Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy | General Headlines | Comcast

No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.

Buy $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds indefinitely to try to lower long-term interest rates, encourage home buying and get people to borrow and spend more. It's the Fed's third bond-buying program. If job growth doesn't improve much, the Fed will continue its bond purchases and take other steps.

_ Likely keep its benchmark short-term rate at a record low near zero through at least mid-2015. That's six months longer than the Fed had previously planned.

_ Probably hold interest rates low even well after the economic recovery has strengthened.

The mortgage bond purchases are unlikely to boost home sales much, even if they manage to lower mortgage rates further. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is already 3.55 percent, barely above the record low of 3.49 percent.

Still, Bernanke maintained that the Fed can help further, even with rates already ultra-low. He's argued that the Fed's first two rounds of bond purchases, in which it bought more than $2 trillion in bonds, saved 2 million jobs and accelerated growth.

Good job Obama,further dulite the dollar until it is worth a dime...Destroying America one day at a time,he has sold your soul.......:cuckoo:
There is no solution to our economic problems that can be found in the attempted propping up of bad credit risks by central banks — or anyone else. “Cheap money” will indeed destroy the world, but the destruction does not come in an afternoon, a week, a month or a year.

Rather it embeds structural dysfunction where good ideas are crowded out by bad, where welfare replaces work, where intellectual rot replaces innovation and where various forms of grift and scam wind up being the only means by which money can still be made.

The road we are on leads to perdition my friends and Ben Bernanke, along with Williams, Evans and Rosengren are the demons leading us through the one-way door.
There is no solution to our economic problems that can be found in the attempted propping up of bad credit risks by central banks — or anyone else. “Cheap money” will indeed destroy the world, but the destruction does not come in an afternoon, a week, a month or a year.

This may be a nice theological statement, but it has nothing to do with economic forecasting. Forecasted events, either good or negative, that have no time frame are worthless. Your "destruction of the world" could easily occur a few centuries after we are all dead. You may jump from your grave to shout, "See! I was right!"

The road we are on leads to perdition my friends and Ben Bernanke, along with Williams, Evans and Rosengren are the demons leading us through the one-way door.

Further evidence that you are more into theology than economics. I have a news flash:
ECONOMICS IS NOT A MORALITY PLAY. Those who treat it as such are doomed to failure.
  • Thanks
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Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy | General Headlines | Comcast

No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.

Buy $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds indefinitely to try to lower long-term interest rates, encourage home buying and get people to borrow and spend more. It's the Fed's third bond-buying program. If job growth doesn't improve much, the Fed will continue its bond purchases and take other steps.

_ Likely keep its benchmark short-term rate at a record low near zero through at least mid-2015. That's six months longer than the Fed had previously planned.

_ Probably hold interest rates low even well after the economic recovery has strengthened.

The mortgage bond purchases are unlikely to boost home sales much, even if they manage to lower mortgage rates further. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is already 3.55 percent, barely above the record low of 3.49 percent.

Still, Bernanke maintained that the Fed can help further, even with rates already ultra-low. He's argued that the Fed's first two rounds of bond purchases, in which it bought more than $2 trillion in bonds, saved 2 million jobs and accelerated growth.

Good job Obama,further dulite the dollar until it is worth a dime...Destroying America one day at a time,he has sold your soul.......:cuckoo:
And again, there is nova posting con dogma. What a surprise. But then, he does not ever deal in impartial information. And it is simple to see that nova wants the economy to tank. Anything to help the right, to hell with the working class.
There is no solution to our economic problems that can be found in the attempted propping up of bad credit risks by central banks — or anyone else. “Cheap money” will indeed destroy the world, but the destruction does not come in an afternoon, a week, a month or a year.

Rather it embeds structural dysfunction where good ideas are crowded out by bad, where welfare replaces work, where intellectual rot replaces innovation and where various forms of grift and scam wind up being the only means by which money can still be made.

The road we are on leads to perdition my friends and Ben Bernanke, along with Williams, Evans and Rosengren are the demons leading us through the one-way door.
And Nova is back, pretending to have economic understanding. And believes that we should listen to him for some unknown reason. So, since he is an economic expert, in his own mind, he does not need sourses for his statements. But if pushed, he will use his right wing bat shit crazy right wing sites.
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy | General Headlines | Comcast

No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.

Buy $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds indefinitely to try to lower long-term interest rates, encourage home buying and get people to borrow and spend more. It's the Fed's third bond-buying program. If job growth doesn't improve much, the Fed will continue its bond purchases and take other steps.

_ Likely keep its benchmark short-term rate at a record low near zero through at least mid-2015. That's six months longer than the Fed had previously planned.

