Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.

There is a federal law that states must enforce federal law? Perhaps you can cite said statute.
Federal law overides state law you can’t legally declare yourself a sanctuary city or state and refuse to obey federal immigration law.

Strangely enough, that is a totally false post. I say, "strangely", because we are dealing with 8th grade Civics here. No state is legally required to enforce federal law, period. They may cooperate with the feds, if they wish, but the feds have no authority to make my state, for example, arrest people who the state has licensed to grow marijuana. You have been listening to way too much AM radio. But, please, if you disagree, just cite the federal statute that requires me (I work for the county sheriff's office) to round up, or even report illegal immigrants to the feds. In fact, since I occasionally drop off water, food, clothing and medicine to points in the Southern AZ desert, with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Border Patrol, one would think that I would have been arrested, by now:

Tucson Samaritans: humanitarian aid in the Arizona desert
or not,

Federal vs. State Immigration Laws - FindLaw

"The federal government's jurisdiction over immigration law has consistently been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has overruled attempts by state legislatures to single out immigrants. Additionally, the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution is generally interpreted to mean that federal laws trump state laws, except for certain matters constitutionally left to the states."
I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

Then the federal government would hold more money from you.

california has the sixth larest economy in the world. maybe california should withhold money from rightwingnuts who live on welfare.
. . . and that economy would collapse without the rest of the nation's surrounding water.
I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

I think you should secede.
We would love to. See where you can get money to fund all the useless fly over red states.

It is all good. The money they save in California can go to Iowa for not growing corn in a surplus year..

Paying Farmers Not To Farm? Not Exactly
I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.

Then the federal government would hold more money from you.
They cannot hold what they do not have.

They have it. This money they are holding is specifically for immigration enforcement. You get a lot of other federal money just like any other state.
No they do not. We give to them to give to low IQ states to support the welfare whiteys.

I aim to enlighten the confused, ignorant and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.
They should all be IN JAIL.

Subverting the US Constitution should be a major crime if it is not already and if it is, it should be enforced with the MAXIMUM penalty
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.
They should all be IN JAIL.

Subverting the US Constitution should be a major crime if it is not already and if it is, it should be enforced with the MAXIMUM penalty
You try it. Try going to the media with an interview outing an ICE raid just hours before it happens, killing $millions of dollars of man hours and even lives being risked gathering information. See how long it would be before the feds zip-tied your wrists and threw you in the cooler.

But that self righteous, hypocritical twat in Oakland does it and right as we speak, she's comfy at home applying her inch of makeup while hubby gives her a back rub and Manuela croaks in broken english from their marble-clad kitchen "meester an meeses chor braakfeest ees grready".

I'm telling you, this illegal-compassion thing is a ruse. They want a continual stream of illegals because as they compete for the jobs, the wages go down down down. And the complaints are nonexistent. Who will complain if it means being deported? (which she knows is still a threat even with sanctuary cities). It's a slave state. Go to any city in CA and note how many whites you see working ANYWHERE. And how the Hispanics all seem to speak in very broken english. Almost like they weren't born in the US and schooled here.. You want to know where 10s of millions of jobs went? Wonder no more. That money is being funneled under the table to Mexico. Don't worry, somehow the fed with no tax base will be able to support you with welfare and food stamps indefinitely.

Seems like a stuck pig would do a lot better if the farmer sewed up the gaping holes in his arteries.
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Liberals commit criminal sexual misconduct, set up a secret committee designed to steal tax dollars to defend / protect the criminals by paying off / silencing their victims...before it goes 'viral', Americans find out about it, and demand it be stopped / the payments end. (Which I do not think has actually happened yet.)

Liberals commit crimes by supporting / paying criminal cities who intentionally aid and abet criminals in violation of US Federal Law, Democrats stand with illegals over Americans to shut the government down in protest of the President enforcing the Constitution / US Law, and illegals / Dems fight cutting off paying criminal cities tax dollars...


Slowly but surely the Constitution and Rule of Law are being enforced again...and illegals are showing their displeasure with Democrats for allowing it to happen while not keeping their promise to pass a real 'DACA' law.
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.
They should all be IN JAIL.

Subverting the US Constitution should be a major crime if it is not already and if it is, it should be enforced with the MAXIMUM penalty
You try it. Try going to the media with an interview outing an ICE raid just hours before it happens, killing $millions of dollars of man hours and even lives being risked gathering information. See how long it would be before the feds zip-tied your wrists and threw you in the cooler.

But that self righteous, hypocritical twat in Oakland does it and right as we speak, she's comfy at home applying her inch of makeup while hubby gives her a back rub and Manuela croaks in broken english from their marble-clad kitchen "meester an meeses chor braakfeest ees grready".

I'm telling you, this illegal-compassion thing is a ruse. They want a continual stream of illegals because as they compete for the jobs, the wages go down down down. And the complaints are nonexistent. Who will complain if it means being deported? (which she knows is still a threat even with sanctuary cities). It's a slave state. Go to any city in CA and note how many whites you see working ANYWHERE. And how the Hispanics all seem to speak in very broken english. Almost like they weren't born in the US and schooled here.. You want to know where 10s of millions of jobs went? Wonder no more. That money is being funneled under the table to Mexico. Don't worry, somehow the fed with no tax base will be able to support you with welfare and food stamps indefinitely.

Seems like a stuck pig would do a lot better if the farmer sewed up the gaping holes in his arteries.
Democrats have also proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they do not actually prefer to have a legal 'DACA' law passed - they prefer to have an emotional issue to use during the mid-term election.

Illegals just let the Democrats know they are smart enough to understand this...and will have none of being manipulated and lied to for political partisan party gain.
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.

All Politicians who create "Laws Protecting Gun Manufacturers" should be held accountable for all crimes committed by guns. Period, end of story.
Disarming Is Amputating

In other words, criminals have been given a civil right not to be shot back at. If real men ruled, citizens would have the right to even shoot subhuman thugs in cold blood.

The gungrabbers have found that this weak phrase, "to keep and bear arms," benefits their cause; it says nothing about using our weapons. As usual, the issue is misdirected by gurus on both sides; the restrictions on self-defense make gun ownership a fake right.
Where are all the "states' rights" supporters from the shithole states to support California against the antics of the orange whore?
States do not have the right to circumvent federal immigration laws.

Who is circumventing federal law in California? ICE is still allowed to operate in the state. Wasn't there a big raid in Oakland a few weeks ago? Didn't the orange whore himself threaten to pull ICE out of California?
When a dimwit mayor warns illegal aliens of impending ICE raids, she is circumventing federal law by obstruction. Hopefully, she's about to have her ass indicted.

She did not obtain the information she shared from any official source. She did not stop ICE from doing its thing. And people were arrested. So what is anyone complaining about? As she said, she warned people about what she heard so that they would have time to find out their legal rights and options.
Evasion of LEO is not a right. It is another ILLEGAL OPTION.

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