Feds (ICE) Raid 7-11 Stores in 17 States Looking for Illegal Aliens

Is this Federal pressure on employers of Illegals a good thing?

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Your continued dodging is noted.

Should I take that as an admission you were one of those libs and now are dancing and deflection to avoid having to eat crow, now that your claims are revealed to be the words of a fool?

This is for you.

And this is for YOU:

Trump administration has deported fewer illegal Mexican immigrants than Obama, data show

Haha...You Loons have no credibility...you never tell the whole truth.
Arrests of illegal wetbacks is up by more than 4,000 per month under the Trump admin. So many were arrested early on that immigration courts became backlogged. (thanks to road blocks created by Hussein Obeaner) The number being deported has slowed as the court system plays catch-up.

“Immigration courts have long been overburdened, with regular deportation cases taking up to two years to complete because of the volume of cases. The Trump administration has added to that backlog by arresting more people and cutting back on the Obama administration policy of allowing undocumented immigrants to be free on bond as they await their court hearings.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has dispatched 25 more immigration judges to detention centers along the southwest border with Mexico and wants to add more. The Justice Department's goal is to hire 50 immigration judges this year and 75 in the following year.”
Immigration arrests up, deportations down under Trump

Obama didn't have back logs in court because he thought it out before he acted. Trump and Sessions decided that they were going to arrest people and didn't account for where to put these people while awaiting court. Without bail they're going to be in prisons or something living off on the taxpayers. Obama had the foresight to know that allowing up some money in case they fled was far more of a burden is the klusterfuk that's going on
Your continued dodging is noted.

Should I take that as an admission you were one of those libs and now are dancing and deflection to avoid having to eat crow, now that your claims are revealed to be the words of a fool?

This is for you.

And this is for YOU:

Trump administration has deported fewer illegal Mexican immigrants than Obama, data show

Haha...You Loons have no credibility...you never tell the whole truth.
Arrests of illegal wetbacks is up by more than 4,000 per month under the Trump admin. So many were arrested early on that immigration courts became backlogged. (thanks to road blocks created by Hussein Obeaner) The number being deported has slowed as the court system plays catch-up.

“Immigration courts have long been overburdened, with regular deportation cases taking up to two years to complete because of the volume of cases. The Trump administration has added to that backlog by arresting more people and cutting back on the Obama administration policy of allowing undocumented immigrants to be free on bond as they await their court hearings.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has dispatched 25 more immigration judges to detention centers along the southwest border with Mexico and wants to add more. The Justice Department's goal is to hire 50 immigration judges this year and 75 in the following year.”
Immigration arrests up, deportations down under Trump
Obama's use of the immigration bond device generated millions for the US treasury and the courts never got bogged down with backlogs because Obama thought things through before acting. Trump and Sessions Didn't think things through before arresting people snd denying them bond. Tax payes now have to house and feed the arrestees while Obamas bond plan put money in the US Treasury.

much do immigration bonds cost?
Either ICE or an immigration judge will set the bond amount, and the amount will increase or decrease based on several factors, such as the person's immigration status, criminal history, employment situation, and family ties in the United States. The higher the flight risk, the higher the bond amount. The usual minimum amount for a delivery bond is $1,500, and the cost can increase up to $10,000 or more depending on an assessment of the detainee's risk factors. For departure bonds, the minimum amount is typically $500. One important thing to keep in mind is that it sometimes take a year or longer for the government to return the bond money to the person who posted it.

How do I get an immigration bond?
There are two ways to pay for an immigration bond:

  1. Surety bond– The detainee's friends or family can work with an immigration bond agent to get a surety bond. The agent will typically charge 15-20% of the total bond amount, and the money or collateral you furnish is non-refundable.
  2. Cash bond – The detainee's friends or family can pay the full bond amount directly to ICE, and that money will be refunded once the detainee has attended all mandatory hearings in immigration court. The cash bond can be paid by cash, money order, Cashier's check, or U.S. bonds or notes.
Or they could be out there helping build the wall. We need those on the southern side to not be able to come back in once it is done.
Do you really think building a 720 mile wall. on a 2000 mile long border for 18 million is wise? Trump has already lied publicly about Mexico paying for the wall so why should we belive any thing he says about the cost of it.
Damn! Now, I can rush to my nearest 7/11, and get a job in which I have the highest probability of being shot dead in an armed robbery while making minimum wage!
Damn! Now, I can rush to my nearest 7/11, and get a job in which I have the highest probability of being shot dead in an armed robbery while making minimum wage!
---------------------------------------------- probably a good deal for Americans , now get down there and get to work VShandel .
But the Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party prefers illegal aliens over American citizens.

100% of illegals vote for the democrat party.

