Federal charges in the Breonna Taylor case.

Show them.

You’re the one race baiting the thread with your bullshit.

The only race baiting I see here are prosecuting good cops for defending themselves from a thug shooting at them.

And bang goes the white privilege gun.

Not really. I take the same position about Waco and Ruby Ridge. You shoot at cops, and they kill you, it's your own damned fault.
The only race baiting I see here are prosecuting good cops for defending themselves from a thug shooting at them.

Not really. I take the same position about Waco and Ruby Ridge. You shoot at cops, and they kill you, it's your own damned fault.
Let’s see, cops who lied on warrant. Cops that lied about announcing their presence and shot everywhere regardless of other people in other apartments in building.

Those thug cops.
Let’s see, cops who lied on warrant. Cops that lied about announcing their presence and shot everywhere regardless of other people in other apartments in building.

Let's see. They were right on the main points (that Glover said that his Drug Money was at Taylor's House) and they had a no-knock warrant, so they REALLY DIDN'T HAVE TO ANNOUNCE THEMSELVES. Except they did and Walker shot at them anyway before using his girlfriend as a human shield.
About that warrant...

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A former police detective admitted on Tuesday that she had helped mislead a judge into wrongly authorizing a raid of Breonna Taylor’s apartment in Louisville, Ky., setting in motion the nighttime operation in which the police fatally shot Ms. Taylor.

The former detective, Kelly Goodlett, pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of conspiracy, admitting that she had worked with another officer to falsify a search warrant application and had later lied to cover up their act. In pleading guilty, Ms. Goodlett became the first police officer to be convicted over the March 2020 raid, during which the police were searching for evidence of drug dealing by Ms. Taylor’s former boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover.

Inside a courtroom in downtown Louisville, Ms. Goodlett, 35, admitted that she had known there was not enough evidence to support approving the warrant, but had nonetheless failed to object when a fellow detective falsely wrote that the police knew Mr. Glover was receiving packages at Ms. Taylor’s home.

More convictions to follow.
Hopefully, she "accidentally" ends up in general population.
You mean will they plead out when they have a Federal Government intent on crushing their constitutional right.

DOUBLE FUCKING JEOPARDY. The Fifth Amendment clearly states you can't be tried for the same offense twice. these guys were acquitted by a grand jury. It's obscene to try them again on a technicality.
You're stupid again. This is settled law and has been for decades.
She admitted to the lies. You wanted her to remain a coward and continue to hide behind lies.
Joey simply worships The State. As long as it isn't his ox getting gored, he will excuse ANYTHING done by agents of The State. It's a matter of religion to him.
Let's be clear.. this woman was a coward who sold out her fellow officers, because Biden needs to suck up to Burn Loot Murder.

Let the cops put Glover and Walker on the stand, and you'll see what pieces of shit they are
This is about truth.

Not your racist views.
Walker shot at intruders and Walker has NEVER been arrested or charged with selling drugs. You have to make these black folks out to be criminals to defend these racist ass criminal cops.

Dude, nothing that you post on this is remotely true. You play the middle here and need to reevaluate the facts of the case before you post the shit that you’re posting on the bullshit raid.

Can you explain why you feel the need to defend this so hard?
Joey is a disciple of Goebbels. He likes The Big Lie-and if he repeats it enough, he thinks it will become accepted as fact.
Right back to the lies and lying.

Because it is all he has. So he keeps regurgitating the same tired old shit, until people stop responding to him.
This is about truth.

Not your racist views.

Okay. Here is the truth.
Jamarcus Glover was a drug dealer.
Breonna Taylor was his girlfriend
She let him use her car to smuggle drugs.
A dead drug dealing associate of Glover was found dead in her car, with a trunk full of drugs
She bailed him out of jail several times.
She visited him in prison several times.
The police had more than probable cause to assume she was involved in his drug operation. The applied for a warrant on that basis.

In the execution of this warrant, her current boyfriend shot at them, and they fired back.

Tragic that she died, but she kind of brought it on herself.

Now, when there is actual police misconduct - Darren Chauven, Jason van Dyke, Timothy Loehmann - I'm the first one to call the cops on that.
Okay. Here is the truth.
Jamarcus Glover was a drug dealer.
Breonna Taylor was his girlfriend
She let him use her car to smuggle drugs.
A dead drug dealing associate of Glover was found dead in her car, with a trunk full of drugs
She bailed him out of jail several times.
She visited him in prison several times.
The police had more than probable cause to assume she was involved in his drug operation. The applied for a warrant on that basis.

In the execution of this warrant, her current boyfriend shot at them, and they fired back.

Tragic that she died, but she kind of brought it on herself.

Now, when there is actual police misconduct - Darren Chauven, Jason van Dyke, Timothy Loehmann - I'm the first one to call the cops on that.
We will see what happens when these criminal cops have their day in Court.

They found a lot of drugs and money in her apartment, how many times was she brought in for questioning?

She never had a ticket foe even Jaywalking and yet to fit your racist narrative you want to make this young black woman out to be a criminal.

