Federal government to close due to one inch of expected snow

Hell when I lived in NC if they got flurries the whole city shut down.

I sat back and LMAO. I lived in NH for twenty years. I've driven to work in a driving snow storm and eight hours later drove home in that same storm.
That's a typical morning commute in MN. It takes a complete whiteout blizzard to shut down rural roads. The metro region never shuts down even with a 12 inch or more snowfall.
Closest was 2 weeks ago in ice storm that DOT advised no travel for 5 hours.

Of course there are idiots who still drive too fast and the body shops do real well.
People who don't live here have no clue of traffic around here even on a good day. I think DC is ranked 3rd in the nation for chaos. And the illegals can't drive in snow.

Federal government to close due to one inch of expected snow

Hey, when I was stationed in Millington TN in the mid 80's, if there was more than 2 inches of snow, they closed the base.

The American Army didn't have that policy during her operations in the Ardennes during Christmas 1944. And some of the men involved are still complaining about having to march in the bad weather to this day.

I can understand where the military brass came up with this policy, Who the hell wants to put up with 3/4 century of complaining about a little snow.

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