The re-location of the West Coast Japanese during WWII...what really happened.

These were not Japanese being put into internment camps. These were Americans.
Americans of questionable loyalty. Americans of that era would have called anyone who sympathized with the Japanese a collaborator. We weren't too interested in diversity and inclusion wasn't even a thought.
Long answer
During World War II, Japanese Americans living in the United States, including those in Hawaii, were indeed subjected to internment or incarceration in camps. However, the circumstances surrounding the internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii differed from those on the U.S. mainland.
Hawaii had a significant Japanese American population prior to World War II, comprising about 37% of the territory's population. The local economy heavily relied on Japanese American labor, particularly in the agricultural industry. Additionally, Japanese Americans had been living in Hawaii for several generations, and they had become an integral part of the social and economic fabric of the islands.
Given the unique circumstances of Hawaii, the U.S. government adopted a different approach compared to the mainland when it came to Japanese Americans. The authorities recognized the critical role played by Japanese Americans in the local economy and feared that their mass removal would severely disrupt the islands' infrastructure and economy.
Instead of mass internment, the U.S. government implemented a policy of selective internment in Hawaii. The government identified individuals who were deemed potential security risks or who held leadership positions in Japanese community organizations. Approximately 1,200 Japanese Americans in Hawaii, mostly community leaders, were arrested and interned in mainland camps.
It is important to note that the internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii was still a violation of their civil rights, and many families experienced significant hardships as a result. However, the scope and scale of internment in Hawaii were significantly smaller compared to the mass internment that occurred on the U.S. mainland.
Exactly. It had NOTHING to do with safety against was strictly economic.
FDR was charged with protrecting America and defeating the Japanese.....that was a huge, huge responsibility of course....he led the way to victory.

If politically correct elitists were in charge back then like they are now we would have either lost the war or still be fighting it.

FDR relocated the west coast Japanese for several reasons.....the breaking of the Magic Code proved there were Japanese radicals loyal to the emperor mixed in with the japanese citizens that were loyal to Amerioca, there were Japanese spies and potentia saboteurs, and thus unable to determine with certainty who was who...also it was not know how the japanese would react if the Japanese mounted a west coast invasion which was a possibility and it provoked widespread fear.........thus .it was deemed the best way to handle the problem would be to relocate the west coast japanese.

“Recently declassified MAGIC intelligence . . . clearly supports President Roosevelt’s controversial wartime decision to issue Executive Order No. 9066, which served as the authority to evacuate more than 112 thousand residents of Japanese descent from the West Coast of the United States at the beginning of World War II,” argues Lowman, a former official of the National Security Agency, in his posthumously published book. “In addition to MAGIC, the president had available to him alarming assessments from the U.S. intelligence community which reported large-scale disloyalty, espionage and potential sabotage by U.S. residents of Japanese ancestry.”

Magic: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents from the West Coast​

In late 1940 members of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service broke Japan's highest level diplomatic code and then constructed a machine that was an analog of the one used by the Japanese. This allowed the U.S. to read Japan's diplomatic traffic from then until after the end of the war. Intelligence thus gained was cover named MAGIC because it seemed that only magicians could have produced it.
Among the decoded messages of 1941 were a number detailing espionage planning and operations involving Japanese-Americans along the West Coast. In February 1942 President Roosevelt authorized the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry.

In 1983 a congressional commission, ignoring available declassified intelligence and ignorant of MAGIC revelations, concluded the President's action was the result of racism, war hysteria and lack of political will.

Now for the first time David D. Lowman, using MAGIC messages and declassified Army, Navy and FBI reports, presents the real reasons for the evacuation. As a former high level officer in the National Security Agency and a witness before congressional committees dealing with the evacuation he was uniquely qualified to tell this story. Those who could never quite believe the base motives attributed to our wartime leaders and our country will find Lowman's story compelling.

Amazon product ASIN 0960273611
One especially inflammatory message, for example, was sent by a Japanese intelligence operative in Los Angeles to Tokyo on May 9, 1941. “We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials, and report the amounts and destinations of such shipments,” reads the deciphered message. “We also have connections with our second generations working in airplane plants for intelligence purposes.”
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The Japanese Shinto religion asserted and promoted belief in the divinity and worship of the Emperor leading up to WWII.....this belief arose from a genealogical family tree extending back to the first emperor and to the most important deities of Japanese mythology.

Thus since many of the West Coast Japanese followed this religion and thus believed their emperor was a god their true loyalty was to the Japanese Emperor.....

So.....there was much concern at the highest levels in Washington regarding what would the japanese do if their emporor ordered them to undertake un-american activities?

Just another fractor indicating the West Coast Japanese may have been a possible threat to our national security in wartime and that the 'threat'must be dealt with....but in a humane American manner......and despite the liberal propaganda.....the camps were very humane.

Unlike Americans taken prisorner by Japan.....of whom over 40% of were killed....not even to mention those who were used as gujnea pigs in horrendous medical experiments and died excruciating and painful deaths.

Americans of questionable loyalty. Americans of that era would have called anyone who sympathized with the Japanese a collaborator. We weren't too interested in diversity and inclusion wasn't even a thought.
It has nothing to do with diversity or inclusion, just racism.
Oh, get over yourself, both sides do that.

Also, I can't really have much of an opinion about Mr. Takei, who stayed deep in the closet when Star Trek was popular, because he didn't want to ruin his chance of getting casting calls.

