Federal judge enjoins state from enforcing curfew against Occupy group

Translation: The laws to which everyone else must adhere cannot be enforced on leftists.

Translation: The laws upon which this country were founded trump state law.


I remember something called the Tenth Amendment.

Not to mention the fucking leftists fight freedom of speech and expression when THEY don't agree with it left and right - not to mention the Second Amendment which they fight tooth and nail...

Once again the Bill of Rights is only applicable when a bitch liberal has something to say, however when the right as something to say it's "hate speech" or if an individual wants to conceal and carry its wrong....

I mean according to this bullshit a 10-year-old has the "right" to protest at 3AM....

Oh, so you agree that constitutional rights should be allowed to be violated?
Sleeping in a certain place can be considered part of the protest however.

Once again, the 1st Amendment does NOT grant the right to LIVE on Government property, nor the right to deny other citizens the use of Government property, nor the right to impede the comes and goings of other citizens.

They aren't living there unless they pick up their mail at that location. Funny how that works.

Wrong as usual. Wait, does this mean I can come camp on your lawn as long as I don't get my mail there?
The right to assemble is not absolute. Nor does it convey the right to LIVE on government property. The right to assemble does not grant the right to impede other citizens movements EXCEPT where a valid permit has been issued with a stated are , time and location specified.

The right of an individual to protest does NOT grant them the right to deny other citizens the RIGHT to use Government property.

One is not protesting while sleeping.

Sleeping in a certain place can be considered part of the protest however.

Once again, the 1st Amendment does NOT grant the right to LIVE on Government property, nor the right to deny other citizens the use of Government property, nor the right to impede the comes and goings of other citizens.

Yep.... They may as well start building a house in a park.. I mean what's the difference?

I'd arrest all of them because they're breaking a slew of laws... I'm a libertarian to boot and fully support the First Amendment, however this has gone far enough...
Translation: The laws upon which this country were founded trump state law.


I remember something called the Tenth Amendment.

Not to mention the fucking leftists fight freedom of speech and expression when THEY don't agree with it left and right - not to mention the Second Amendment which they fight tooth and nail...

Once again the Bill of Rights is only applicable when a bitch liberal has something to say, however when the right as something to say it's "hate speech" or if an individual wants to conceal and carry its wrong....

I mean according to this bullshit a 10-year-old has the "right" to protest at 3AM....

Oh, so you agree that constitutional rights should be allowed to be violated?

In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

I remember something called the Tenth Amendment.

Not to mention the fucking leftists fight freedom of speech and expression when THEY don't agree with it left and right - not to mention the Second Amendment which they fight tooth and nail...

Once again the Bill of Rights is only applicable when a bitch liberal has something to say, however when the right as something to say it's "hate speech" or if an individual wants to conceal and carry its wrong....

I mean according to this bullshit a 10-year-old has the "right" to protest at 3AM....

Oh, so you agree that constitutional rights should be allowed to be violated?

In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.
Oh, so you agree that constitutional rights should be allowed to be violated?

In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.

Does it say in the Constitution I need a permit to carry a gun???

Does it say in the Constitution I cannot walk around with an AK-47? does it say I cannot own a tank??

If you can protest for 2 months occupying parks then I can carry my fucking pistol around...

Funny how that works...

Oh but you're a progressive so the Bill of Rights only applies to your fucking protest and ideas..

Not to mention OWS isn't protesting "peacefully."
In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.

Does it say in the Constitution I need a permit to carry a gun???

Does it say in the Constitution I cannot walk around with an AK-47? does it say I cannot own a tank??

If you can protest for 2 months occupying parks then I can carry my fucking pistol around...

Funny how that works...

Oh but you're a progressive so the Bill of Rights only applies to your fucking protest and ideas..

Not to mention OWS isn't protesting "peacefully."

That's an idiotic argument and you know it. Of course it doesn't say that crap, but in this case it is very specific. No addendum needed. If there is a capacity in which someone is no longer capable of exercising such a specific right, it is not lawful.

Stop making inapplicable arguments.

Also I would like to take note of you calling me a "progressive."

I love how you try to label me as such, that's just beautiful.
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Oh, so you agree that constitutional rights should be allowed to be violated?

In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.
It doesn't say that you have the right to take over public places for an indeterminate period of time in doing so.

What about their monopolization of those public spaces?....What of the rights of the rest of the citizenry (you know, the people who PAY THE FUCKING TAXES FOR THE UPKEEP) to enjoy them?
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In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.
It doesn't say that you have the right to take over public places for an indeterminate period of time in doing so.

What about their monopolization of those public spaces?....What of the rights of the rest of the citizenry (you know, the people who PAY THE FUCKING TAXES FOR THE UPKEEP) to enjoy them?

Paid by the people, for the people. You would do well to remember that.
Translation: The laws to which everyone else must adhere cannot be enforced on leftists.

so spaketh the i hate government randian.... except of course when he wants government to do his bidding.
So sayeth the totalitarian oligarch, for whom the law is utterly sacrosanct except when she decides it isn't. :lol:
Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.
It doesn't say that you have the right to take over public places for an indeterminate period of time in doing so.

What about their monopolization of those public spaces?....What of the rights of the rest of the citizenry (you know, the people who PAY THE FUCKING TAXES FOR THE UPKEEP) to enjoy them?

Paid by the people, for the people. You would do well to remember that.
And you'd do well to remember that it's paid for by ALL OF THE PEOPLE, not just a few sniveling miscreants who are pissed off at the world yet cannot adequately and cogently explain to anyone why.
Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.

Does it say in the Constitution I need a permit to carry a gun???

Does it say in the Constitution I cannot walk around with an AK-47? does it say I cannot own a tank??

