Federal Judge Halts Release of 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints

Having possession of a firearm with no serial number is already illegal. If it's made of plastic, glass, steel, or uranium.
Just wait till fncceo comes busting down your door in complete ignorance of the law.

As of late, there has been a 80% or 60% receiver complete craze. In these particular cases, the gun cannot be sold or transferred and must only be for the manufacturer’s own personal use. If it is a home build manufactured by yourself, using your own equipment, for your own personal use, no serial number is required.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns
Untraceable firearm that is inaccurate, may explode, and still can not get though a metal detector. The barrel, firing pin, and other material have to be metal for the thing to fire oh and bullets to. Criminals won't bother.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ..

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ..


Would this be illegal under your so called law???

That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ..


Would this be illegal under your so called law???

View attachment 207954

Or would they make all the software illegal?

It's a huge slippery slope and the 9th circuit Court knows it

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No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.

Cute play on words, but no, you know what I mean. No one has been killed by a 3-D gun because fortunately so few have been made and the last thing we need is the eventual affordability of 3-D machines where 3-D guns can be made at the blink of an eye by anyone. As it is, someone WILL make and distribute them in the black market, people WILL be killed with them, and if they are of such low utility, then there is nothing really lost in their continued illegality!

Making a 3-D gun violates every statute of the BATFE and is akin to my being able to take an AK and modify it to be fully automatic. The ability for people make their own firearms will remain totally illegal (without a federal stamp). You want a gun, go to the gun store and buy a metal one.

We can worry about it when someone is killed by a 3D printed gun.
Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ...

You're arguing with the wrong person. I'm a life member of the NRA. My best friend is a Benefactor. I'm just saying that the whole 3-D thing will be fought tooth and nail and will lead to just another heavy burden against those fighting to keep (real) guns a right to all, as 3-D will just make irresponsible abuse of arms easier to more people.

3D-printed gun: Cody Wilson says "debate is over" - CBS News

In time, 3-D printers will become cheaper, and 3-D guns better and better. Thus will lead to a proliferation of guns the law cannot track. While the government can't stop it, they sure as heck can criminalize their manufacture, sale and ownership.
That is irrelevant. You cannot control the flow of information. Not only would that be a gross violation of the first amendment.

Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ...

You're arguing with the wrong person. I'm a life member of the NRA. My best friend is a Benefactor. I'm just saying that the whole 3-D thing will be fought tooth and nail and will lead to just another heavy burden against those fighting to keep (real) guns a right to all, as 3-D will just make irresponsible abuse of arms easier to more people.

3D-printed gun: Cody Wilson says "debate is over" - CBS News

In time, 3-D printers will become cheaper, and 3-D guns better and better. Thus will lead to a proliferation of guns the law cannot track. While the government can't stop it, they sure as heck can criminalize their manufacture, sale and ownership.
You need a lic, to make any Firearm so there for anyone making one is breaking the law. So ATF needs to do their job.
Dude. Name any other right than the 2nd and the cons are actively out to dilute it .

Name one and I’ll give an example .

The 10th. (zing!)

Legalized pot . NEXT!!!

Pretty sure pot was originally banned over safety concerns...see your post #3.

Actually, marijuana was made illegal because of a racist FBI man named Anslinger who hated black and brown people (primary consumers of marijuana). He then went to Hurst, who had timber holdings and didn't want competition from hemp paper, and DuPont, who was working on new things with petroleum, and didn't want the competition from hemp oil. So, they bankrolled Anslinger's cause and he went to Hollyweird and made a movie called Reefer Madness, which he then showed to Congress and got marijuana made illegal.

By the way.................if you watch that movie and know anything about substance abuse, the behaviors they show in that movie are more indicative of cocaine and alcohol use.
Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

Try reading the constitution like the GOP has and then you'll know.

Seriously, you don't think criminals are already in the know about this? This is like saying the recipe for meth shouldn't be released. Guess what, it's all out there and has been for ages.

Can't imagine a plastic gun would work. Would likely explode and harm the person holding it. With no metal parts, it would not be effective.
Sorry, no, not even close. And the flow of information is already controlled. 3-D guns will never be legal. Mark my words.

Don't have to be legal, the cat is out of the bag and you can stomp your bunny slippers all day long.
You and the courts can't stop it.

No bunny slippers here and I'm not trying to stop anything. CAN'T YOU READ? I said there would be an illegal black market in the things. They just will never be legal. Not my wish, just a prediction. When people start popping off easy to make untraceable 3-D firearms in their basements and start killing people with them, the anti-gunners will have their strongest tool yet in the fight to ban guns! And I'll remember you thought it was all just funny.

How are you going to make a design illegal?????

It's not physical .... It's just bytes...a piece of paper , it's art ...

It's 1st amendment ...