_ Probably hold interest rates low even well after the economic recovery has strengthened.

The mortgage bond purchases are unlikely to boost home sales much, even if they manage to lower mortgage rates further. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is already 3.55 percent, barely above the record low of 3.49 percent.

Still, Bernanke maintained that the Fed can help further, even with rates already ultra-low. He's argued that the Fed's first two rounds of bond purchases, in which it bought more than $2 trillion in bonds, saved 2 million jobs and accelerated growth.

Good job Obama,further dulite the dollar until it is worth a dime...Destroying America one day at a time,he has sold your soul.......:cuckoo:
And again, there is nova posting con dogma. What a surprise. But then, he does not ever deal in impartial information. And it is simple to see that nova wants the economy to tank. Anything to help the right, to hell with the working class.

News flash fuck stick, the economy is in the tank,goggle it :asshole:
your bullshit aint getting bought anymore cons

Obama is the only con ,and you have bought it hook line and sinker......

True Americans do not believe the Obama hope and change bullshit,failure is consider a success in his and your world ....
Kinda hard to reconcile QE3 with the Obama pablum that we're on the right track and things are getting better. That's what they've been saying everytime a suckass UE report comes out.
No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.

Impossible! They promised:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6qo2S84r5w]Bernanke Lies Under Oath re: Monetizing Debt - YouTube[/ame]
The bold plan had the result of lowering our credit rating even more. That's how good it really is.
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy | General Headlines | Comcast

No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.

Buy $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds indefinitely to try to lower long-term interest rates, encourage home buying and get people to borrow and spend more. It's the Fed's third bond-buying program. If job growth doesn't improve much, the Fed will continue its bond purchases and take other steps.

_ Likely keep its benchmark short-term rate at a record low near zero through at least mid-2015. That's six months longer than the Fed had previously planned.

_ Probably hold interest rates low even well after the economic recovery has strengthened.

The mortgage bond purchases are unlikely to boost home sales much, even if they manage to lower mortgage rates further. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is already 3.55 percent, barely above the record low of 3.49 percent.

Still, Bernanke maintained that the Fed can help further, even with rates already ultra-low. He's argued that the Fed's first two rounds of bond purchases, in which it bought more than $2 trillion in bonds, saved 2 million jobs and accelerated growth.

Good job Obama,further dulite the dollar until it is worth a dime...Destroying America one day at a time,he has sold your soul.......:cuckoo:
And again, there is nova posting con dogma. What a surprise. But then, he does not ever deal in impartial information. And it is simple to see that nova wants the economy to tank. Anything to help the right, to hell with the working class.

News flash fuck stick, the economy is in the tank,goggle it :asshole:
News flash fuck stick, the economy is in the tank,goggle it
And nova, the con tool and paid shill can come up with no proof of his statements. He just expects people to believe him.. Good luck with that, dipshit. but, when nova is unable to provide proof of his statements, which is always, he simply reverts to insults. Which is always. Sad example of a human, nova. You really are.

Here. You really need to study (start by looking up study in your favorite dictionary) this:
The right's stupidity spreads, enabled by a too-polite left | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian
Last edited:
And Nova is back, pretending to have economic understanding.

He does seem to understand quite well that an economy grows when the private sector invents new goods and services, not when the liberals print money!!

A child would be able to understand this, just not a liberal!!
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy
But it will bail out the banks again....
If Bernanke had any honor he would simply fall on his sword.
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy
But it will bail out the banks again....
If Bernanke had any honor he would simply fall on his sword.

well he's actually in a tough spot. The politicians are frozen in place by a divided electorate and so not correcting the liberal influences in our economy. By printing money he's at least keeping us drugged up t while we decline.
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy
But it will bail out the banks again....
If Bernanke had any honor he would simply fall on his sword.

well he's actually in a tough spot. The politicians are frozen in place by a divided electorate and so not correcting the liberal influences in our economy. By printing money he's at least keeping us drugged up t while we decline.
Don't worry about ed. No one pays any real attention to him. He is here to post con dogma to the very, very, very dumb.
Fed's bold plan still might not jolt slow economy
But it will bail out the banks again....
If Bernanke had any honor he would simply fall on his sword.

well he's actually in a tough spot. The politicians are frozen in place by a divided electorate and so not correcting the liberal influences in our economy. By printing money he's at least keeping us drugged up t while we decline.
Don't worry about ed. No one pays any real attention to him. He is here to post con dogma to the very, very, very dumb.

Of course the Constitution is con dogma all about limited government . If you had a serious objection to it you would be able to state the objection. As a liberal you lack the IQ to do so. Sorry

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