Feds ignore rules and use stimulus cash to buy Chinese solar panels


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Rules? Rules? You can't handle the rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rules were meant for YOU not the one.

Feds ignore rules and use stimulus cash to buy Chinese solar panels

Feds ignore rules and use stimulus cash to buy Chinese solar panels - Washington Times

Government officials blame unfair competition from China for the collapse of solar panel manufacturer Solyndra, but such concerns didn’t stop the federal government from breaking stimulus program rules to use Chinese solar panels atop a federal building housing the offices of a senator, congressman and several agencies.

Even the contractor questioned whether Chinese-made panels could be used under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the stimulus program that mandated use of U.S.-made products. His query in early 2010 was dismissed and the General Services Administration moved forward with using the Chinese panels on the Sen. Paul Simon Federal Building in Carbondale, Ill., records show.
Yeh but housing current politicians and such.

Padding their own butts with stimulus money.
Good grief. There really should be bipartisan outrage over the way Washington just blows money. We have an Auditor General's office that just nukes abusive spending by all parties.

The Auditor General lays a smackdown on any politician/party who breaks any rules. They kick ass. And when the Office of the AG is about to release their report card on spending there is palatable fear in the air in Ottawa.

And that's the way it should be. Too often those in government begin to regard tax payers money as their own.

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