Federal Judge Halts Release of 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints

They got plans for 30 round cartridges? Bump stocks? Maybe an unaltered automatic AR 15, because Lord knows those are hard to find....
Now you have to have a background check and a 3 day cooling off period to buy a 3D Printer.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

I'm for the 2nd amendment with reasonable controls. 3D is out of control, we shouldn't allow them.
Correct, because as long as you have an untraceable factor involved in any kind of a gun, then it should be illegal. If caught with any kind of untraceable gun, then the fines should be severe in my opinion.

How would anyone like it if their family member was killed by an untraceable gun, and the case goes cold because of that ???

No one would stand for that, and I mean no one.

There is way more to it then that. Saw I order my 80% complete lower and finish it out and build an AR. So I’m driving back home after shooting up an old car and get pulled for doing 31 in a 30. Cop walks up and we do our thing and he spots my range crap. He will ask if I have a gun I will say yes, he will want to check it out to see if it’s stolen or what ever, maybe he won’t, but say he wanted to look at it. “Sir, their ain’t no numbers on this” I explain it all and in the end, my gun will be taken away or I end up in jail until it’s all figured out. Yes, folks have these guns, no they ain’t worth the hassle. I have only seen two of these finished out. It’s not something D’AA’Ron in Chicago will do up in his garage one Saturday. All this hubbub is just election time boogeyman crap.
Why not after finishing the gun out, don't you add an engraved serial number to the gun, and then register the numbers due the possibility of a theft of that weapon ?? Don't the barrel rifling have a distinct identifying quality that shows up on the bullet in which matches that bullet up to the registered serial number on the gun after the recovery of that bullet ??

Why doesn't the kit come with serial numbers already engraved ??
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns
Yep should be allowed in fact thousands of people already have the directions AND even though its been shut down at this time SOMEONE will put it on the web for free :D I might just download it just to have it. Have no interest in making one ever but its just cool to have. It REALLY bugs the authoritarian left when they can't control something ESPECIALLY something that insures peoples freedom like a gun.

No you should not be able to do it. Anyone who does it should be jailed. Anything that allow a individual to own a gun without a background check should be banned. It should be handled the same as if you were buying a gun.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns
Yep should be allowed in fact thousands of people already have the directions AND even though its been shut down at this time SOMEONE will put it on the web for free :D I might just download it just to have it. Have no interest in making one ever but its just cool to have. It REALLY bugs the authoritarian left when they can't control something ESPECIALLY something that insures peoples freedom like a gun.

No you should not be able to do it. Anyone who does it should be jailed. Anything that allow a individual to own a gun without a background check should be banned. It should be handled the same as if you were buying a gun.
There is that totalitarian left we all know and love! Anti Freedom!
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

I'm for the 2nd amendment with reasonable controls. 3D is out of control, we shouldn't allow them.
Correct, because as long as you have an untraceable factor involved in any kind of a gun, then it should be illegal. If caught with any kind of untraceable gun, then the fines should be severe in my opinion.

How would anyone like it if their family member was killed by an untraceable gun, and the case goes cold because of that ???

No one would stand for that, and I mean no one.

There is way more to it then that. Saw I order my 80% complete lower and finish it out and build an AR. So I’m driving back home after shooting up an old car and get pulled for doing 31 in a 30. Cop walks up and we do our thing and he spots my range crap. He will ask if I have a gun I will say yes, he will want to check it out to see if it’s stolen or what ever, maybe he won’t, but say he wanted to look at it. “Sir, their ain’t no numbers on this” I explain it all and in the end, my gun will be taken away or I end up in jail until it’s all figured out. Yes, folks have these guns, no they ain’t worth the hassle. I have only seen two of these finished out. It’s not something D’AA’Ron in Chicago will do up in his garage one Saturday. All this hubbub is just election time boogeyman crap.
Why not after finishing the gun out, don't you add an engraved serial number to the gun, and then register the numbers due the possibility of a theft of that weapon ?? Don't the barrel rifling have a distinct identifying quality that shows up on the bullet in which matches that bullet up to the registered serial number on the gun after the recovery of that bullet ??

Why doesn't the kit come with serial numbers already engraved ??

Best way to explain it is to just show you. There has been lots of debate over this topic in the “gun world” for years. You are correct in saying that they can figure out the gun that fired a bullet. I also think one can number the receiver, but that it’s not nessicarey. I could be wrong, but I even think this topic has gone to court before to.

80% Lower Receiver Info | Learn

A lot of questions have been raised about how our 80% AR-15 Lower Receivers can be considered non-firearms. We've received a determination letter from the ATF stating that the ATF does not view this as a firearm because to complete the receiver it requires specialized skills and tooling.

You can propubly find the ATF letter pretty easy. 3D printing is another ball of wax.
Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

oh piss off.

"The National Rifle Association had to point out Tuesday that any untraceable gun is outlawed in reference to the recent legal settlement that will allow for the blueprints on how to print and set up a gun from a 3D printer to be available to the public."

“Many anti-gun politicians and members of the media have wrongly claimed that 3D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. Regardless of what a person may be able to publish on the Internet, undetectable plastic guns have been illegal for 30 years,” Chris Cox, the NRA-ILA Executive Director, said, according to Stephen Gutowski.

He continued, “Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.”

