Federal Court says no "Jerusalem" on passports

Whatever the legal outcome will eventually be and whatever the State Department decides, the fact will always remain that an undivided Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel and the citizens who are born there will be Israeli citizens.

Jerusalem will bethe capital of Israel and Al Quds will be the capita;l of the State of Palestine.
Whatever the legal outcome will eventually be and whatever the State Department decides, the fact will always remain that an undivided Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel and the citizens who are born there will be Israeli citizens.

Jerusalem will bethe capital of Israel and Al Quds will be the capita;l of the State of Palestine.

But the State of Palestine doesn't exist.
Whatever the legal outcome will eventually be and whatever the State Department decides, the fact will always remain that an undivided Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel and the citizens who are born there will be Israeli citizens.

Jerusalem will bethe capital of Israel and Al Quds will be the capita;l of the State of Palestine.

But the State of Palestine doesn't exist.
Toast, the UN admitted the State of Palestine as a non-member observer state to the 67 borders, and it won’t be long before it is given full membership...The Boycott by EU and others will gain momentum...Israel is on the wrong side of human History; conquests and occupations are a thing of the past, that's why WWII was fought, to defeat Fascism.

The world is not buying into the Land Theft annexed by Israel, not even the USA...The Appeals Court cleared up that point...
Jerusalem will bethe capital of Israel and Al Quds will be the capita;l of the State of Palestine.

But the State of Palestine doesn't exist.
Toast, the UN admitted the State of Palestine as a non-member observer state to the 67 borders, and it won’t be long before it is given full membership...The Boycott by EU and others will gain momentum...Israel is on the wrong side of human History; conquests and occupations are a thing of the past, that's why WWII was fought, to defeat Fascism.

The world is not buying into the Land Theft annexed by Israel, not even the USA...The Appeals Court cleared up that point...

See above link
But the State of Palestine doesn't exist.
Toast, the UN admitted the State of Palestine as a non-member observer state to the 67 borders, and it won’t be long before it is given full membership...The Boycott by EU and others will gain momentum...Israel is on the wrong side of human History; conquests and occupations are a thing of the past, that's why WWII was fought, to defeat Fascism.

The world is not buying into the Land Theft annexed by Israel, not even the USA...The Appeals Court cleared up that point...

See above link
What has that link got to do with the 2012 UN vote on Palestine?
Toast, the UN admitted the State of Palestine as a non-member observer state to the 67 borders, and it won’t be long before it is given full membership...The Boycott by EU and others will gain momentum...Israel is on the wrong side of human History; conquests and occupations are a thing of the past, that's why WWII was fought, to defeat Fascism.

The world is not buying into the Land Theft annexed by Israel, not even the USA...The Appeals Court cleared up that point...

See above link
What has that link got to do with the 2012 UN vote on Palestine?

Pbel, I'm not denying the vote, I'm just saying the Palestinians currently do not have an official statehood .
Can the Lebanese Maronite Christians have their country back? This is more in keeping with modern times.

at least you arent taling about getting back land from 2,000 years ago.

such logic is stupid and for babies.

the jews can get back judah after 2,000 years?

so th gauls of france can take back Scotland? the nagtive americans can take back manchura and korea?????

all humans come from africa can i have capetown pleasse???????
But, Gardener, there was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land. There used to be a poster in Israel, Moshav77, who said his family was in Israel even before Columbus left for America. Now we know that many travelers through the land didn't see all that many Arabs (main Bedouins), and the British officials working in the area said that the Arabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. If it makes you happy not to believe that this was the case, I don't think anyone here wants to deny you this happiness if it makes you feel better.
But, Gardener, there was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land. There used to be a poster in Israel, Moshav77, who said his family was in Israel even before Columbus left for America. Now we know that many travelers through the land didn't see all that many Arabs (main Bedouins), and the British officials working in the area said that the Arabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. If it makes you happy not to believe that this was the case, I don't think anyone here wants to deny you this happiness if it makes you feel better.

wat does it matter if there wwre alwaysa few thousands of jews in israel?

there have been thousands of jews in italy for 2,000 yars that means jews have a right to a state in italy?

jews have been in greece for more than 2,000 years so the have a right ti their ownnation in sparta????????
But, Gardener, there was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land. There used to be a poster in Israel, Moshav77, who said his family was in Israel even before Columbus left for America. Now we know that many travelers through the land didn't see all that many Arabs (main Bedouins), and the British officials working in the area said that the Arabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. If it makes you happy not to believe that this was the case, I don't think anyone here wants to deny you this happiness if it makes you feel better.

wat does it matter if there wwre alwaysa few thousands of jews in israel?

there have been thousands of jews in italy for 2,000 yars that means jews have a right to a state in italy?

jews have been in greece for more than 2,000 years so the have a right ti their ownnation in sparta????????
Well Italians are in Italy, and Greeks are in Greece, so why can't the Jews be in the place where they originated. Is it the Jews fault that they had to leave the Holy Land and seek refuge in European countries? Can't the Arabs be satisfied with the 99% of the Middle East which they have? After all, let's face it -- many of these Middle East countries were inhabited by some of the original followers of Jesus until the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded their countries, forcing the people to convert and killing many who refused.
Well Italians are in Italy, and Greeks are in Greece, so why can't the Jews be in the place where they originated. Is it the Jews fault that they had to leave the Holy Land and seek refuge in European countries?

the jews didn't have to leave it was their choice to do it

who saus the jews originated in israel? didn;t avraham come from iraq?
Well Italians are in Italy, and Greeks are in Greece, so why can't the Jews be in the place where they originated. Is it the Jews fault that they had to leave the Holy Land and seek refuge in European countries?

the jews didn't have to leave it was their choice to do it...




