FDR: Warning about today's Republicans

The Siena College Research Institute has asked 238 presidential scholars to rank presidents five times since 1982. This year was a polling year. Franklin Roosevelt came in first, Barack Obama at 15th, George W. Bush at 40th, and Andrew Johnson dead last.

How Historians Rank the Presidents - Julia Edwards - NationalJournal.com

FDR was a scumbag, and the most dangerous person to ever occupy the office.

he also did really shitty in college and admitted he had no interest in learning economics either before or during his presidency.

Which is apropos of nothing.
The Siena College Research Institute has asked 238 presidential scholars to rank presidents five times since 1982. This year was a polling year. Franklin Roosevelt came in first, Barack Obama at 15th, George W. Bush at 40th, and Andrew Johnson dead last.

How Historians Rank the Presidents - Julia Edwards - NationalJournal.com

FDR was a scumbag, and the most dangerous person to ever occupy the office.

And you rate with CrusaderFrank as one of the most morally insane on the Board. :lol:

Well, coming from you that means...less than fucking nothing.
The Siena College Research Institute has asked 238 presidential scholars to rank presidents five times since 1982. This year was a polling year. Franklin Roosevelt came in first, Barack Obama at 15th, George W. Bush at 40th, and Andrew Johnson dead last.

How Historians Rank the Presidents - Julia Edwards - NationalJournal.com

FDR was a scumbag, and the most dangerous person to ever occupy the office.

And you rate with CrusaderFrank as one of the most morally insane on the Board. :lol:


Without FDR support of Communist Chinese, all of China would have been like Taiwan and tens of million would still be alive

Without FDR support of Soviet Communism, all of Eastern Europe would be free and tens of million would still be alive.

You and Progressives are morally insane for supporting Communism and mass murder which always seems to go hand in hand
FDR was truly a great American hero, and those who can't or won't accept it, well, doesn't matter now, does it?

FDR ruined the country by destroying capitalism and ushering in social corporatism and has the gull to lecture ME about the 21st century? Fuck. That.

To have voiced that in FDRs time, to the folks who he was helping to keep from starving, by the work programs would have gotten a mob whipping your ass.

FDR and what he set forth created the largest middle class in world history. Most see this as good. You don't so you might as well be a traitor to your own middle class.

Most of you middle class brats would not be there because your ancestors would have never climbed up from poverty by the FDR deeds that lived on. Ingrates is what you fuckers are, and you have not trouble biting the hand that has fed you. Only cons could ever be so blind.

We have FDRs legacy and we see the cons legacy. Only a fool would pick what the cons have done to this economy and the middle class. Now, excuse me while I go and puke.
FDR ruined the country by destroying capitalism and ushering in social corporatism and has the gull to lecture ME about the 21st century? Fuck. That.

To have voiced that in FDRs time, to the folks who he was helping to keep from starving, by the work programs would have gotten a mob whipping your ass.

FDR and what he set forth created the largest middle class in world history. Most see this as good. You don't so you might as well be a traitor to your own middle class.

Most of you middle class brats would not be there because your ancestors would have never climbed up from poverty by the FDR deeds that lived on. Ingrates is what you fuckers are, and you have not trouble biting the hand that has fed you. Only cons could ever be so blind.

We have FDRs legacy and we see the cons legacy. Only a fool would pick what the cons have done to this economy and the middle class. Now, excuse me while I go and puke.

You're either stupid or lying. FDR was responsible for an economy worse that the 7 Biblical Lean Years. He average almost 20% unemployment from his inauguration until the official start of WWII. The only thing that ended the FDR Depression (there was nothing "Great" about it) was that Hitler conquered France in 1940 and we started moving to a wartime economy
Frank, you are completely and utterly wrong.

One, FDR and the USA fought the depression, led the Allies to victory against militarism and fascism, and created the strongest economy in the world, which created the greatest middle class in the world's history.

Two, you argument about the depression is only valid in the larger context that it was world wide.

Three, if you wrote this in your home town during the GD or WII, you would have been shunned at the very least, rightfully so.
Frank, you are completely and utterly wrong.

One, FDR and the USA fought the depression, led the Allies to victory against militarism and fascism, and created the strongest economy in the world, which created the greatest middle class in the world's history.

Two, you argument about the depression is only valid in the larger context that it was world wide.

Three, if you wrote this in your home town during the GD or WII, you would have been shunned at the very least, rightfully so.

actually, the economy only improved in the 50s when eisenhower dismantled a lot of FDRs progressive (more like regressive) policies.
Reconsider, Liberty. Check the economic stats beginning in 1946 and then after the recession. Factor in the real import of the GI Bill and many of the Truman and Eisenhower programs. Do reconsider.
Hoover was president in 1930. He did more economic progressive liberal interaction with the economy than any president before him. It did not work. No, the USA could not recover any more than it had before WWII intervened.

One, you ignored what I posted above.

Two, almost 300 historians rated FDR as the best president.
Frank, you are completely and utterly wrong.

One, FDR and the USA fought the depression, led the Allies to victory against militarism and fascism, and created the strongest economy in the world, which created the greatest middle class in the world's history.

Two, you argument about the depression is only valid in the larger context that it was world wide.

Three, if you wrote this in your home town during the GD or WII, you would have been shunned at the very least, rightfully so.

First, on advice of genuine Communist spies, FDR abandoned Free China and Shek in favor of history biggest mass murderer, Progressive Mao. Have you looked that up at all? You seem to be totally ignorant on the subject

Second, on advice of genuine Communist spies, FDR abandoned eastern Europe in favor of history second biggest mass murderer, "Uncle" Joe

Third, he turned a monetary recession into the planet's worst Depression ever, worse than the 7 Biblical lean Years; his own SecTres said his ideas were an epic fail.

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