FEDERAL Michael Brown autopsy released!!!! Results are....um....same as local one.

Better riot and burn down buildings just to be sure.
Be sure of what?
Sorry, "just in case" there was/is racism. Because this is America, no one admits they're wrong.

That's a show of weakness.

Oh I thought you meant just in case he wasnt dead...also if you are looking at an autopsy to see if they found traces of racism you may be an idiot

Well Officer Wilson should've focused on all the blonde haired white girls walking in the middle of the street and robbing a gas station. But his racism made him focus only on the black man doing that right?

Rhetorical question. This is a statement posing as a question. Typically, the questioner already knows the answer; often everyone within earshot knows the answer. Pretending the statement is a question is dishonest. If the questioner wants to make a statement, he should stand up like a man and do so.

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