Federal Court Rules "Assault" Weapons Not Protected By 2nd Amendment:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that "assault" weapons are not sanctioned by the Second Amendment -- and I wonder what sort of convoluted reasoning was fumbled with to reach that absurd conclusion.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

The very basis of this reasoning either ignores or brazenly denies the fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment by asserting the Amendment does not apply to "weapons of war." Then what the hell does it apply to? These decrepit, incompetent sonsabitches have clearly invented spurious justification for brazenly pissing on the Constitution via such nonsensical pseudo-legal babble.

The Supreme Court must be called on by the NRA to review this brazenly biased, flagrantly ignorant, utterly disgraceful abuse of judicial power and reverse it.

So long as it applies equally to all civil law enforcement authorities then I suppose they might have a case.

If they're attempting to ban the AR-15 then it should prove interesting to see how many police, sheriff, state trooper, FBI, DEA, ATF, and other law enforcement agencies turn their "assault weapons" over to the local national guard.


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Do any of them know enough about firearms, to know an assault weapon when they see one?
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The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that "assault" weapons are not sanctioned by the Second Amendment -- and I wonder what sort of convoluted reasoning was fumbled with to reach that absurd conclusion.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

The very basis of this reasoning either ignores or brazenly denies the fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment by asserting the Amendment does not apply to "weapons of war." Then what the hell does it apply to? These decrepit, incompetent sonsabitches have clearly invented spurious justification for brazenly pissing on the Constitution via such nonsensical pseudo-legal babble.

The Supreme Court must be called on by the NRA to review this brazenly biased, flagrantly ignorant, utterly disgraceful abuse of judicial power and reverse it.

Do any of them know enough abut firearms, to know an assault weapon when they see one?
There needs to be a well-publicized formal discussion by a panel of respected experts on the subjects of firearms and law to clarify once and for all what an "assault rifle" is and is not. Because for those who know little to nothing about guns, and for whom the word "assault" can have no meaning outside the realm of criminality, an "assault rifle" cannot possibly be worthy of Second Amendment sanction.

It is important to apprise these misguided, misinformed and/or sissified individuals that the word assault used in a firearms context has a military meaning, and that the primary characteristic of an "assault rifle" is fully automatic function -- which the AR-15 does not include.
RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.
RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.


So that means you support having all civil law enforcement agencies turn in their firearms for the exact same reason also?

After all they are only civilians who's function is to serve and protect the civil population. They have no authority to start a war.


RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.

Maybe you should listen to this guy explains it since msm has the weakest minds believing what an assault weapon is or isn't. Even the pathetic politicians don't know what in the hell they are.

RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.


So that means you support having all civil law enforcement agencies turn in their firearms for the exact same reason also?



No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.
No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.


I disagree. It is not the job of the militia to enforce any civil law inside the borders of the United States Of America. Their job, like the active military, is to protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The job of any civil law enforcement agency is to serve and protect the people who live within this country not to wage war on them. Therefore the civil law enforcement agencies should have no more equipment available to them than any civilian can purchase, by law, on the open market..


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No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.


I would consider any United States veteran part of the "well regulated militia".

So I spect' we can exempt them from having to pay for any licence for any sort of firearm... Even a fully automatic one.


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No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.


I disagree. It is not the job of the militia to enforce any civil law inside the borders of the United States Of America. Their job, like the active military, is to protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The job of any civil law enforcement agency is to serve and protect the people who live within this country not to wage war on them. Therefore the civil law enforcement agencies should have no more equipment available to them than any civilian can purchase, by law, on the open market..



"The job of any civil law enforcement agency is to serve and protect the people who live within this country"

That is their job, and that includes protecting us against all the RWNJ
neanderthals running around the country killing masses of innocent people and children.
Then by their reasoning only muskets would be legal?

except the musket was a weapon of war when the 2nd was writ

which ones?
Small Arms from 1700 to 1799

either way.......they were all single shot guns........and when the six shooter came out, it would be 'an automatic weapon' :21:

another retarded leftist incorrect response

during the penning of the 2nd there was more available then a single shot musket dummy

there was a semi auto repeating military arm several in fact

you misinformed idiots come a dime a dozen

the Girandoni rifle being one of them

it shot twenty two 46 caliber rounds a minute before reloading

the founders knew of it -


they didnt pen

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, except the Girandoni shall not be infringed.

why dont you educate yourself for once before parroting leftarded responses
No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.


I disagree. It is not the job of the militia to enforce any civil law inside the borders of the United States Of America. Their job, like the active military, is to protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The job of any civil law enforcement agency is to serve and protect the people who live within this country not to wage war on them. Therefore the civil law enforcement agencies should have no more equipment available to them than any civilian can purchase, by law, on the open market..



"The job of any civil law enforcement agency is to serve and protect the people who live within this country"

That is their job, and that includes protecting us against all the RWNJ
neanderthals running around the country killing masses of innocent people and children.

So what happened with that law enforcement that was supposed to serve & protect those kids?

And now you call Cruz & Lanza Neanderthals? I thought they were victims as well.

Or the San Bernadino couple RW gun nuts?

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