Fear of Islam, immigrants and diversity are leading indicators of Donald Trump support

Listen you stupid fuck

The Chinese were very hard working people and YOUR ancestors could not compete. Reason a RACIST SCOTUS ruled that they could be interdicted , detained and deported.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

No, my dick measures 12.75 inches .. So I guess I took after my Afro-American father. My mother is white .

You are a low life scumbag . Not because you are white but because your genes are fucked up.

ah a halfbreed mutt! I would get mad as well....I got a ex sister that's a n!gger lover we haven't spoken in years and I have no interest in speaking to her disgusting ass. Race mixers are disgusting.

No, SHE has no interest in speaking to you.

It sucks to be you.

Actually no she has tried contacting me and my wife via FB and through other relatives. We want nothing to do with her disgusting ass. She can take her pot head smoking,n!gger loving race mixing ass elsewhere...

You fail at human being.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? How is acting like a racist prick going to help anything? You do far more damage to the conservative cause then any liberal ever could.

.... I care about my race...

You don't have one. Loser is not a race.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? How is acting like a racist prick going to help anything? You do far more damage to the conservative cause then any liberal ever could.
I am NOT a conservative. I care about my race cuntservatives care about their money.

In the early 90's I found myself in living in a trailer park in Topeka, Kansas. Many of our "race" are useless sacks of shit. Judgeing people by their level of skin pigmentation is beyond asinine.

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