Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike

I worked in the technical field for 15 years, as an electronic tech. But what does "working with scientists" have to do with anything, unless you are presenting your own studies, your own collected data, and and your own scientific conclusions? Everything you've posted on here is are links to other people's work and quotations copied off of websites.

Doing Goggle searches is not really "science", bro. An eighth-grader can pretty much do the same thing.
I was a program engineer at a naval research facility and when we weren't testing naval ships, submarines or aircraft, we often hosted research trials and studies funded by the DoD on numerous topics. My job was to arrange our facilities and personnel to support their needs. Occasionally, I would go to sea with them and lend them a hand. I got to see how they worked. I worked five or six times directly with folks from Woods Hole, MIT's ocean science facility.
I was a program engineer at a naval research facility and when we weren't testing naval ships, submarines or aircraft, we often hosted research trials and studies funded by the DoD on numerous topics. My job was to arrange our facilities and personnel to support their needs. Occasionally, I would go to sea with them and lend them a hand. I got to see how they worked. I worked five or six times directly with folks from Woods Hole, MIT's ocean science facility.

Great. But don't ask me to give up fossil fuels, air conditioners, gas stoves, wood stoves, fireplaces, or burn barrels. That's not going to happen.
Great. But don't ask me to give up fossil fuels, air conditioners, gas stoves, wood stoves, fireplaces, or burn barrels. That's not going to happen.
We will all be forced to give up fossil fuels for transportation when ICE-powered vehicles are no longer produced. The electricity to power your air conditioner will eventually come from non-emitting sources. I suspect gas stoves will eventually run on hydrogen. Wood stoves and fireplaces are not a problem. I have no idea what you get out of burning barrels.
We will all be forced to give up fossil fuels for transportation when ICE-powered vehicles are no longer produced. The electricity to power your air conditioner will eventually come from non-emitting sources. I suspect gas stoves will eventually run on hydrogen. Wood stoves and fireplaces are not a problem. I have no idea what you get out of burning barrels.

Ok Climate Fascist. :laughing0301:
Ok Climate Fascist.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. --Wikipedia

I can see how someone with your point of view might characterize some of what I advocate as fascist, but given "warmist's" complete opposition to "far-right", "ultranationalist", "political", "dictatorial leader", "centralized autocracy", "natural social heirarchy", "good of the... race" and "strong regimentation", the diss fails badly. Your support for Trump puts you far closer to this definition than anyone here supporting the IPCC.
We will all be forced to give up fossil fuels for transportation when ICE-powered vehicles are no longer produced. The electricity to power your air conditioner will eventually come from non-emitting sources. I suspect gas stoves will eventually run on hydrogen. Wood stoves and fireplaces are not a problem. I have no idea what you get out of burning barrels.

I suspect gas stoves will eventually run on hydrogen.

Wind and solar produced?
I'm a retired ocean engineer, not a scientist. My father and one of my brothers were scientists. I have worked with scientists. You?
So designed all the oceans. Who cares?
The sky is not falling. The planet's present temperature is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2.
The sky is not falling. The planet's present temperature is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2.
Than we have another 2C of warming in the pipeline. That's not good news.
Than we have another 2C of warming in the pipeline. That's not good news.
A warmer planet means a wetter planet. Life thrives in warmer wetter conditions. Life doesn't thrive in colder drier conditions. So it is great news.

Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike​

I think i'll be close or maybe 2nd to 2016, but we will see. If we can start seeing some seriously hot months from this month forward we'll have a chance.
Why is - do you think - that the northern hemisphere drives the climate of the planet?
Why is - do you think - that the northern hemisphere drives the climate of the planet?
More land than the southern hemisphere. But does it drive the climate. Which has more thermal energy: a couple feet of soil or rock or 20,000 feet of water?
More land than the southern hemisphere. But does it drive the climate. Which has more thermal energy: a couple feet of soil or rock or 20,000 feet of water?
How far down does sun rays go in the oceans? What happens at night?? Is the water stationary? What about the icebergs?

Hahaha hahaha. How many devices are there?
How far down does sun rays go in the oceans? What happens at night?? Is the water stationary? What about the icebergs?

Hahaha hahaha. How many devices are there?
Hahahaha hahaha. The sun's visible light is filtered by frequency but portions of the blue spectrum will make it to over 800 feet. However, it wouldn't matter if it was stopped in the first inch. That energy is in the fucking water. That water is NOT stationary, which enables a great deal of mixing so that energy absorbed into the shallows can move deeper.

As for devices, aside from the inlet temperature being measured continuously in thousands and thousands of ocean going vessels and research ships dropping XBTs all over creation, there are currently about 3,800 ARGO floats moving around the world's oceans, measuring temperatures down to 2,000 feet and reporting back via satellite.

And I REALLY want to know what you're thinking when you say "What about the icebergs". What do you think icebergs are doing in this context?

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