If you can protest for 2 months occupying parks then I can carry my fucking pistol around...

Funny how that works...

Oh but you're a progressive so the Bill of Rights only applies to your fucking protest and ideas..

Not to mention OWS isn't protesting "peacefully."

That's an idiotic argument and you know it. Of course it doesn't say that crap, but in this case it is very specific. No addendum needed. If there is a capacity in which someone is no longer capable of exercising such a specific right, it is not lawful.

Stop making inapplicable arguments.

Also I would like to take note of you calling me a "progressive."

I love how you try to label me as such, that's just beautiful.

So let me get this right. According to you the language in the 1st Amendment is so clear it needs no laws or government clarification? But the 2nd Amendment is unclear and clearly needs such restrictions and laws?

Hate to burst your bubble but it has been ACCEPTED from the beginning that the rights granted under the Bill of Rights were not without reasonable restrictions. THAT has INCLUDED the 1st Amendment.

Current CONSTITUTIONAL laws restrict the right to peacefully assemble in a number of ways. And as I recall when ever a Democrat enforces those laws on republican protestors YOU and the left have NEVER complained.

One does NOT have the right to indefinitely occupy ( LIVE) on Government property. Such activity in fact VIOLATES other citizens right to use said property.
In what universe is a person allowed to squat and call it a protest??

Using your logic I could just occupy your home and call that a protest against you and anyone that removes me would just be "violating my First Amendment right."

Calling their little commune a protest is BULLSHIT.

They don't even have permits to protest... You need a permit to protest - those commie reds don't have one..

Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.

Does it say in the Constitution I need a permit to carry a gun???

Does it say in the Constitution I cannot walk around with an AK-47? does it say I cannot own a tank??

If you can protest for 2 months occupying parks then I can carry my fucking pistol around...

Funny how that works...

Oh but you're a progressive so the Bill of Rights only applies to your fucking protest and ideas..

Not to mention OWS isn't protesting "peacefully."
Move to my state and you can carry that gun around all you'd like without a permit.

AND you can protest without a permit. What a State!
Does it say you need a permit in the Constitution to protest, even though the Constitution VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND HAVE GRIEVANCES ADDRESSED?!

These people feel they have been wronged by their government, they have every single and absolute right to protest peacefully, and whatever may go along with protesting including camping out and yes, even...get this...using the bathroom (imagine that, humans having to use the bathroom, what a fucking riot).

As long as they are not interrupting the capacity of other citizens to exercise their own freedoms it is peaceful and lawful.

Does it say in the Constitution I need a permit to carry a gun???

Does it say in the Constitution I cannot walk around with an AK-47? does it say I cannot own a tank??

If you can protest for 2 months occupying parks then I can carry my fucking pistol around...

Funny how that works...

Oh but you're a progressive so the Bill of Rights only applies to your fucking protest and ideas..

Not to mention OWS isn't protesting "peacefully."

That's an idiotic argument and you know it. Of course it doesn't say that crap, but in this case it is very specific. No addendum needed. If there is a capacity in which someone is no longer capable of exercising such a specific right, it is not lawful.

Stop making inapplicable arguments.

Also I would like to take note of you calling me a "progressive."

I love how you try to label me as such, that's just beautiful.

Oh fuck off - its the same thing...

Its only an "idiotic argument" to you because you're fucking delusional and believe the Bill of Rights only applies to your stupid fucking voice...

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

Where the FUCK does it say I need a goddamn permit to carry a weapon???

There was no constitutional amendment or addendum that asserts one needs a permit to carry weaponry.. Some states have STATE LAWS that require permits, and most communities have laws that require a permit to occupy a piece of public land to protest.

As a matter of fact your hommies the Nazi Party (which are down there at OWS supporting your movement) were denied a permit to protest back in 1978 in Skokie Illinois...
Tenn blocked from enforcing curfew

U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger issued the order, which state officials did not fight.

"Political expression deserves the highest level of protection and it was unacceptable for the state to suddenly shut down protesters' speech and forcibly oust them from Legislative Plaza that has long been used as a place for peaceful expression," said Hedy Weinberg, executive director at the ACLU of Tennessee.

Can't argue with that.

Well what can one say, imposing a curfew on adults is unconstitutional except under declaration of martial law.

What’s more requiring the protesters to pay for a permit to protest is a de facto violation of their 1st amendment rights, just as poll taxes where once made unconstitutional on the grounds that ones right to vote is not contingent on ones ability to pay for it.
Sleeping in a certain place can be considered part of the protest however.

Once again, the 1st Amendment does NOT grant the right to LIVE on Government property, nor the right to deny other citizens the use of Government property, nor the right to impede the comes and goings of other citizens.

They aren't living there unless they pick up their mail at that location. Funny how that works.

You ever hear the term "squatting"?
Probably not.
Tenn blocked from enforcing curfew

U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger issued the order, which state officials did not fight.

"Political expression deserves the highest level of protection and it was unacceptable for the state to suddenly shut down protesters' speech and forcibly oust them from Legislative Plaza that has long been used as a place for peaceful expression," said Hedy Weinberg, executive director at the ACLU of Tennessee.

Can't argue with that.

Well what can one say, imposing a curfew on adults is unconstitutional except under declaration of martial law.

What’s more requiring the protesters to pay for a permit to protest is a de facto violation of their 1st amendment rights, just as poll taxes where once made unconstitutional on the grounds that ones right to vote is not contingent on ones ability to pay for it.

You are sadly ignorant. Pitiful really.
Curfew - Adult Curfews Strict Scrutiny - Court, Adults, City, and California - JRank Articles

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