Well, speaking as someone whose grandfather actually DID change the pronunciation of his last name after WWI, bullshit.

What you forget is the absolute shock that the initial Japanese attack was. Actually, much worse than 9/11 in many ways. It was swiftly followed up by the Japanese scooping up our bases in the Philippines, Guam, Wake, etc. You seem to want to talk about 'We were mean to Japanese Americans" without talking about the Rape of Nanking or the Bataan Death March.

That's not true, either. IN fact 11,500 Germans and 3000 Italian Americans were also interned during the war.

So a few points. During the war, we made a distinction between the Average German or Italian and the Nazis and Fascists. We really made no such distinction with the Japanese because they didn't seem to have a political aspect. As a nation, they seemed blindly loyal to the Emperor (who should have been hanged as a war criminal.) Also, in terms of pure numbers, there were millions of German and Italian immigrants and second generation citizens. So the Germans who got locked up were guys like Ernst Kuhn, who was the leader of the German-American Bund.

Also, no one thought the Germans were going to hit the East Coast with their one battleship that they had to keep hiding in the fjords of Norway so no one would sink it. Japan had dozens of capital ships

Yes, I'm so racist against Asian people that I'm engaged to a Chinese woman. (Who actually legitimately hates the Japanese.)
Rationalizing racism and hating gays isn't a good look.


"Some of my best friends are...."
The typical racist response.
Now for the truth boyo........................German American citizens were incarcerated during WWII in the United States.2 The exact population of German POWs in World War I is difficult to ascertain because they were housed in the same facilities used to detain civilians of German heritage residing in the United States, but there were known to be 406 German POWs at Fort Douglas and 1,373 at Fort McPherson. The prisoners built furniture and worked on local roads. The few dozen who died while incarcerated as POWs were buried at Ft. Douglas, Utah, the Chattanooga National Cemetery, and Fort Lyon, Colorado.0 During WWII, German nationals and German Americans in the US were detained and/or evicted from coastal areas on an individual basis. The legal basis for this detention was under Presidential Proclamation 2526, made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the authority of the Alien Enemies Act.2 At its peak in May 1945, a total of 425,871 POWs were held in the US, including 371,683 Germans, 50,273 Italians, and 3,915 Japanese. Know – The-,Internment,-Camps of Germans

Followed your link and may I say BWAHAHAHAHA


Justifying racism with "but they" is a bad look.
I'll take the word of someone who was there. George Takei
There were US citizens, not foreign nationals and many native born.
Germans and Italians were interned by the US during WWII
Where did I do either?

Look, man, I don't want to sound like Mac1958 here, but he has a point about Political Correctness. If you are afraid to say truths for fear of offending people, then we get nowhere near the truth.
"Also, I can't really have much of an opinion about Mr. Takei, who stayed deep in the closet when Star Trek was popular, because he didn't want to ruin his chance of getting casting calls."
Here's just one.

And your hate is not truth, except to you.
"Also, I can't really have much of an opinion about Mr. Takei, who stayed deep in the closet when Star Trek was popular, because he didn't want to ruin his chance of getting casting calls."
Here's just one.

And your hate is not truth, except to you.

Why is that a hateful statement.

George Takei didn't come out of the closet until 2005. You know, after the last bad Trek Spinoff had gone off the air, and the last movie bombed. (Although I read his autobiography when Trek was a big thing in the early 90's... and yeah, you could tell.)

Compare that to someone like Ellen DeGeneres, who came out while her show was still on and took the hits on it.

He was more interested in maintaining his career than he was in advancing the cause he believed in.

I get into actual arguments with the hard core homophobes on this board every day.... I'm not the kind of person who just puts up a pride flag in June to feel better about himself.
Why is that a hateful statement.

George Takei didn't come out of the closet until 2005. You know, after the last bad Trek Spinoff had gone off the air, and the last movie bombed. (Although I read his autobiography when Trek was a big thing in the early 90's... and yeah, you could tell.)

Compare that to someone like Ellen DeGeneres, who came out while her show was still on and took the hits on it.

He was more interested in maintaining his career than he was in advancing the cause he believed in.

I get into actual arguments with the hard core homophobes on this board every day.... I'm not the kind of person who just puts up a pride flag in June to feel better about himself.
So you criticize him for being in the closet when coming out would have put his life in danger, not just his career. Hate the "fag"
But praise Ellen for coming out when many stars had already done so. But not the "Les"

that attitude is common among folks like you. It's almost as if you're afraid of being gay.

So you criticize him for being in the closet when coming out would have put his life in danger, not just his career. Hate the "fag"

Oh, please, no one was going to hunt him down in the 1990's for coming out of the closet.

Or the 1980's.

But praise Ellen for coming out when many stars had already done so. But not the "Les"
Ellen came out in 1997.

that attitude is common among folks like you. It's almost as if you're afraid of being gay.

Naw, man, there are a lot of gay people I admire.

George Takei, on the other hand, is a whiny little bitch. The man is still whining "Shatner was mean to me". Oh, boo hoo, the Star of a show was mean to an interchangeable day-player.
Oh, please, no one was going to hunt him down in the 1990's for coming out of the closet.

Or the 1980's.

Ellen came out in 1997.

Naw, man, there are a lot of gay people I admire.

George Takei, on the other hand, is a whiny little bitch. The man is still whining "Shatner was mean to me". Oh, boo hoo, the Star of a show was mean to an interchangeable day-player.
Hate the "fags" but not the "Les'"
Typical of the closet queens.

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