FDNY racism settlement, 98 Million for racist exams

Among other things, the settlement calls for the FDNY to create an executive position for diversity, appoint a uniformed advocate to hear claims of racial discrimination and sets goals for proportional representation and recruiting levels that are higher than the numbers of black and Hispanic members in the community to make up for years of underrepresentation, said one of the Vulcan Society's lawyers, Richard Levy.

Seriously? Good thing I don't live in NYC I don't want some mental retarded negro or mexican who can't read how to operate the damn hose or ladder trying to save my house or myself from a burning building. DIEversity is literally going to start killing people...
A sample of the questions which were considered racist. I'm having a hard time trying to see how these questions were not related to the job and how they can be construed as racist TBH.

10. A group of firefighters and their officer respond to a fifth floor apartment in a seven-story building. When they arrive at the apartment, they are told that the contents of a wastepaper basket was on fire, and the fire was extinguished prior to their arrival. The officer instructs the firefighters to ventilate, or remove, the smoke from the apartment by first using a method that will not cause damage to property. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate method for the firefighters to use to remove the smoke?

A) Breaking out all the windows with a crowbar.
B) Pulling down the ceiling with a six-foot hook.
C) Cutting through the floors with an eight-pound axe.
D) Manually opening all the windows and removing the screen.

9. Firefighters are required to operate on the subway tracks during emergencies in the subway stations. Which one of the following would present the greatest threat to the safety of a firefighter working on the subway tracks?

A) A subway platform crowded with people.
B) Rubbish burning in a small garbage can located on a subway platform.
C) A subway car entering a station.
D) A maintenance crew working on the track.

8. Firefighters conduct building inspections to locate potential life-threatening conditions in the even there is a fire. Which one of the following would the most-serious threat to life in the event of a fire?

A) An unlocked front door in a building.
B) A locked basement door in a building.
C) A car in the driveway of a building.
D) A building with a missing fire escape.

7. A fire department instructor is explaining the hazards of operating on a frozen lake to a newly-assigned firefighter. Which of the following is an action that a firefighter should not take in this situation?

A) Put on a personal flotation device.
B) Bring heavy equipment onto the lake.
C) Prohibit civilians from going out onto the lake.
D) Engage firefighter safety line prior to operating on ice.

6. After firefighters are sure that a fire has been extinguished, and that there is no hazard in the building, they begin a salvage operation. Salvage involves moving and covering furniture and other properties, covering broken windows and holes in the building with plastic, and redirecting and cleaning up water to minimize damage. After extinguishing a fire in a high-rise apartment building, firefighters begin salvage operations. Which of the following pieces of property is in the most danger of being damaged?

A) A leather couch that has been burned on one side.
B) A large screen television with a broken screen.
C) An antique painting hanging under a leaking ceiling.
D) A pillow laying [sic] on the floor in a puddle of water.


5. Firefighters have responded to an apartment for an emergency water leak and are now standing in front of the door to the apartment. Which one of the following actions should the firefighters take first to gain entry into the apartment?

A) Knock loudly on the door and then try the doorknob.
B) Cut a hole in the door with a portable saw.
C) Strike one of the door hinges with the back of an axe.
D) Locate the fire escape and climb into the apartment through a window.

4. A fire department instructor is explaining to a newly-assigned firefighter the hazards of electrical wires that have fallen in the street. Which one of the following is an action that a firefighter should NOT take?

A) Keep people away from the fallen wires.
B) Use caution when working near energized wires.
C) Handle highly-energized wires while standing in a puddle of water.
D) Notify the utility company and tell them to respond to the emergency.

3. Firefighters must stop the flow of traffic in the safest possible manner when operating at the scene of fires or other emergencies located on highways. Firefighters have been assigned to stop traffic at night while operating at the scene of a car fire located on a highway. Which one of the firefighters is the most likely to attract attention of motorists in the safest manner?

