Fear of Islam, immigrants and diversity are leading indicators of Donald Trump support

Been saying this for months. Now there is some polling data to support the premise

That headline may be self-evident these days, but at least we have some pretty solid data to back it up.

According to a new Pew Research study, if you look just at Republican voters who think the growing number of newcomers in the United States “threatens traditional American customs and values,” more than twice as many have "warm feelings toward Donald Trump" as have cold ones. Among those who say immigrants strengthen U.S. society, it's about 2-to-1 in the other direction.

Fear of Islam, immigrants and diversity are leading indicators of Donald Trump support

Support for Trump is based on bigotry and xenophobia

The same was true of feelings about Islam and the fact that the U.S. population, in a few decades, will be mostly black, Latino and Asian, not white. In both cases, attitudes more antipathetic toward Islam and the country's increasing diversity were more in-line with Trump support, while people who thought Islam is not more violent than other religions and that increased diversity isn't a bad thing were colder toward Trump.

There isn't anyone who says that current immigration laws should be removed. They just want them enforced so if people were really as bigoted and xenophobic as you say then why isn't anyone proposing that we have zero immigration into this country?
Immigration laws are being enforced, to ‘argue’ otherwise is as ignorant as it is wrong.

That you believe they’re ‘not being enforced’ for subjective, partisan reasons doesn’t make it true.

Conservatives are, for the most part, reactionaries – they fear change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty – these facts are settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

And immigration is particularly frightening to most on the right, where nativism has been fundamental dogma of republicans for 150 years.
Evidence that immigration laws are not being effectively enforced is the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the country.
I'm Asian. I have an MBA and work for a Fortune 500 company.
Do it in Asia. :)

Why would I do that? I was born and raised in Boston. Maybe you should move to Europe you dumb cracker.
America was founded by MY ancestors not yours. At most you laid the train tracks :)

Listen you stupid fuck

The Chinese were very hard working people and YOUR ancestors could not compete. Reason a RACIST SCOTUS ruled that they could be interdicted , detained and deported.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

This nation has never been for cowards and weaklings like you.
Illegals are NOT immigrants. When will the illegal collaborators stop trying to paint them as such? If someone breaks into your house they don't become the homeowner. If someone steals your car they don't have a right to drive it around.
Been saying this for months. Now there is some polling data to support the premise

That headline may be self-evident these days, but at least we have some pretty solid data to back it up.

According to a new Pew Research study, if you look just at Republican voters who think the growing number of newcomers in the United States “threatens traditional American customs and values,” more than twice as many have "warm feelings toward Donald Trump" as have cold ones. Among those who say immigrants strengthen U.S. society, it's about 2-to-1 in the other direction.

Fear of Islam, immigrants and diversity are leading indicators of Donald Trump support

Support for Trump is based on bigotry and xenophobia

The same was true of feelings about Islam and the fact that the U.S. population, in a few decades, will be mostly black, Latino and Asian, not white. In both cases, attitudes more antipathetic toward Islam and the country's increasing diversity were more in-line with Trump support, while people who thought Islam is not more violent than other religions and that increased diversity isn't a bad thing were colder toward Trump.

Fear is the power plant of all right-wingers, their very core, their reason for existence.
Incorrect. A realistic understanding of the situation encourages us to be vigilant and to take steps that are common sense. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Good old common sense. Something that's totally lacking today especially on the left.

They would rather be PC and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with them as being a racist, a woman hater, an Islamaphobe and someone who hates illegal immigrants. No matter they are in the country illegally. Guess the ILLEGAL part just slips their minds.

As for fear?? Nah. Just common sense.
Fear is the power plant of all right-wingers, their very core, their reason for existence.
Incorrect. A realistic understanding of the situation encourages us to be vigilant and to take steps that are common sense. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Good old common sense. Something that's totally lacking today especially on the left.

They would rather be PC and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with them as being a racist, a woman hater, an Islamaphobe and someone who hates illegal immigrants. No matter they are in the country illegally. Guess the ILLEGAL part just slips their minds.

