Fear of Syrian refugees similar to fear of Nazi agents in WWII


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
There is definitely a relationship.
Not an exact situation but enough of a similarity to consider who we refuse entry and what happens to them.
We need to protect our own citizens but we need to balance with the impact on others.
naw , no balancing act needed in my opinion Elmer .
That pushes us closer to the scum terrorists that respect no one's life.
We must put our own lives first but we cannot ignore others lives.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

The MS St Louis was turned away because in those days Americans were anti-Semitic, that includes FDR.

Of course, at the time, we had shut off all immigration, let alone Jewish immigration.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

Why do you buy LIFE INSURANCE, moron?
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
sez an ignorant goyim , back then Jews were demonized with the most filthy things they were accused of them by the christers

Anger Over Daily Mail Cartoon Equating Refugees to Rats

just like the 1930s against Jews

Pete Fraser, a musician from London who lives in Stockholm, did a quick Google image search and discovered that the Mail’s cartoon bore a resemblance to the final image from an anti-Semitic children’s book published in 1936 by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer publishing house, “Trust No Fox in the Green

http://www.nytimes.com/live/paris-attacks-live-updates/anger-over-daily-mail-cartoon-equating-refugees-to-rats/Meadow and No Jew on his Oath.”
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The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
sez an ignorant goyim , back then Jews were demonized with the most filthy things claimed about them by the christers

Funny that...Now it's left wing subversives and DemocRATS that demonize Jews, all for the sake of LOVING the terrorist muslim!
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
sez an ignorant goyim , back then Jews were demonized with the most filthy things claimed about them by the christers

Funny that...Now it's left wing subversives and DemocRATS that demonize Jews, all for the sake of LOVING the terrorist muslim!
Democrats hated Jews in those days as well. FDR was a notorious anti-Semite.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

No relation to the current situation.
sez an ignorant goyim , back then Jews were demonized with the most filthy things claimed about them by the christers

Funny that...Now it's left wing subversives and DemocRATS that demonize Jews, all for the sake of LOVING the terrorist muslim!
Democrats hated Jews in those days as well. FDR was a notorious anti-Semite.
I understand a Jew wasn'tallowed in Harry Truman's house, his wife was so anti-Semitic!
History is history and FDR may have been an anti-semite like the rest of the civilized world at the time. Jews had no home until Israel was established around 1948. Able bodied Syrian men have a home in freaking Syria. Let them defend it or join the revolution or do what ever they freaking need to do to stay in their own country.
History is history and FDR may have been an anti-semite like the rest of the civilized world at the time. Jews had no home until Israel was established around 1948. Able bodied Syrian men have a home in freaking Syria. Let them defend it or join the revolution or do what ever they freaking need to do to stay in their own country.

I think we should offer to train and arm the men if they volunteer to go fight ISIS in Syria. Otherwise they can pound sand.
Syria crisis echoes 1930s anti-Semitism
Fearing national security, Americans blocked entry to Jews fleeing the Holocaust.

anti-immigration rhetoric has always been fueled by racism, nativism and fear. Throughout U.S. history, critics have proclaimed that immigrants take jobs from native-born Americans, bring disease and draw us into conflicts abroad. During the late 1930s immigration crisis, these same tropes were used to talk about refugees fleeing Nazi persecution — most of them Jews — but with a new twist. After demonstrating that they would never become public charges, Jewish refugees had to pass an ever-increasing barrier of paperwork meant to "prove" they were not a threat to American safety.

Syria crisis echoes 1930s anti-Semitism: Column
History is history and FDR may have been an anti-semite like the rest of the civilized world at the time. Jews had no home until Israel was established around 1948. Able bodied Syrian men have a home in freaking Syria. Let them defend it or join the revolution or do what ever they freaking need to do to stay in their own country.

Part of my family was here in the 30's the other half were murdered by hitler the christian and his christian hoards in germany.

In the united states during the 1930s and 1940s, right-wing demagogues linked the Depression of the 1930s, the New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt, and the threat of war in Europe to the machinations of an imagined international Jewish conspiracy that was both communist and capitalist. A new ideology appeared which accused "the Jews" of dominating Franklin Roosevelt’s administration, of causing the Great Depression, and of dragging the US into WW2 against a new Germany which deserved nothing but admiration. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was derisively referred to as the "Jew Deal
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

Why do you buy LIFE INSURANCE, moron?
I do not buy Life Insurance. I am self insured. I have enough assets, I do not need life insurance.
Syria crisis echoes 1930s anti-Semitism
Fearing national security, Americans blocked entry to Jews fleeing the Holocaust.

anti-immigration rhetoric has always been fueled by racism, nativism and fear. Throughout U.S. history, critics have proclaimed that immigrants take jobs from native-born Americans, bring disease and draw us into conflicts abroad. During the late 1930s immigration crisis, these same tropes were used to talk about refugees fleeing Nazi persecution — most of them Jews — but with a new twist. After demonstrating that they would never become public charges, Jewish refugees had to pass an ever-increasing barrier of paperwork meant to "prove" they were not a threat to American safety.

Syria crisis echoes 1930s anti-Semitism: Column

Horseshit. The two situations are entirely different. The first, and most obvious, difference: There was no international conspiracy of German Jews in the 1930s attempting to carry out daily attacks on civilians on several continents. No self-identifying Jews in the early 20th century were randomly massacring European citizens in magazine offices and concert halls, and there was no “Jewish State” establishing sovereignty over tens of thousands of square miles of territory, and publicly slaughtering anyone who opposed its advance. Among Syrian Muslims, there is. The vast majority of Syrian Muslims are not party to these strains of radicalism and violence, but it would be dangerous to suggest that they do not exist, or that our refugee-resettlement program need not take account of them.
The MS St. Louis was turned away from Cuba with 900 Jewish refugees from Germany.
They were then not allowed entry in the USA.
As their ship turned back towards Europe, passengers could see the glittering lights of Miami . Some of them even cabled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt begging to be allowed entry into the United States, but they were forced to return to Europe where 254 of them were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

The MS St Louis was turned away because in those days Americans were anti-Semitic, that includes FDR.

Of course, at the time, we had shut off all immigration, let alone Jewish immigration.
Do we want to repeat that mindset? The anti-Semitism was not as wide spread as you say
Many American Jews fought for the USA in WW II.
History is history and FDR may have been an anti-semite like the rest of the civilized world at the time. Jews had no home until Israel was established around 1948. Able bodied Syrian men have a home in freaking Syria. Let them defend it or join the revolution or do what ever they freaking need to do to stay in their own country.

Part of my family was here in the 30's the other half were murdered by hitler the christian and his christian hoards in germany.

In the united states during the 1930s and 1940s, right-wing demagogues linked the Depression of the 1930s, the New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt, and the threat of war in Europe to the machinations of an imagined international Jewish conspiracy that was both communist and capitalist. A new ideology appeared which accused "the Jews" of dominating Franklin Roosevelt’s administration, of causing the Great Depression, and of dragging the US into WW2 against a new Germany which deserved nothing but admiration. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was derisively referred to as the "Jew Deal

What horseshit. FDR was one of the most notorious anti-Semites in the country. Democrats admire Hitler until he started annexing his neighbors. Republicans, on the other hand, disliked Hitler and compared Roosevelt's economic policies to Nazi Germany's.

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