A) Firefighter Reilly, who is waving her hands back and forth.
B) Firefighter Chang, who is jumping up and down.
C) Firefighter Ali, who is yelling as loud as she can.
D) Firefighter Diaz, who is waving his flashlight in a back and forth motion.

2. Firefighters are sometimes expected to administer aid to victims who are bleeding. To control bleeding, firefighters must perform the following actions in the order given.

i. Apply direct pressure to the wound by placing a sterile dressing against the wound and applying firm pressure.
ii. If #1 is unsuccessful, elevate the bleeding part of the body above the level of the victim's heart.
iii. If #1 and #2 are unsuccessful, find the nearest artery by the wound and press the artery against the underlying bone.
iv. If #1, #2, and #3 are unsuccessful, use a tourniquet, which should be placed between the heart and the wound. Note: Tourniquets should only be used for severe, life threatening bleeding that cannot be controlled by other means.

Firefighter Jacobs has just come upon a young woman who has just started bleeding profusely from the lower part of her right arm. Which one of the following actions should Firefighter Jacobs take first to control the woman's bleeding?

A) Hold the woman's right arm above her head.
B) Apply a tourniquet just below the woman's right elbow.
C) Press the artery that is closest to the wound against a bone.
D) Use a sterile dressing to apply direct pressure to the wound.

1. While operating at the scene of a car fire on a street, a firefighter was told to inform the officer of any dangerous conditions at the scene. Which one of the following conditions would be considered most dangerous to the firefighter operating at the scene of the car fire?

A) The car is leaking gasoline.
B) The car has four flat tires.
C) Vehicle traffic has come to a complete stop at the scene.
D) The car's windshield is broken.

Answers: 10-D, 9-C, 8-D, 7-B, 6-C, 5-A, 4-C, 3-D, 2-D, 1-A
Oh and what they mean by "racist exams" is exams to hard for idiot negro's and mexicans and puerto ricans to pass. So now the citizens of NYC get to suffer with morons who aren't as smart as the previous firefighters were because its "equal"
CaféAuLait;8795958 said:
A sample of the questions which were considered racist. I'm having a hard time trying to see how these questions were not related to the job and how they can be construed as racist TBH.

10. A group of firefighters and their officer respond to a fifth floor apartment in a seven-story building. When they arrive at the apartment, they are told that the contents of a wastepaper basket was on fire, and the fire was extinguished prior to their arrival. The officer instructs the firefighters to ventilate, or remove, the smoke from the apartment by first using a method that will not cause damage to property. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate method for the firefighters to use to remove the smoke?

A) Breaking out all the windows with a crowbar.
B) Pulling down the ceiling with a six-foot hook.
C) Cutting through the floors with an eight-pound axe.
D) Manually opening all the windows and removing the screen.

9. Firefighters are required to operate on the subway tracks during emergencies in the subway stations. Which one of the following would present the greatest threat to the safety of a firefighter working on the subway tracks?

A) A subway platform crowded with people.
B) Rubbish burning in a small garbage can located on a subway platform.
C) A subway car entering a station.
D) A maintenance crew working on the track.

8. Firefighters conduct building inspections to locate potential life-threatening conditions in the even there is a fire. Which one of the following would the most-serious threat to life in the event of a fire?

A) An unlocked front door in a building.
B) A locked basement door in a building.
C) A car in the driveway of a building.
D) A building with a missing fire escape.

7. A fire department instructor is explaining the hazards of operating on a frozen lake to a newly-assigned firefighter. Which of the following is an action that a firefighter should not take in this situation?

A) Put on a personal flotation device.
B) Bring heavy equipment onto the lake.
C) Prohibit civilians from going out onto the lake.
D) Engage firefighter safety line prior to operating on ice.

6. After firefighters are sure that a fire has been extinguished, and that there is no hazard in the building, they begin a salvage operation. Salvage involves moving and covering furniture and other properties, covering broken windows and holes in the building with plastic, and redirecting and cleaning up water to minimize damage. After extinguishing a fire in a high-rise apartment building, firefighters begin salvage operations. Which of the following pieces of property is in the most danger of being damaged?