As for fear?? Nah. Just common sense.
Ninja proves exactly what I said.
America was founded by MY ancestors not yours. At most you laid the train tracks :)

Listen you stupid fuck

The Chinese were very hard working people and YOUR ancestors could not compete. Reason a RACIST SCOTUS ruled that they could be interdicted , detained and deported.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

No, my dick measures 12.75 inches .. So I guess I took after my Afro-American father. My mother is white .

You are a low life scumbag . Not because you are white but because your genes are fucked up.

ah a halfbreed mutt! I would get mad as well....I got a ex sister that's a n!gger lover we haven't spoken in years and I have no interest in speaking to her disgusting ass. Race mixers are disgusting.

No, SHE has no interest in speaking to you.

It sucks to be you.

Actually no she has tried contacting me and my wife via FB and through other relatives. We want nothing to do with her disgusting ass. She can take her pot head smoking,n!gger loving race mixing ass elsewhere...
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? How is acting like a racist prick going to help anything? You do far more damage to the conservative cause then any liberal ever could.
I am NOT a conservative. I care about my race cuntservatives care about their money.
ROFLMAO! I hit a nerve let me guess you are "asian" as well?
Get over it. This nation was settled and organized by WHITE MEN. It was intended for FREE WHITE PEOPLE.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? How is acting like a racist prick going to help anything? You do far more damage to the conservative cause then any liberal ever could.
I am NOT a conservative. I care about my race cuntservatives care about their money.

Your signature sounds kind of racist. I just want to say that.
Fear is the power plant of all right-wingers, their very core, their reason for existence.
Incorrect. A realistic understanding of the situation encourages us to be vigilant and to take steps that are common sense. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Good old common sense. Something that's totally lacking today especially on the left.

They would rather be PC and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with them as being a racist, a woman hater, an Islamaphobe and someone who hates illegal immigrants. No matter they are in the country illegally. Guess the ILLEGAL part just slips their minds.

As for fear?? Nah. Just common sense.

Like all religions it has its own ethical code of conduct that must be followed even till death. Moral christians will not violate the ten commandments and liberals won't violate PC rules. It is kind of weird but it makes sense when you understand the religious nature of the fascist state.
Been saying this for months. Now there is some polling data to support the premise

That headline may be self-evident these days, but at least we have some pretty solid data to back it up.

According to a new Pew Research study, if you look just at Republican voters who think the growing number of newcomers in the United States “threatens traditional American customs and values,” more than twice as many have "warm feelings toward Donald Trump" as have cold ones. Among those who say immigrants strengthen U.S. society, it's about 2-to-1 in the other direction.

Fear of Islam, immigrants and diversity are leading indicators of Donald Trump support

Support for Trump is based on bigotry and xenophobia

The same was true of feelings about Islam and the fact that the U.S. population, in a few decades, will be mostly black, Latino and Asian, not white. In both cases, attitudes more antipathetic toward Islam and the country's increasing diversity were more in-line with Trump support, while people who thought Islam is not more violent than other religions and that increased diversity isn't a bad thing were colder toward Trump.

So ?
Fear is the power plant of all right-wingers, their very core, their reason for existence.
Incorrect. A realistic understanding of the situation encourages us to be vigilant and to take steps that are common sense. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Good old common sense. Something that's totally lacking today especially on the left.

They would rather be PC and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with them as being a racist, a woman hater, an Islamaphobe and someone who hates illegal immigrants. No matter they are in the country illegally. Guess the ILLEGAL part just slips their minds.

As for fear?? Nah. Just common sense.
Ninja proves exactly what I said.

Doubt it. All it shows is that there are loads of Muslims on the East coast.

It also shows that the religion of peace, Islam, is far from peaceful. Europe must be regretting taking in all those "peaceful" Mulsms. If the leaders of those countries had any smarts they would boot them all out of their countries and not allow anymore back in.

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