Federal Employee Union Whine Pay Raise is not enough


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
This is why I have always said that if a person receives their paycheck from the Public Treasury, they should NOT be allowed to Unionize.

Federal employees' union head: Obama pay raise proposal 'simply not enough' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The president of the American Federation of Government Employees says a one-percent increase is "absolutely unconscionable."

The head of the largest federal employee union said Saturday that President Obama's proposal to increase pay for federal employees by 1 percent was "absolutely unconscionable" and "simply not enough."

"It is not enough to allow federal employees to make up lost ground from two-plus years of frozen pay. It is not enough to allow workers, most of whom earn very modest salaries ranging from $24,000 to $70,000, to maintain living standards. And it is not enough to send a message with any kind of clarity that the administration values the federal workforce and doesn't believe it should continue to bear an enormously disproportionate share of deficit reduction," David Cox Sr., the president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), said in a statement.

The White House told labor leaders of the proposed increase in the 2014 fiscal year budget in a phone call late Friday night. That raise would come on top of the half-point pay hike, scheduled to take effect in late March, which has been delayed as part of the "fiscal cliff" deal struck last month. Federal salaries have been frozen since 2011.

AFGE pledged in its statement to "work with friends in Congress who truly value the federal workforce," a signal that the union will likely lobby liberal members of Congress to oppose the president's budget.

When the private employee is suffering and the un-employment rates are at near record highs, the public servants do not get pay raises.
I agree. No unions among government workers. They are already in a union.

Retroactive raises to compensate for something they didn't get in the past. That's like saying all homeowners should have the former value of their homes automatically restored when the economy recovers.
Federal employees shouldn't be unionized in the first place. Even FDR, founder of the government will wipe your ass for you American nanny state wasn't that stupid.
idiot liberals still don't get it......BO doesn't care about "maintaining living standards"....except his own and his pals of course....the marxist goal is to destroy the middle class.....

top down....bottom up.....and middle class out....

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