You're arguing with the wrong person. I'm a life member of the NRA. My best friend is a Benefactor. I'm just saying that the whole 3-D thing will be fought tooth and nail and will lead to just another heavy burden against those fighting to keep (real) guns a right to all, as 3-D will just make irresponsible abuse of arms easier to more people.

3D-printed gun: Cody Wilson says "debate is over" - CBS News

In time, 3-D printers will become cheaper, and 3-D guns better and better. Thus will lead to a proliferation of guns the law cannot track. While the government can't stop it, they sure as heck can criminalize their manufacture, sale and ownership.
You need a lic, to make any Firearm so there for anyone making one is breaking the law. So ATF needs to do their job.

This is not about making one

Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

Try reading the constitution like the GOP has and then you'll know.

Seriously, you don't think criminals are already in the know about this? This is like saying the recipe for meth shouldn't be released. Guess what, it's all out there and has been for ages.

Can't imagine a plastic gun would work. Would likely explode and harm the person holding it. With no metal parts, it would not be effective.

Educate yourself, they are 3d printing metal guns now.

Educate yourself, they are 3d printing metal guns now.
Yeah but they cost a fortune to print, $10K and up for a gun that you can buy for a few hundred dollars at a gun show.

The FDM ABS (Thermoplastic) ones work (certain designs) but they're only good for a few shots (at most) before you'll likely have to replace components.

In either case it's not something somebody planning to commit a crime is likely to use.
Educate yourself, they are 3d printing metal guns now.
Yeah but they cost a fortune to print, $10K and up for a gun that you can buy for a few hundred dollars at a gun show.

The FDM ABS (Thermoplastic) ones work (certain designs) but they're only good for a few shots (at most) before you'll likely have to replace components.

In either case it's not something somebody planning to commit a crime is likely to use.

That reminds me of that one movie with Clint Eastwood(?) Some guy trying to kill the president with a plastic deringer ..

It doesn't matter. You can find the blueprints for any firearm ever made and a skilled machinist with a lathe and milling machine can reproduce them although it's illegal. Bill Clinton's federal cops killed about 80 men women and children over allegations that a quirky religious affiliated group in Waco Tx. was converting surplus rusty junk into pristine automatic weapons. It wasn't true. A couple of years ago it was "saturday nite specials" and after that democrats were hysterical about resin framed so-called plastic firearms that were alleged to be invisible to metal detectors. Somebody who grew up in the 50's might remember the hysteria over so-called "zip-guns". Almost anybody can still make a single shot relatively effective zip gun in about half a day with scrap metal and basic tools. It won't be pretty or accurate but it will fire a bullet.
Educate yourself, they are 3d printing metal guns now.
Yeah but they cost a fortune to print, $10K and up for a gun that you can buy for a few hundred dollars at a gun show.

The FDM ABS (Thermoplastic) ones work (certain designs) but they're only good for a few shots (at most) before you'll likely have to replace components.

In either case it's not something somebody planning to commit a crime is likely to use.

That reminds me of that one movie with Clint Eastwood(?) Some guy trying to kill the president with a plastic deringer ..

Yeah kind of like that , except they're somewhat better than the one in the movie and they're improving all the time.

Personally, I'm waiting until someone comes up with a design to 3D print a working Phaser, that'll drive the gub'mint worshippers crazy. :D
No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.

Cute play on words, but no, you know what I mean. No one has been killed by a 3-D gun because fortunately so few have been made and the last thing we need is the eventual affordability of 3-D machines where 3-D guns can be made at the blink of an eye by anyone. As it is, someone WILL make and distribute them in the black market, people WILL be killed with them, and if they are of such low utility, then there is nothing really lost in their continued illegality!

Making a 3-D gun violates every statute of the BATFE and is akin to my being able to take an AK and modify it to be fully automatic. The ability for people make their own firearms will remain totally illegal (without a federal stamp). You want a gun, go to the gun store and buy a metal one.

We can worry about it when someone is killed by a 3D printed gun.

I bet he is mostly worried that Americans will be able to defend themselves against leftists better than ever.
No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.

Cute play on words, but no, you know what I mean. No one has been killed by a 3-D gun because fortunately so few have been made and the last thing we need is the eventual affordability of 3-D machines where 3-D guns can be made at the blink of an eye by anyone. As it is, someone WILL make and distribute them in the black market, people WILL be killed with them, and if they are of such low utility, then there is nothing really lost in their continued illegality!

Making a 3-D gun violates every statute of the BATFE and is akin to my being able to take an AK and modify it to be fully automatic. The ability for people make their own firearms will remain totally illegal (without a federal stamp). You want a gun, go to the gun store and buy a metal one.

We can worry about it when someone is killed by a 3D printed gun.

I bet he is mostly worried that Americans will be able to defend themselves against leftists better than ever.

LOL, You're going to defend yourself with a 3D printed Gun?

… Do yourself a favor and get a throwing knife, it'll be more effective.

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