A) A leather couch that has been burned on one side.
B) A large screen television with a broken screen.
C) An antique painting hanging under a leaking ceiling.
D) A pillow laying [sic] on the floor in a puddle of water.


5. Firefighters have responded to an apartment for an emergency water leak and are now standing in front of the door to the apartment. Which one of the following actions should the firefighters take first to gain entry into the apartment?

A) Knock loudly on the door and then try the doorknob.
B) Cut a hole in the door with a portable saw.
C) Strike one of the door hinges with the back of an axe.
D) Locate the fire escape and climb into the apartment through a window.

4. A fire department instructor is explaining to a newly-assigned firefighter the hazards of electrical wires that have fallen in the street. Which one of the following is an action that a firefighter should NOT take?

A) Keep people away from the fallen wires.
B) Use caution when working near energized wires.
C) Handle highly-energized wires while standing in a puddle of water.
D) Notify the utility company and tell them to respond to the emergency.

3. Firefighters must stop the flow of traffic in the safest possible manner when operating at the scene of fires or other emergencies located on highways. Firefighters have been assigned to stop traffic at night while operating at the scene of a car fire located on a highway. Which one of the firefighters is the most likely to attract attention of motorists in the safest manner?

A) Firefighter Reilly, who is waving her hands back and forth.
B) Firefighter Chang, who is jumping up and down.
C) Firefighter Ali, who is yelling as loud as she can.
D) Firefighter Diaz, who is waving his flashlight in a back and forth motion.

2. Firefighters are sometimes expected to administer aid to victims who are bleeding. To control bleeding, firefighters must perform the following actions in the order given.

i. Apply direct pressure to the wound by placing a sterile dressing against the wound and applying firm pressure.
ii. If #1 is unsuccessful, elevate the bleeding part of the body above the level of the victim's heart.
iii. If #1 and #2 are unsuccessful, find the nearest artery by the wound and press the artery against the underlying bone.
iv. If #1, #2, and #3 are unsuccessful, use a tourniquet, which should be placed between the heart and the wound. Note: Tourniquets should only be used for severe, life threatening bleeding that cannot be controlled by other means.

Firefighter Jacobs has just come upon a young woman who has just started bleeding profusely from the lower part of her right arm. Which one of the following actions should Firefighter Jacobs take first to control the woman's bleeding?

A) Hold the woman's right arm above her head.
B) Apply a tourniquet just below the woman's right elbow.
C) Press the artery that is closest to the wound against a bone.
D) Use a sterile dressing to apply direct pressure to the wound.

1. While operating at the scene of a car fire on a street, a firefighter was told to inform the officer of any dangerous conditions at the scene. Which one of the following conditions would be considered most dangerous to the firefighter operating at the scene of the car fire?

A) The car is leaking gasoline.
B) The car has four flat tires.
C) Vehicle traffic has come to a complete stop at the scene.
D) The car's windshield is broken.

Answers: 10-D, 9-C, 8-D, 7-B, 6-C, 5-A, 4-C, 3-D, 2-D, 1-A
Holy christ I am not even a firefighter and I passed the damn thing! How fucking dumb do you have to be to fail!?
CaféAuLait;8795958 said:
A sample of the questions which were considered racist. I'm having a hard time trying to see how these questions were not related to the job and how they can be construed as racist TBH.

10. A group of firefighters and their officer respond to a fifth floor apartment in a seven-story building. When they arrive at the apartment, they are told that the contents of a wastepaper basket was on fire, and the fire was extinguished prior to their arrival. The officer instructs the firefighters to ventilate, or remove, the smoke from the apartment by first using a method that will not cause damage to property. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate method for the firefighters to use to remove the smoke?

A) Breaking out all the windows with a crowbar.
B) Pulling down the ceiling with a six-foot hook.
C) Cutting through the floors with an eight-pound axe.
D) Manually opening all the windows and removing the screen.

9. Firefighters are required to operate on the subway tracks during emergencies in the subway stations. Which one of the following would present the greatest threat to the safety of a firefighter working on the subway tracks?