It's really a disgrace.
We will see what happens when these criminal cops have their day in Court.

They found a lot of drugs and money in her apartment, how many times was she brought in for questioning?

She never had a ticket foe even Jaywalking and yet to fit your racist narrative you want to make this young black woman out to be a criminal.

It's really a disgrace.

They found drugs in her car. Also a dead body. I notice you want to specify just her apartment and not her car. Why is that?

Now, me, if my girlfriend borrowed my car, and the next day, it was found with a dead body and trunk full of drugs, you bet damned well I'm going to kick her to the curb for that.

Now, she might well be an innocent woman who just liked to have sex with bad boys.

And those bad boys got her killed by being stupid.
Okay. Here is the truth.
Jamarcus Glover was a drug dealer.
Breonna Taylor was his girlfriend
She let him use her car to smuggle drugs.
A dead drug dealing associate of Glover was found dead in her car, with a trunk full of drugs
She bailed him out of jail several times.
She visited him in prison several times.
The police had more than probable cause to assume she was involved in his drug operation. The applied for a warrant on that basis.

In the execution of this warrant, her current boyfriend shot at them, and they fired back.

Tragic that she died, but she kind of brought it on herself.

Now, when there is actual police misconduct - Darren Chauven, Jason van Dyke, Timothy Loehmann - I'm the first one to call the cops on that.
You just recycled all the old racist shit that you have been posting that has been shown to be false.
Okay, what on my list was proven false -

First one. She had split with Glover over a year before before the police obtained the falsified warrant based on a relationship that wasn't.

At the time of the raid, Glover and an associate named Adrian Orlandes Walker were wanted by police for suspected involvement in a drug dealing ring that operated out of vacant homes in west Louisville.

Glover and Taylor had dated off and on for several years, according to her family's lawyers, but had broken up by then. Glover has consistently maintained that Taylor was not involved in any drug dealing.

Prosecutors recommend probation for Breonna Taylor's ex-boyfriend

First one. She had split with Glover over a year before before the police obtained the falsified warrant based on a relationship that wasn't.

How were the cops supposed to know they had broken up?

At the time of the raid, Glover and an associate named Adrian Orlandes Walker were wanted by police for suspected involvement in a drug dealing ring that operated out of vacant homes in west Louisville.

Yup. Sounds like an awful lot of drug dealing going on.

Glover and Taylor had dated off and on for several years, according to her family's lawyers, but had broken up by then. Glover has consistently maintained that Taylor was not involved in any drug dealing.

Because we all know drug dealers are so honest and reliable...
How were the cops supposed to know they had broken up?

Yup. Sounds like an awful lot of drug dealing going on.

Because we all know drug dealers are so honest and reliable...
The cops are to present current evidence in a warrant. If they had done any actual police work they would have determined who was in the house before using a no-knock warrant with guns a blazing. They lied about locations on the warrant and never even bothered to check accuracy of the information.

What knowledge did they use to determine? Cut & paste dated crap because she was black?
They found drugs in her car. Also a dead body. I notice you want to specify just her apartment and not her car. Why is that?
So why wasn't she arrested, since you claim she was on the radar.
Now, me, if my girlfriend borrowed my car, and the next day, it was found with a dead body and trunk full of drugs, you bet damned well I'm going to kick her to the curb for that.
How do you know she didn't?
Now, she might well be an innocent woman who just liked to have sex with bad boys.

And those bad boys got her killed by being stupid.
No, she was in her apartment minding her OWN business doing nothing illegal and damn sure doing nothing to justify her being murdered. Your weak ass argument holds no water, that is why these crooked as cops are going up the river.
The cops are to present current evidence in a warrant. If they had done any actual police work they would have determined who was in the house before using a no-knock warrant with guns a blazing. They lied about locations on the warrant and never even bothered to check accuracy of the information.

What knowledge did they use to determine? Cut & paste dated crap because she was black?

So why wasn't she arrested, since you claim she was on the radar.
Mostly, because we don't arrest everyone who commits a crime in this country. Come on, quit avoiding the topic. DEAD BODY AND DRUGS IN HER CAR. She wasn't fucking innocent.

How do you know she didn't?

Because she was still visiting him in jail and bailing him out years later... that's how we know that.

No, she was in her apartment minding her OWN business doing nothing illegal and damn sure doing nothing to justify her being murdered. Your weak ass argument holds no water, that is why these crooked as cops are going up the river.
Don't be too sure about that. People are getting a little sick of the Burn Loot Murder Crime wave.
Mostly, because we don't arrest everyone who commits a crime in this country. Come on, quit avoiding the topic. DEAD BODY AND DRUGS IN HER CAR. She wasn't fucking innocent.
Damn I know you have something better than that weak ass excuse. So a so called phone call between the two while he was in jail means she was still with him? Some more weak bullshit, folks in jail will call everyone under the sun.
Because she was still visiting him in jail and bailing him out years later... that's how we know that.
Please post where she was visiting him in jail and bailing him out of jail.
Don't be too sure about that. People are getting a little sick of the Burn Loot Murder Crime wave.
Black folks have been sick and tired of watching innocent black folks being murdered by the police and then white racist like you trying to justify it.
Damn I know you have something better than that weak ass excuse. So a so called phone call between the two while he was in jail means she was still with him? Some more weak bullshit, folks in jail will call everyone under the sun.

