Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike

First they need to state the problem

They being the "alarmists" ?

If so, I'll go with your comment.

Define the problem.

Define what it means to solve the problem. What has to be in place for you (or whoever) to say "Problem solved".

They seem to be the only ones.

I really do not see any action on the horizon to change the rate at which we are putting CO2 into the atmosphere.

As I said on another thread.....I don't know what to believe.

I certainly think the scientists believe this is the case. I have to believe that they are worried that by the time it is truly evident.....it will be too late. But did they approach it wrong ?

China certainly isn't buying in. What is to be done ?

Really ? Did they see it wrong ? Did they get your cancer treatments wrong or mess up with the science behind a cell phone. Did every single university, climate research and gov in the entire world get it wrong ? No one, not one institution or related climate institution get it wrong. The only ones that did, are non science, political related deniers who got it wrong.
Really ? Did they see it wrong ? Did they get your cancer treatments wrong or mess up with the science behind a cell phone. Did every single university, climate research and gov in the entire world get it wrong ? No one, not one institution or related climate institution get it wrong. The only ones that did, are non science, political related deniers who got it wrong.

Yes, the climate idiots who think we need to spend $76 trillion on windmills got it wrong.
Anyone who disagrees with every climate research facility, every gov and every climate related institute in the world is the idiot, that’s you dufus.

If all those facilities think we need to spend $76 trillion on windmills, they're all wrong.
Really ? Did they see it wrong ?

I have no idea. My question was whether or not they approached it incorrectly. Many years ago this was not the lightningrod it is today.

Did they get your cancer treatments wrong or mess up with the science behind a cell phone.

Cancer treatment has evolved as has the cell phone. I suspect it will continue to do so. I don't see how that is relevant.

Did every single university, climate research and gov in the entire world get it wrong ? No one, not one institution or related climate institution get it wrong.

What are you asking ? Are you asking if they got the link wrong ? I can't say for sure, but there does appear to be a link. Did they get it wrong when they used every single event (such as Katrina) to holler and yell about AGW and make prognostications (there will be multiple Katrina's every year going forward, the polar ice caps will be gone by 2013). Which, caused people to distrust them and shut out their shrill screaching

Did they get it wrong when they started calling for the elimination of fossile fuels when you have developing nations who need those fuels to evolve into 2nd and 1st world countries.

That could probably be debated.

There is what you say and how you say it. It seems the world is less concerned with their message than maybe they should be. That I don't know.
The only ones that did, are non science, political related deniers who got it wrong.

What do you mean "got it wrong" ? You mean they simply don't care about the continual streaming of dark prophecy that the AGW crowd keeps preaching. If that is what you mean, you might be right.

Either way, it seems the "entire" climate reseach society isn't really penetrating much of anything or changing the hearts and minds of the laypeople of this world.

Maybe people are willing to take a chance on what AGW brings.

Is that getting it wrong ?
Anyone who disagrees with every climate research facility, every gov and every climate related institute in the world is the idiot, that’s you dufus.

Well, good luck with that approach.

You might have some smart people in some places, but such messaging isn't going to gain you any support.

And as near as I can tell, you don't have much right now.

China and India have not been convinced to not build a plethora of coal fired plants that will only further add to our CO2.

I don't see the U.S. going great guns on nuclear. Not sure why? Not a large footprint there.

Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike​

What's to fear?
Here in P.A. it's finally creeping up into the 90's, something which we have previously seen here as early as Memorial Day. In a month the kids go back to school and the public pools will close. Until just days ago it was dipping into the 50's at night.

If you want to fear-monger me you're going to have to learn to lie much better than that.
don't see the U.S. going great guns on nuclear. Not sure why?
Do the research. It’s way too expensive. It doesn’t take a genius to watch Ukraine potential problems with their plants put at risk. One false move by either and huge swarths of lands become uninhabitable.
You might have some smart people in some places, but such messaging isn't going to gain you any support.
There you go. Talking about “ people”. It’s a deniers approach. This is why we have institutional science. Nope, there are zero, none nix scientists who are working in the field who have any doubts in general about AGW.
Its also Hilarious how deniers can go places like Johns Hopkins or MIT, or Cornell for their healthcare needs then all of a sudden declared they are wrong on AGW.
There you go. Talking about “ people”. It’s a deniers approach. This is why we have institutional science. Nope, there are zero, none nix scientists who are working in the field who have any doubts in general about AGW.
Its also Hilarious how deniers can go places like Johns Hopkins or MIT, or Cornell for their healthcare needs then all of a sudden declared they are wrong on AGW.
Is the world going to end soon?
They being the "alarmists" ?

If so, I'll go with your comment.

Define the problem.

Define what it means to solve the problem. What has to be in place for you (or whoever) to say "Problem solved".

well someone needs to present the problem to solve. And yes, warmers/ alarmists. What is the problem? Do you know?
Do the research. It’s way too expensive. It doesn’t take a genius to watch Ukraine potential problems with their plants put at risk. One false move by either and huge swarths of lands become uninhabitable.
asking for 76 trillion for every other thing and nuclear is too expensive? hahahahaahhahahahahaha can't make it up.
There you go. Talking about “ people”. It’s a deniers approach. This is why we have institutional science. Nope, there are zero, none nix scientists who are working in the field who have any doubts in general about AGW.
Its also Hilarious how deniers can go places like Johns Hopkins or MIT, or Cornell for their healthcare needs then all of a sudden declared they are wrong on AGW.

Great. Problem solved. Except it isn't.

It's hilarious how we are so confident in our position, but the rest of the developing world is putting up fossil fuel burning plants like there is no tomorrow. Maybe that's it. They know they'll be no tomorrow so they are scrambling for what they can get today.

Enjoy being right.

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