No real American does.

Should not even be dignified with a response....

You have "not my president" in your title.

You are no American... Thanks for proving the case.
The Constitution says he IS an American, especially if he was born here
Trump ran on a promise to crack down and deport undocumented workers. And under him, ICE has reportedly made nearly 40 percent more arrests."

THAT'S the type of shit that is going to have a big fucking effect. A couple dozens employERS get fucked and ALL employers will start reevaluating the cost benefit calculation of hiring illegals.

Sure. The deterrence effect is YUGE. Both on the illegals and on the employers. Trump is doing great.
Trump ran on a promise to crack down and deport undocumented workers. And under him, ICE has reportedly made nearly 40 percent more arrests."

THAT'S the type of shit that is going to have a big fucking effect. A couple dozens employERS get fucked and ALL employers will start reevaluating the cost benefit calculation of hiring illegals.

Sure. The deterrence effect is YUGE. Both on the illegals and on the employers. Trump is doing great.
Then no wall is needed.
WHat happened to targeting criminals and MS13!!! Oooh scary !

Taking out 7-11 employees ? What a waste of ins time . Are those the jobs we are bringing back to Americans?
targeting criminals
You do realize Timmy that those who cross our borders illegally are criminals, right? or did you not get past the 8th grade?

That's where he'll be in two more years, assuming he gets socially promoted!
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WHat happened to targeting criminals and MS13!!! Oooh scary !

Taking out 7-11 employees ? What a waste of ins time . Are those the jobs we are bringing back to Americans?

If you are out of status or came here illegally, well then you broke the law and you know what that mean?

It mean they are criminals.

I know those pesky laws!
IF the government is doing their job, and fining the crap out of employers, illegals are no longer "less costly".

And there are plenty of struggling American citizens, to whom a couple bucks an hour MORE, would make quite a difference to.

Long term? Long term is a long time from now. I want jobs for Americans today. ALL THE JOBS.
I hear you but I'm not convinced it is a zero-sum game. Everyone living here, legally or not, creates jobs that support them: construction of houses, health care, transportation, etc. More people = more jobs.

Houses? Paid by our taxes.
Health care? Paid by our taxes.
Transportation? Paid by our taxes.
Education for their kids? Paid by our taxes.
Food? Paid by our taxes.
Need for more border patrol? Paid by our taxes.
Need for more immigration judges? Paid by our taxes.
Need for a border wall? Paid by our taxes.
Need for more cops? Paid by our taxes.

Shall we continue?
There is no evidence of Illegals voting. en masse...and no evidence any vote in national elections.

Sure there is --- that's the 4.5 million Hillary vote plurality in California. Where they have motorvoter laws with automatic registration. That one state entirely accounts for the 3 million "popular vote" plurality for Hillary ------- and probably all of it illegals. Everyone is automatically registered to vote when they get a drivers license: all they have to do is SAY (lie) that they are here legally. No one checks.

This illegal voting so needs to be cleaned up.

Dems want their voters to be illegals, blacks, felons, homeless --- and that's the kind of people Dems want to run the country. Run the country down like Haiti.
WHat happened to targeting criminals and MS13!!! Oooh scary !

Taking out 7-11 employees ? What a waste of ins time . Are those the jobs we are bringing back to Americans?

If you are out of status or came here illegally, well then you broke the law and you know what that mean?

It mean they are criminals.

I know those pesky laws!
Many come here legally but overstay their visas. Getting here that way is far smarter and cheaper .
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, US Federal (ICE) agents raided 7-11 stores in 17 states, looking for Illegal Aliens and demanding historical hiring documentation of the franchisees (owners).



It would appear that the Trump Administration is becoming serious about flushing-out Illegals and punishing their employers.

It's just a drop in the bucket and easily countered, but it's a start.

Will it last?

Is this just the beginning, or is this an isolated burst of 'showmanship' as stimulus and prelude to negotiations in Congress?

Will this (and a few others?) be enough to scare-off many employers from hiring Illegal Aliens, or retaining them on-payroll moving forward?

As a liberal I think this is a good start.

BUT- I think it is curious that they went after a business that has franchisees rather than a retailer with their own employees.

I would rather see them go after construction companies and meat packing companies- both of which have well known issues with hiring undocumented labor.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, US Federal (ICE) agents raided 7-11 stores in 17 states, looking for Illegal Aliens and demanding historical hiring documentation of the franchisees (owners).



It would appear that the Trump Administration is becoming serious about flushing-out Illegals and punishing their employers.

It's just a drop in the bucket and easily countered, but it's a start.

Will it last?

Is this just the beginning, or is this an isolated burst of 'showmanship' as stimulus and prelude to negotiations in Congress?

