

This is another (15 minute) video that is either proven true or not.

You picked three clowns as your sources. It’s good to see Jarrett sober up though. It’s embarrassing getting arrested for being belligerent. I’ll try to watch nearly an hour worth of videos but it would be a lot easier if you could express it in your own words.

I rest my case.

When have you ever made a case?
What makes this the biggest scandal in US history?

Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

The VP's son was collecting $1MM a year....for doing what exactly?
Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.
how isn't legitimate?
Insufficient evidence to predicate an investigation.
Using the Federal intel agencies, and their foreign assets, to spy on and setup the opposition party's presidential candidate, and then their "insurance policy" to setup the Mueller Investigation to ruin the opposition party's first term is nothing short of despicable. That makes Nixon's inept "plumbers" look innocent by comparison.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

The VP's son was collecting $1MM a year....for doing what exactly?

Being a board member. That was easy.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

The VP's son was collecting $1MM a year....for doing what exactly?

Being a board member. That was easy.

Being VP son.
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

The VP's son was collecting $1MM a year....for doing what exactly?

Being a board member. That was easy.

Being VP son.

Still wouldn’t be illegal.
Progressives would be cool with Trump spying on Biden and Obama
Isn’t Trump pushing for an investigation into Biden? Republicans seem to be pretty cool with that.

You see no difference between opening a legitimate criminal investigation into a money laundering scheme and Trump turning the full force of US Intel agencies against Quid Pro Joe?

It’s not a legitimate investigation. That’s why Trump has to resort to pushing naive foreign leaders of weak depend nations to do it for him since our DoJ won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.
how isn't legitimate?
Insufficient evidence to predicate an investigation.

Sounds like the Trump "impeachment" We have to impeach him to get the evidence of he crimes we think he committed

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