A) A subway platform crowded with people.
B) Rubbish burning in a small garbage can located on a subway platform.
C) A subway car entering a station.
D) A maintenance crew working on the track.

8. Firefighters conduct building inspections to locate potential life-threatening conditions in the even there is a fire. Which one of the following would the most-serious threat to life in the event of a fire?

A) An unlocked front door in a building.
B) A locked basement door in a building.
C) A car in the driveway of a building.
D) A building with a missing fire escape.

7. A fire department instructor is explaining the hazards of operating on a frozen lake to a newly-assigned firefighter. Which of the following is an action that a firefighter should not take in this situation?

A) Put on a personal flotation device.
B) Bring heavy equipment onto the lake.
C) Prohibit civilians from going out onto the lake.
D) Engage firefighter safety line prior to operating on ice.

6. After firefighters are sure that a fire has been extinguished, and that there is no hazard in the building, they begin a salvage operation. Salvage involves moving and covering furniture and other properties, covering broken windows and holes in the building with plastic, and redirecting and cleaning up water to minimize damage. After extinguishing a fire in a high-rise apartment building, firefighters begin salvage operations. Which of the following pieces of property is in the most danger of being damaged?

A) A leather couch that has been burned on one side.
B) A large screen television with a broken screen.
C) An antique painting hanging under a leaking ceiling.
D) A pillow laying [sic] on the floor in a puddle of water.


5. Firefighters have responded to an apartment for an emergency water leak and are now standing in front of the door to the apartment. Which one of the following actions should the firefighters take first to gain entry into the apartment?

A) Knock loudly on the door and then try the doorknob.
B) Cut a hole in the door with a portable saw.
C) Strike one of the door hinges with the back of an axe.
D) Locate the fire escape and climb into the apartment through a window.

4. A fire department instructor is explaining to a newly-assigned firefighter the hazards of electrical wires that have fallen in the street. Which one of the following is an action that a firefighter should NOT take?

A) Keep people away from the fallen wires.
B) Use caution when working near energized wires.
C) Handle highly-energized wires while standing in a puddle of water.
D) Notify the utility company and tell them to respond to the emergency.

3. Firefighters must stop the flow of traffic in the safest possible manner when operating at the scene of fires or other emergencies located on highways. Firefighters have been assigned to stop traffic at night while operating at the scene of a car fire located on a highway. Which one of the firefighters is the most likely to attract attention of motorists in the safest manner?

A) Firefighter Reilly, who is waving her hands back and forth.
B) Firefighter Chang, who is jumping up and down.
C) Firefighter Ali, who is yelling as loud as she can.
D) Firefighter Diaz, who is waving his flashlight in a back and forth motion.

2. Firefighters are sometimes expected to administer aid to victims who are bleeding. To control bleeding, firefighters must perform the following actions in the order given.

i. Apply direct pressure to the wound by placing a sterile dressing against the wound and applying firm pressure.
ii. If #1 is unsuccessful, elevate the bleeding part of the body above the level of the victim's heart.
iii. If #1 and #2 are unsuccessful, find the nearest artery by the wound and press the artery against the underlying bone.
iv. If #1, #2, and #3 are unsuccessful, use a tourniquet, which should be placed between the heart and the wound. Note: Tourniquets should only be used for severe, life threatening bleeding that cannot be controlled by other means.

Firefighter Jacobs has just come upon a young woman who has just started bleeding profusely from the lower part of her right arm. Which one of the following actions should Firefighter Jacobs take first to control the woman's bleeding?

A) Hold the woman's right arm above her head.
B) Apply a tourniquet just below the woman's right elbow.
C) Press the artery that is closest to the wound against a bone.
D) Use a sterile dressing to apply direct pressure to the wound.

1. While operating at the scene of a car fire on a street, a firefighter was told to inform the officer of any dangerous conditions at the scene. Which one of the following conditions would be considered most dangerous to the firefighter operating at the scene of the car fire?

