FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

Riiiiiiiight and FDR's policies kept it going his entire first 2 terms
I wonder why Hoover only served one term, and was then dumped?

What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?

Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
FDR, the icon hero of all Americans, from rational left to rational right.

FDR: Fascist Wannabe, oh wait, he did throw Americans into camps. Strike the wannabe
What do you expect? FDR endorsed Mussolini.
So did the rest of the world.
Churchill hated him.
Oh yeah, you hate Churchill for that.

FDR was his Uncle Joe's sock puppet and prosecuted the war as directed by Stalin
Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

Riiiiiiiight and FDR's policies kept it going his entire first 2 terms
I wonder why Hoover only served one term, and was then dumped?

What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.
Economists disagree. They say he dragged it out years longer than it should have gone. Kind of like Hopeychangy did.
Wait wait wait!! We have it all wrong! Progressives won't shy away from FDR because he was a Racist Fascist Economic Failure - THAT'S WHY THEY LOVE HIM!!!!!

We can spend the rest of our lives reminding our Progressive Friends that FDR was a Racist Fascist and it only inflames their love and adoration. We're fools to think they'll turn away from FDR because we highlight what they love most about him
Yep. The left worship Mao, Stalin, FDR, Chi etc because of their political, ethnic and economic agendas.
“On February 19, 1942 — seventy-four years ago today — Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. With the stroke of his pen, the man who had earlier snubbed Jesse Owens after the Berlin Olympics used his executive powers to order the imprisonment of over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry (as well as thousands of German and Italian ancestry) for the duration of World War II.”

"FDR invited all the white US Olympians to the White House, but not Jesse."

“Hitler Didn’t Snub Me — It Was Our President” | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR, typical Racist Democrat, oh wait this was before the Parties "Switched sides" so that makes FDR a Republican amiright?

1942 America

Sucked to be Black, Japanese, a woman, gay, Jewish, Mexican.......

...because of people like you.

Before my time.......

Because of people like you; just like you.
We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

Riiiiiiiight and FDR's policies kept it going his entire first 2 terms
I wonder why Hoover only served one term, and was then dumped?

What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Great Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than in really was. "Relief WORKERS" is the term used. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
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We should remove the statues of President Roosevelt because he was a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly why Blacks and other minorities including Japanese-Americans vote Democratic.


You think they are informed that FDR snubbed Jesse Owens or that he perverted a real scientific Syphilis experiments by denying black treatment? FDR's Tuskegee Experiments probably influenced Mengele and the Nazis
Riiiiiiiight and FDR's policies kept it going his entire first 2 terms
I wonder why Hoover only served one term, and was then dumped?

What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than in really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
We should remove the statues of President Roosevelt because he was a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly why Blacks and other minorities including Japanese-Americans vote Democratic.


You think they are informed that FDR snubbed Jesse Owens or that he perverted a real scientific Syphilis experiments by denying black treatment? FDR's Tuskegee Experiments probably influenced Mengele and the Nazis
FDR sanctioning medical experiments on blacks makes today’s Left worship him.
We should remove the statues of President Roosevelt because he was a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly why Blacks and other minorities including Japanese-Americans vote Democratic.


You think they are informed that FDR snubbed Jesse Owens or that he perverted a real scientific Syphilis experiments by denying black treatment? FDR's Tuskegee Experiments probably influenced Mengele and the Nazis
FDR sanctioning medical experiments on blacks makes today’s Left worship him.

FDR, he did racism right
I wonder why Hoover only served one term, and was then dumped?

What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?

The part where he doesn't want to admit the truth
We should remove the statues of President Roosevelt because he was a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly why Blacks and other minorities including Japanese-Americans vote Democratic.


You think they are informed that FDR snubbed Jesse Owens or that he perverted a real scientific Syphilis experiments by denying black treatment? FDR's Tuskegee Experiments probably influenced Mengele and the Nazis
FDR sanctioning medical experiments on blacks makes today’s Left worship him.

FDR, he did racism right
Why do you change the subject whenever anyone disputes and debunks one of your misinformed or false comments?
What does that have to do with FDR's miserable economic failure?
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

And Obama repeated his failures.
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

And Obama repeated his failures.

What happened with the 3 years under Hoover?
Unemployment went up to 30 percent

FDRs policies were centered on easing the suffering of the Depression. Provide food, public employment, housing
Emphasis on helping people who need help

Whether the banks recovered quickly enough was not a priority

As FDR said.....People don't eat on the long term
FDR's economic policies are the greatest success in American economic history. America is still reaping huge profits from his economic programs and policies. Greater Presidential legacy in American Presidential history.

20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

And Obama repeated his failures.
A single opinion piece was written as a thesis and you guys use this thesis as if it were a scholastically accepted journal. OK, but even it by it's self-does not disprove or even challenge anything in my post. Ir merely promotes a subjective belief that some programs were detrimental to private industrial growth in exchange for public infrastructure growth.
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20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

And Obama repeated his failures.
A single opinion piece was written as a thesis and you guys use this thesis as if it were a scholastically accepted journal. OK, but even it by it's self-does not disprove or even challenge anything in my post. Ir merely promotes a subjective belief that some programs were detrimental to private industrial growth in exchange for public infrastructure growth.

FDRs policies were centered on getting people back to work and easing suffering

Whether the capitalists were making as much money as they could was not a concern
20% unemployment his entire first 2 terms is a "Success"?
Yeah, sure and Jake is a Republican
When FDR came into office the Grear Depression had been going on for 4 years. Unemployment was 30%. His New Deal programs put Americans back to work, but because they were government jobs and American subsidized paychecks a system of declaring those workers as "unemployed" is used to make it appear that the unemployment rate was higher than it really was. In other words, the people who built the Lincoln Tunnel, Dams, roads, airports, Post Offices, schools, etc. were unemployed. Heck, even the folks who increased the size of Navy Ports and Yards in preparation for the war were unemployed.
Figures you’d lie to defend a racist.
Which part of the post do you claim is a lie?
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

And Obama repeated his failures.
A single opinion piece was written as a thesis and you guys use this thesis as if it were a scholastically accepted journal. OK, but even it by it's self-does not disprove or even challenge anything in my post. Ir merely promotes a subjective belief that some programs were detrimental to private industrial growth in exchange for public infrastructure growth.
Ok, link to one economic report in the last 20 years stating FDR used sound economic policies.

Interesting how you leftists tear down statues of our Founding Fathers yet use FDR as your icon.
We should remove the statues of President Roosevelt because he was a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly why Blacks and other minorities including Japanese-Americans vote Democratic.


You think they are informed that FDR snubbed Jesse Owens or that he perverted a real scientific Syphilis experiments by denying black treatment? FDR's Tuskegee Experiments probably influenced Mengele and the Nazis
FDR sanctioning medical experiments on blacks makes today’s Left worship him.

FDR, he did racism right
I don't know if Blacks were that concerned about Jesse Owens or the syphilis experiments, but they were interested in jobs. Jobs was where the battle was during the Great Depression and FDR's policies hired Blacks. Who do Blacks vote for today, Republicans or Democrats?

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