A phone call where she said she loved him. Bailing him out of jail. Oh, yeah, and he was seen leaving her house with a package on Jan 12th, 2 months before the search warrant.

Please post where she was visiting him in jail and bailing him out of jail.

Posted mulitple times in this thread. But here's another

The report also shows that LMPD's new Place-Based Investigations Squad spent about 2½ months conducting heavy surveillance.

Taylor was linked to the suspects in that investigation, according to the report, because a car registered in her name stopped in early January at one of the properties being watched.

The leaked LMPD report detailing the links between Taylor and Glover referenced recorded jail calls, including one made hours after her fatal police shooting, in which Glover tells his girlfriend Kiera Bradley that Taylor was holding $8,000 for him and she had been "handling all my money."

Black folks have been sick and tired of watching innocent black folks being murdered by the police and then white racist like you trying to justify it.
Let's establish one thing.

Few of these folks are "innocent". George Floyd was doing drugs and trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Michael Brown just robbed a store. Laquan McDonald was breaking into trucks. Did that mean the cops used excessive force in dealing with them? You betcha. And I'll be the first one to denounce the police in those incidents.

In this case, the cops were fired on by a thug, one of them was injured and they were PERFECTLY justified in returning fire. This is what the AG and a Grand Jury found. The feds trying to nail them on a BS technicality on the warrant application is just pandering by a flailing president. (And I say that as someone who voted for Biden.)

People like you are going to put Trump back into office...
A phone call where she said she loved him. Bailing him out of jail. Oh, yeah, and he was seen leaving her house with a package on Jan 12th, 2 months before the search warrant.

Posted mulitple times in this thread. But here's another

The report also shows that LMPD's new Place-Based Investigations Squad spent about 2½ months conducting heavy surveillance.

Taylor was linked to the suspects in that investigation, according to the report, because a car registered in her name stopped in early January at one of the properties being watched.

The leaked LMPD report detailing the links between Taylor and Glover referenced recorded jail calls, including one made hours after her fatal police shooting, in which Glover tells his girlfriend Kiera Bradley that Taylor was holding $8,000 for him and she had been "handling all my money."

Let's establish one thing.

Few of these folks are "innocent". George Floyd was doing drugs and trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Michael Brown just robbed a store. Laquan McDonald was breaking into trucks. Did that mean the cops used excessive force in dealing with them? You betcha. And I'll be the first one to denounce the police in those incidents.

In this case, the cops were fired on by a thug, one of them was injured and they were PERFECTLY justified in returning fire. This is what the AG and a Grand Jury found. The feds trying to nail them on a BS technicality on the warrant application is just pandering by a flailing president. (And I say that as someone who voted for Biden.)

People like you are going to put Trump back into office...

Charges were dropped because you are legally permitted to defend yourself from people breaking into your house. Oddly you always skip over the part where the police had no evidence she was still involved with the guy so the cops lied to the judge to obtain a warrant.
A phone call where she said she loved him. Bailing him out of jail. Oh, yeah, and he was seen leaving her house with a package on Jan 12th, 2 months before the search warrant.
So they based their bogus warrant on a phone call and a package. Wow. What was in the package? Toilet paper, a sandwich, gloves, shoes, .........
Posted mulitple times in this thread. But here's another

The report also shows that LMPD's new Place-Based Investigations Squad spent about 2½ months conducting heavy surveillance.

Taylor was linked to the suspects in that investigation, according to the report, because a car registered in her name stopped in early January at one of the properties being watched.

The leaked LMPD report detailing the links between Taylor and Glover referenced recorded jail calls, including one made hours after her fatal police shooting, in which Glover tells his girlfriend Kiera Bradley that Taylor was holding $8,000 for him and she had been "handling all my money."
Which amounted to nothing basically. Did he mother stop at one of those houses under surveillance, how about door dash? How many times did they stop? How about his sister? How about the pastor?
Let's establish one thing.

Few of these folks are "innocent". George Floyd was doing drugs and trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Michael Brown just robbed a store. Laquan McDonald was breaking into trucks. Did that mean the cops used excessive force in dealing with them? You betcha. And I'll be the first one to denounce the police in those incidents.

In this case, the cops were fired on by a thug, one of them was injured and they were PERFECTLY justified in returning fire. This is what the AG and a Grand Jury found. The feds trying to nail them on a BS technicality on the warrant application is just pandering by a flailing president. (And I say that as someone who voted for Biden.)
How did he know they were cops? They didn't announce themselves and you are going to claim they did because one guy changed his mind 6 months later, but NO ONE else heard it. So now a bogus warrant that they lied to obtain his a technicality, what is murder? A misdemeanor.
People like you are going to put Trump back into office...
No, racist like you put Trump in office and you want to put him back in there again.

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