A) The car is leaking gasoline.
B) The car has four flat tires.
C) Vehicle traffic has come to a complete stop at the scene.
D) The car's windshield is broken.

Answers: 10-D, 9-C, 8-D, 7-B, 6-C, 5-A, 4-C, 3-D, 2-D, 1-A
I agree. The questions appear fine to me. I don't see what the issue is? :eusa_eh:

Here is an explanation that I just found, it breaks it down a bit more.

The city has failed to demonstrate a sufficient relationship between the tasks of a Firefighter and the abilities it intended to test on Exams 7029 and 2043. It has failed to take measures to ensure the reliability of those examinations; it has failed to take steps to ensure that that the reading level of the examinations was appropriate; it has failed to test for various recognized important abilities of a firefighter; it has failed to test for abilities needed upon entry into the Academy."

The U.S. Department of Justice brought the lawsuit against the city in 2007 as a result of the Vulcan Society filing complaints of disparate impact against minority candidates with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Vulcans became intervening plaintiffs in the case.

The two exams had multiple-choice questions. The 1999 exam asks the applicant if a Firefighter preparing to go to a fire has just put on gloves, what piece of equipment should the Firefighter put on next. It also provides several paragraph-long scenarios a Firefighter could encounter, followed up by questions about what procedures the Firefighter should follow and what equipment to use.

Judge Garaufis sided with the Vulcans, who have maintained that such questioning tested candidates on how much they already knew about firefighting rather than assessing their ability to succeed in the Fire Academy.

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York - FDNY : About Us

The ultimate ruling was reading levels were too high and blacks/hispanics do not score well on standardized tests therefore it was racist.

Therefore instead of written test an oral one is being demanded and or one which is physical.

Therefore, any written test for employment could be ruled as racist, no?
CaféAuLait;8796108 said:

Here is an explanation that I just found, it breaks it down a bit more.

The city has failed to demonstrate a sufficient relationship between the tasks of a Firefighter and the abilities it intended to test on Exams 7029 and 2043. It has failed to take measures to ensure the reliability of those examinations; it has failed to take steps to ensure that that the reading level of the examinations was appropriate; it has failed to test for various recognized important abilities of a firefighter; it has failed to test for abilities needed upon entry into the Academy."

The U.S. Department of Justice brought the lawsuit against the city in 2007 as a result of the Vulcan Society filing complaints of disparate impact against minority candidates with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Vulcans became intervening plaintiffs in the case.

The two exams had multiple-choice questions. The 1999 exam asks the applicant if a Firefighter preparing to go to a fire has just put on gloves, what piece of equipment should the Firefighter put on next. It also provides several paragraph-long scenarios a Firefighter could encounter, followed up by questions about what procedures the Firefighter should follow and what equipment to use.

Judge Garaufis sided with the Vulcans, who have maintained that such questioning tested candidates on how much they already knew about firefighting rather than assessing their ability to succeed in the Fire Academy.

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York - FDNY : About Us

The ultimate ruling was reading levels were too high and blacks/hispanics do not score well on standardized tests therefore it was racist.

Therefore instead of written test an oral one is being demanded and or one which is physical.

Therefore, any written test for employment could be ruled as racist, no?
This is absurd. The test questions looked ok to me.
This kind of shit is going on in major cities all over the country. Blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to pass a simple test, so they go to some ambulance chaser to fire off a class-action lawsuit to win some money and/or to get a free ride into a Fire/Police department.

But this one goes a step further and requires the FDNY to hire a "diversity executive position". Who's going to pay for that? Oh..that's right! The taxpayers! Another useless government bureaucrat who get's to sit around on his dead ass and threaten to label someone a racist for God knows what, and getting a yearly salary of probably 5 or 6 figures.
The only reason this was possible is because those who make these decisions think that black people are inferior. They believe that black people aren't smart enough to pass these tests, so its not fair. Its easy for white people, but not for those dumb black people.

How fucking embarrassing. How could any black person support such an insulting thing?

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