Federal Workers Worry About Their Jobs Under Trump


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I guess there's not going to be a lot of call for Graduate Degrees in Feminist Studies or Unicorn Breeding

Federal workers worry about their jobs under Trump

Jason Pye, director of public policy at the Washington-based conservative group FreedomWorks, said he expects Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress to take steps quickly.

"There are too many people working in the federal government, too many federal agencies; there's an alphabet soup," he said. "What we're simply saying is the federal government has grown too big."
I guess there's not going to be a lot of call for Graduate Degrees in Feminist Studies or Unicorn Breeding

Federal workers worry about their jobs under Trump

Jason Pye, director of public policy at the Washington-based conservative group FreedomWorks, said he expects Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress to take steps quickly.

"There are too many people working in the federal government, too many federal agencies; there's an alphabet soup," he said. "What we're simply saying is the federal government has grown too big."

Private sector employees have to worry about their jobs all the time....especially when there is a new boss. Butch up and work.
The Fed Govt has become bloated.

Either Romney or Trump were bound to deal with this eventually, as Reagan never did.

Rick Perry's 3 agencies should be completely closed down. That would be a good start.

Obviously these people will vote for Hillary next time or Kaine, if they run in 2020 but that problem is 4 years away.
Having been a federal employee, I'm sure many of them do understand that Trump is focused on efficiency. Many government "jobs" are nothing more than office personal who interfere with other people's productivity.
If snowflake Democrats could have every single working American employed by the Federal Government, they totally would.

The only problem is who do you tax to pay their salaries if they are all federal workers?
The Fed Govt has become bloated.

Either Romney or Trump were bound to deal with this eventually, as Reagan never did.

Rick Perry's 3 agencies should be completely closed down. That would be a good start.

Obviously these people will vote for Hillary next time or Kaine, if they run in 2020 but that problem is 4 years away.

In fairness, the Cold war was still very Hot under Reagan.

Something dimocraps never cite when they worship Bill The Rapist is that Reagan won the Cold War and The Rapist was the main beneficiary of said victory.
They don't. It's why they work for the goobermint

In some cases. Sometimes people work in government because they do shit like fix guns or other military equipment. They're hard to replace and retrain and their skills may or may not be more marketable in the private sector.

I'm struggling to become a private gunsmith, but I think I can do it with enough effort.

that money should be spent on the military and on deporting immigrants ... you know stuff not related to government
They don't. It's why they work for the goobermint

In some cases. Sometimes people work in government because they do shit like fix guns or other military equipment. They're hard to replace and retrain and their skills may or may not be more marketable in the private sector.

I'm struggling to become a private gunsmith, but I think I can do it with enough effort.
There's probably never a better time. Gun sales have skyrocketed. I'd go for sales with a repair/custom thing.

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