Will this (and a few others?) be enough to scare-off many employers from hiring Illegal Aliens, or retaining them on-payroll moving forward?

As a liberal I think this is a good start.

BUT- I think it is curious that they went after a business that has franchisees rather than a retailer with their own employees.

I would rather see them go after construction companies and meat packing companies- both of which have well known issues with hiring undocumented labor.

Could it be because 7-11 is owned by a Japanese company called seven & I holdings?

Trump's racism is all over these raids.
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Do you really think building a 720 mile wall. on a 2000 mile long border for 18 million is wise? Trump has already lied publicly about Mexico paying for the wall so why should we belive any thing he says about the cost of it.
That one lie is a problem, but the reason for doubting anything Trump says is the other 1950+ lies he's told in 347 days! And those are just the ones we know about because he told them in public and before millions of people!
Research has shown that averaged across the whole American population, there are about two lies told per person per day; however, the preponderance of actual lying is performed by a minority of the population, and the greater majority of the population (~60%) doesn't daily lie. Among the subset of population that actually utters the vast majority of lies, the lying rate is 2 to 5 per day.

Trump, however, is in a class nearly by himself; toddlers and tweens lie about as much as he does. In his quest to be superlative in all regards, Trump lying rate easily outstrips that of the typical person in his age cohort (over sixty) by lying at a rate of nearly 6 per day (simple math using the figures at the "click here" link above).
Trump's total lack of commitment to facts as President is a continuation of the trend from the 2016 presidential race. In that contest, 59 of the 92 Trump statements that the Post fact-checked were found to be totally and completely false. That's roughly two thirds (64%). By comparison, seven of the 49 fact-checked statements by Hillary Clinton were found by the Post to be totally and completely false. That's just more than one in 10 (14%). (Source)

Thus the reason to doubt Trump's claim is not merely that he lies, or even that he lied about Mexico paying for his wall, but that the rate at which he lies is so great that if his mouth is open, more likely than not, he's either eating, snoring or lying.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, US Federal (ICE) agents raided 7-11 stores in 17 states, looking for Illegal Aliens and demanding historical hiring documentation of the franchisees (owners).



It would appear that the Trump Administration is becoming serious about flushing-out Illegals and punishing their employers.

It's just a drop in the bucket and easily countered, but it's a start.

Will it last?

Is this just the beginning, or is this an isolated burst of 'showmanship' as stimulus and prelude to negotiations in Congress?

Will this (and a few others?) be enough to scare-off many employers from hiring Illegal Aliens, or retaining them on-payroll moving forward?

As a liberal I think this is a good start.

BUT- I think it is curious that they went after a business that has franchisees rather than a retailer with their own employees.

I would rather see them go after construction companies and meat packing companies- both of which have well known issues with hiring undocumented labor.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, US Federal (ICE) agents raided 7-11 stores in 17 states, looking for Illegal Aliens and demanding historical hiring documentation of the franchisees (owners).



It would appear that the Trump Administration is becoming serious about flushing-out Illegals and punishing their employers.

It's just a drop in the bucket and easily countered, but it's a start.

Will it last?

Is this just the beginning, or is this an isolated burst of 'showmanship' as stimulus and prelude to negotiations in Congress?

Will this (and a few others?) be enough to scare-off many employers from hiring Illegal Aliens, or retaining them on-payroll moving forward?

As a liberal I think this is a good start.

BUT- I think it is curious that they went after a business that has franchisees rather than a retailer with their own employees.

I would rather see them go after construction companies and meat packing companies- both of which have well known issues with hiring undocumented labor.

Could it be because 7-11 is owned by a Japanese company called seven & I holdings?

Trump's racism is all over these raids.
Could it be because 7-11 is owned by a Japanese company called seven & I holdings?

Trump's racism is all over these raids.
I don't know that I can go so far as to ascribe to the notion that is Administration targeted 7-11s for racist reasons. That a Japanese firm owns the corporate 7-11 entity may be part of the reason that chain was targeted, but insofar as individual stores are franchisee-owned, the impact on the Japanese entity was either minimal or none. I can't say there was no racist intent, but neither can I confidently say there was.

Among the top three industries wherein are found the largest number of unauthorized workers -- agriculture, construction and leisure/hospitality -- two of them are at the zenith of their business cycle right now. Not much construction or agricultural production that requires the most low-skilled workers happens in the winter.

As for leisure/hospitality, I'd be surprised to find that industry being targeted by/for ICE infractions. Ditto construction when the weather gets warmer. They are, after all, the industries in which Trump "plays."
Were firms in those industries targeted, I suspect it'd be in execution of a Trump vendetta against a specific competitor(s).
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