Siege of Jerusalem (70) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their choice to leave?

You've got to be friggin' kidding me !!!!

That statement required a very special kind of 'stupid'.
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Well Italians are in Italy, and Greeks are in Greece, so why can't the Jews be in the place where they originated. Is it the Jews fault that they had to leave the Holy Land and seek refuge in European countries?

the jews didn't have to leave it was their choice to do it

who saus the jews originated in israel? didn;t avraham come from iraq?
Yes, the Jews had it so wonderful there, but they chose to disperse all over the world with their Samsonite Luggage packed for all seasons. We all know that Abraham came from Ur, but he went to Israel, and that is where the story begins. It is quite logical that Abraham didn't drag any big meteorite hundreds of miles from Iraq to Mecca. However, you are free to believe that if you choose. In this country we have freedom of religion and anyone can choose to believe whatever they want to unlike the Muslim countries.
Their choice to leave?

You've got to be friggin' kidding me !!!!

That statement required a very special kind of 'stupid'.[/SIZE][/B]

yes many of the jews in palestine choose to leave.

posting pretty paintings from 1500 years after the jews lost the war is very nice but means nothing, friendo. :)

i have some nice painting of the ocean should i post those? :)
Their choice to leave?

You've got to be friggin' kidding me !!!!

That statement required a very special kind of 'stupid'.

yes many of the jews in palestine choose to leave.

Now, what Jews would those be? Evidence?

"...posting pretty paintings from 1500 years after the jews lost the war is very nice but means nothing, friendo..."

No, but the HISTORICAL EVENTS which those paintings and stone-tableau portray, DO, indeed, mean something.

These documented historical events are prima facie evidence that the Jews were driven from their land by the Romans; beginning in 70 A.D. and spanning the next 90-100 years beyond.

They are counterpoint to your foolish claim that the Jews CHOSE to leave Judea / Syria-Palestinia, when, in truth, they were DRIVEN out by the Romans.

Your 'they chose to leave' remark was not simply stupid - it was asinine - it was idiotic.

"...i have some nice painting of the ocean should i post those?"

ONLY if they will help you to salvage your idiotic statement that the Jews CHOSE to leave Judea / Syria-Palestinia.
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many jews chose to leave palestine over the many years of roman anbd byxzANTINE rule.

the romans didnt kick out all the jews.

as zionists love to say many jews stayed in palestyine.
many jews chose to leave palestine over the many years of roman anbd byxzANTINE rule.

the romans didnt kick out all the jews.

as zionists love to say many jews stayed in palestyine.
Nobody is disputing that a Jewish presence remained in Judea / Syria-Palestinia AFTER the rebellions ( Roman-Jewish Wars ), including, even, Jerusalem itself...

What signifies here is that sufficient Jews were slaughtered and taken as slaves and otherwise driven from Judea / Syria -Palestinia so as to cause them to lose their majority-population standing, and to lose control of the land...

In effect, to make it no longer Jewish land...

Nobody is saying that ALL the Jews were driven out by the Romans...

Falling back upon such a defense (they didn't get 'em ALL, or any similar extreme-literalist stance) is a child's game...

Simply that MOST of the Jews were driven out by the Romans (through slaughter, enslavement, forced deportation, etc.)...

Enough to make a mockery of your foolish idea that the Jews, by-and-large, as a People, left Judea of their own free will...

And that is sufficient to the day, and to our purposes here...
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Simply that MOST of the Jews were driven out by the Romans (through slaughter, enslavement, forced deportation, etc.)...

Enough to make a mockery of your foolish idea that the Jews, by-and-large, as a People, left Judea of their own free will...

And that is sufficient to the day, and to our purposes here...

many jewsd lived in the roman empire and greece eben before their exile after the jewish wars.

do those jews too and tbeir descendants have a right to return to palestine and take over the land?
Simply that MOST of the Jews were driven out by the Romans (through slaughter, enslavement, forced deportation, etc.)...

Enough to make a mockery of your foolish idea that the Jews, by-and-large, as a People, left Judea of their own free will...

And that is sufficient to the day, and to our purposes here...

many jewsd lived in the roman empire and greece eben before their exile after the jewish wars.

do those jews too and tbeir descendants have a right to return to palestine and take over the land?
Dunno about those folk.

We weren't talking about them, during the course of our own exchange.

You and I were talking about your fallacious statement that the Jews left Judea of their own free will.

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