NRA Shoots Back: These 3D Printed Untraceable Guns Have Been Illegal For Three Decades

Hmmmm so they didn’t come out against it .

Oh, yeah, saying, "We came out against it thirty years ago, so it's a done deal" is TOTALLY not coming out against it.

Seriously, how do you even find the ON/OFF switch on your computer with that level of brain damage?
Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

oh piss off.

"The National Rifle Association had to point out Tuesday that any untraceable gun is outlawed in reference to the recent legal settlement that will allow for the blueprints on how to print and set up a gun from a 3D printer to be available to the public."

“Many anti-gun politicians and members of the media have wrongly claimed that 3D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. Regardless of what a person may be able to publish on the Internet, undetectable plastic guns have been illegal for 30 years,” Chris Cox, the NRA-ILA Executive Director, said, according to Stephen Gutowski.

He continued, “Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.”

NRA Shoots Back: These 3D Printed Untraceable Guns Have Been Illegal For Three Decades

Hmmmm so they didn’t come out against it .

What's to come out against? It's a settled lawsuit.

Then they could’ve said “yeah we ain’t cool
With this 3D gun thing .” Instead they come out with some lame ass “it’s been illegal for 30’years”. Which is a total bull shit dodge cause the tech didn’t exist 30 years ago.

WHY, precisely, are they obligated to be "not cool" with 3D guns? Because you, in your infinite wisdom, have determined that it is bad and they must?

They already addressed the important part of this years ago. The fact that you're late to the party and utterly, woefully uninformed into the bargain is no one's problem but yours.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

I'm for the 2nd amendment with reasonable controls. 3D is out of control, we shouldn't allow them.

Explain "out of control". Then explain to me how we should "not allow them".
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

This is so stupid ... you can buy this book 20 year old book on Amazon


Or download it free on the web. It contains plans, templates, and instructions for creating an SMG with off the shelf parts and hand tools.
Yup. This is nothing more than fear mongering. With just some basic knowlege, and some tools a person can make bona fide firearms at home. And have been able to do so for over a century. The only people freaking out over this, are people who don't know guns, or are looking to make political hay.

Hell, people make working zip guns in PRISON. Florence Prison in Arizona has an entire display in their administrative office of guns, made by the prisoners out of contraband, which have been found and confiscated over the years.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.
No it is not. I can find anything on the internet. The anarchist cookbook? In 5 mins I can get instruction on how to build virtually anything including a very long list of outright illegal items.

It is also 100% legal to build and own a printed gun. The facts do not agree with you.

No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.

Cute play on words, but no, you know what I mean. No one has been killed by a 3-D gun because fortunately so few have been made and the last thing we need is the eventual affordability of 3-D machines where 3-D guns can be made at the blink of an eye by anyone. As it is, someone WILL make and distribute them in the black market, people WILL be killed with them, and if they are of such low utility, then there is nothing really lost in their continued illegality!

Making a 3-D gun violates every statute of the BATFE and is akin to my being able to take an AK and modify it to be fully automatic. The ability for people make their own firearms will remain totally illegal (without a federal stamp). You want a gun, go to the gun store and buy a metal one.
As pointed out, printing a gun is NOT illegal.

Good. Then stop your bitching. Meantime, bump-stocks were legal too and now are being taken off the market.
You are the one bitching about something that other people can do that you do not like. Again, there is literally noting that you or the government can really do to stop those plans from proliferating.

Oh look, took me less than a minute to locate the 'banned' plans.

Let Me Google That

And yes, bump stocks are actually a good example of how utterly asinine this is. That is another pathetic law that does absolutely nothing at all but make idiots feel better.

5 bucks and no real knowledge required:

Or you know, you could just leave the bump stock at home and bump fire the gun anyway.

Pointless trying to make bump stocks illegal.
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Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.
No it is not. I can find anything on the internet. The anarchist cookbook? In 5 mins I can get instruction on how to build virtually anything including a very long list of outright illegal items.

It is also 100% legal to build and own a printed gun. The facts do not agree with you.

No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.

Cute play on words, but no, you know what I mean. No one has been killed by a 3-D gun because fortunately so few have been made and the last thing we need is the eventual affordability of 3-D machines where 3-D guns can be made at the blink of an eye by anyone. As it is, someone WILL make and distribute them in the black market, people WILL be killed with them, and if they are of such low utility, then there is nothing really lost in their continued illegality!

Making a 3-D gun violates every statute of the BATFE and is akin to my being able to take an AK and modify it to be fully automatic. The ability for people make their own firearms will remain totally illegal (without a federal stamp). You want a gun, go to the gun store and buy a metal one.
As pointed out, printing a gun is NOT illegal.

Good. Then stop your bitching. Meantime, bump-stocks were legal too and now are being taken off the market.
You are the one bitching about something that other people can do that you do not like. Again, there is literally noting that you or the government can really do to stop those plans from proliferating.

Oh look, took me less than a minute to locate the 'banned' plans.

Let Me Google That

And yes, bump stocks are actually a good example of how utterly asinine this is. That is another pathetic law that does absolutely nothing at all but make idiots feel better.

5 bucks and no real knowledge required:

Or you know, you could just leave the bump stock at home and bump fire the gun anyway.

Pointless trying to make bump stocks illegal.

Never pointless to make something illegal, but not enforcing the law after the fact is pointless.

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