FDR: Warning about today's Republicans

Frank, thank you for that moment of moral insanity, yet once again.


Communist sock Puppet FDR handed China to Mao and Easter Europe to Uncle Joe Stalin and is a co-conspirator in the mass murders of tens of millions of innocent humans and in the enslavement of over a billion.

He is one of the worst Presidents ever and I don't care what he has to say about anthing
Frank gives another demonstration of his own personal and moral insanity.
Frank gives another demonstration of his own personal and moral insanity.

Like all good Progressives, Jake blindly defends FDR in the face of his abetting history's two greatest mass murderers: Mao and Uncle Joe.

How is criticizing mass murder "Moral insanity"?
Frank is a progressive conservative of the most reactionary sort.

His gibberish is entertaining for a while, but only for a period of time.

Frank, based on his last post, would have supported Hitler and the Japanese.

You are morally insane because you try to isolate our wartime allies and place their atrocities as the responsbility of the West. Factually and philosophically false.

The USA and the West opposed communism after WWI: winning more than losing in the West, losing more than winning in the East.

But never as a willing or duplicitous accomplice of those evil dicators.

You willingly are distortiing the truth for political purposes: you are falsifying the story of mass murder for yoru ends.

That is morally insane.
Frank is a progressive conservative of the most reactionary sort.

His gibberish is entertaining for a while, but only for a period of time.

Frank, based on his last post, would have supported Hitler and the Japanese.

You are morally insane because you try to isolate our wartime allies and place their atrocities as the responsbility of the West. Factually and philosophically false.

The USA and the West opposed communism after WWI: winning more than losing in the West, losing more than winning in the East.

But never as a willing or duplicitous accomplice of those evil dicators.

You willingly are distortiing the truth for political purposes: you are falsifying the story of mass murder for yoru ends.

That is morally insane.

Topic: FDR aided Chairman Mao get control of China and Uncle Joe get control of Eastern Europe leading directly to the mass murder of tens of millions.

Jakes Comment: Lala land

See the problem?
Frank is a progressive conservative of the most reactionary sort.

His gibberish is entertaining for a while, but only for a period of time.

Frank, based on his last post, would have supported Hitler and the Japanese.

You are morally insane because you try to isolate our wartime allies and place their atrocities as the responsbility of the West. Factually and philosophically false.

The USA and the West opposed communism after WWI: winning more than losing in the West, losing more than winning in the East.

But never as a willing or duplicitous accomplice of those evil dicators.

You willingly are distortiing the truth for political purposes: you are falsifying the story of mass murder for yoru ends.

That is morally insane.

Topic: FDR aided Chairman Mao get control of China and Uncle Joe get control of Eastern Europe leading directly to the mass murder of tens of millions.

Jakes Comment: Lala land

See the problem?

absolutely false and you know it
Frank is a progressive conservative of the most reactionary sort.

His gibberish is entertaining for a while, but only for a period of time.

Frank, based on his last post, would have supported Hitler and the Japanese.

You are morally insane because you try to isolate our wartime allies and place their atrocities as the responsbility of the West. Factually and philosophically false.

The USA and the West opposed communism after WWI: winning more than losing in the West, losing more than winning in the East.

But never as a willing or duplicitous accomplice of those evil dicators.

You willingly are distortiing the truth for political purposes: you are falsifying the story of mass murder for yoru ends.

That is morally insane.

Topic: FDR aided Chairman Mao get control of China and Uncle Joe get control of Eastern Europe leading directly to the mass murder of tens of millions.

Jakes Comment: Lala land

See the problem?

absolutely false and you know it


FDR, on advice of genuine Communists spies working at the WH and State abandoned Chek in favor of "Progressive" and "democratic" Mao

FDR, on advice of genuine Communists spies working at the WH and State abandoned Eastern Europe in favor of "Uncle Joe" Stalin

That's the facts.
FDR ruined the country by destroying capitalism and ushering in social corporatism and has the gull to lecture ME about the 21st century? Fuck. That.
FDR ruined the country by destroying capitalism and ushering in social corporatism and has the gull to lecture ME about the 21st century? Fuck. That.

FDR: Allowed Pearl Harbor to happen on his watch, FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years, Joe McCarthy warned us that US State and WH Staff reported directly to Moscow, handed China and Eastern Europe to his pals, history's 2 biggest mass murderers Mao and Uncle Joe, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, Japanese Internment. That's why Progressive call him "Great"
The far right reactionary lies are meaningless, guys. You are not taken seriously whatsoever.
FDR, wasn't he the president who issued a presidential order to incarcerate about 10,000 American Japanese without due process? Wasn't he the president who tried to stack the Supreme Court with 20 liberal justices?
FDR, wasn't he the president who issued a presidential order to incarcerate about 10,000 American Japanese without due process? Wasn't he the president who tried to stack the Supreme Court with 20 liberal justices?

Wasn't he the president that led the nation through the Great Depression and WWII, creating the greatest nation ever created? By gum, yes, he was.
FDR, wasn't he the president who issued a presidential order to incarcerate about 10,000 American Japanese without due process? Wasn't he the president who tried to stack the Supreme Court with 20 liberal justices?

Wasn't he the president that led the nation through the Great Depression and WWII, creating the greatest nation ever created? By gum, yes, he was.

FDR was elected in 1932 on a platform to end the recession. Under his leadership the recession turned into a soup-line depression that lasted through his first two terms until he finally got the US into the war he wanted. Democrats ran a corpse for his 4th term and told Americans he was fine.
Whitehall, that is not an answer at all and not not fit with the facts at all. You tried that in a freshman history course at Oral Roberts or Maine, Baylor or Brigham Young, or Notre Dame ~ you would get an F, and rightly so.
Whitehall, that is not an answer at all and not not fit with the facts at all. You tried that in a freshman history course at Oral Roberts or Maine, Baylor or Brigham Young, or Notre Dame ~ you would get an F, and rightly so.

What's the answer jake? We dismiss the charge that an executive order incarcerated 10,000 American citizens without due process because FDR did good things related to the depression that raged during his first two terms? FDR didn't try to stack the Supreme Court with liberal justices? I doubt if I would get a passing grade in any university today simply because the secondary education system that formerly was the center for the exchange of ideas has become a closed minded center for liberalism.
Your question is immaterial to the overwhelming greatness of FDR as a president.

A professor would guide you in terms of critical thinking, context, and totality.

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