Feds released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into communities

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
ICE has already released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into the U.S. this fiscal year, and the number is likely to surge as the border situation deteriorates, a top deportation official told Congress on Wednesday.

According to the results of a pilot program, a staggering 87% of released families are skipping their court hearings, leaving judges to order them deported in absentia — and the government is ill-equipped to track them down.

[snip] “Family units are not appearing in great numbers,”said ( Nathalie R. Asher), the acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s deportation branch.

She revealed the numbers to senators Wednesday during a high-stakes hearing in which she and other immigration officials pleaded with Congress for more money and more legal tools to try to stop the surge of illegal immigrants.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...

And WE PAY over $150 BILLION a year to take care of these illegal invaders and only TRUMP is making a squark about it!....What is wrong with this picture?
Infect the invaders with communicable deadly disease and send them into invader communities. They will be easily visible for deportation. Think of them as human small pox blankets.
ICE has already released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into the U.S. this fiscal year, and the number is likely to surge as the border situation deteriorates, a top deportation official told Congress on Wednesday.

According to the results of a pilot program, a staggering 87% of released families are skipping their court hearings, leaving judges to order them deported in absentia — and the government is ill-equipped to track them down.

[snip] “Family units are not appearing in great numbers,”said ( Nathalie R. Asher), the acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s deportation branch.

She revealed the numbers to senators Wednesday during a high-stakes hearing in which she and other immigration officials pleaded with Congress for more money and more legal tools to try to stop the surge of illegal immigrants.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...

And WE PAY over $150 BILLION a year to take care of these illegal invaders and only TRUMP is making a squark about it!....What is wrong with this picture?
Upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure is more equitable.
Infect the invaders with communicable deadly disease and send them into invader communities. They will be easily visible for deportation. Think of them as human small pox blankets.
don't really care about natural rights except in abortion threads?
There is no natural right to invade another country. There is no natural right to tear open your front door and move into your house.

You are pretty much of an idiot anyway. Have a happy ending.
Infect the invaders with communicable deadly disease and send them into invader communities. They will be easily visible for deportation. Think of them as human small pox blankets.
don't really care about natural rights except in abortion threads?
There is no natural right to invade another country. There is no natural right to tear open your front door and move into your house.

You are pretty much of an idiot anyway. Have a happy ending.
seeking asylum is a natural right; we should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure, abolishing our global warfare for global trade, and building new cities in more optimum locations.
Government releases enough illegals to fill a major city and most will be on welfare while working for cash....I know for a fact because I live in a town full of Honduran..Guatemala...and Brazilians men all illegals drinking and smoking pot all day.
This has to stop because most of us can’t take this anymore
ICE has already released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into the U.S. this fiscal year, and the number is likely to surge as the border situation deteriorates, a top deportation official told Congress on Wednesday.

According to the results of a pilot program, a staggering 87% of released families are skipping their court hearings, leaving judges to order them deported in absentia — and the government is ill-equipped to track them down.

[snip] “Family units are not appearing in great numbers,”said ( Nathalie R. Asher), the acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s deportation branch.

She revealed the numbers to senators Wednesday during a high-stakes hearing in which she and other immigration officials pleaded with Congress for more money and more legal tools to try to stop the surge of illegal immigrants.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...

And WE PAY over $150 BILLION a year to take care of these illegal invaders and only TRUMP is making a squark about it!....What is wrong with this picture?

I thought Trump was the president. How is this happening under his watch?
Government releases enough illegals to fill a major city and most will be on welfare while working for cash....I know for a fact because I live in a town full of Honduran..Guatemala...and Brazilians men all illegals drinking and smoking pot all day.

ICE has already released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into the U.S. this fiscal year, and the number is likely to surge as the border situation deteriorates, a top deportation official told Congress on Wednesday.

According to the results of a pilot program, a staggering 87% of released families are skipping their court hearings, leaving judges to order them deported in absentia — and the government is ill-equipped to track them down.

[snip] “Family units are not appearing in great numbers,”said ( Nathalie R. Asher), the acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s deportation branch.

She revealed the numbers to senators Wednesday during a high-stakes hearing in which she and other immigration officials pleaded with Congress for more money and more legal tools to try to stop the surge of illegal immigrants.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...

And WE PAY over $150 BILLION a year to take care of these illegal invaders and only TRUMP is making a squark about it!....What is wrong with this picture?
By the time Trump leaves office we are likely to have an additional half million illegal immigrants in the US. He needed a crisis at the border so he created one telling migrants that he would build a wall and close the border. This was their last chance to get into the US. Now we can see the results and yes it is a crisis.
If you think releasing thousands of illegals onto America is great idea, but no one is talking about most of these illegals are men from Honduras...Guatemala and Brazil who are very violent and will be walking your streets in neighborhoods near you
If you think releasing thousands of illegals onto America is great idea, but no one is talking about most of these illegals are men from Honduras...Guatemala and Brazil who are very violent and will be walking your streets in neighborhoods near you
No, I don't think it's a good idea but there's not much choice. There is no place to put them. You would think Trump would have thought of this before he got us into this mess. He announces he's going cut off all aid to these Central American countries which guarantees things going to get worse. Over and over he declared he was going to close the border to punish Mexico and stop migrants from coming into the country. This was like waving a red flag in front a charging bull. Caravans in Central American told the people that this was their last change to get into the US. The border is going to close. And boy did the people respond. Now Trump is demanding Mexico bail him out by stopping migrants from reaching the border. The president has wielded threats, insults and punishments against Mexico since he got in office with little to show for it. The result is Trump is about as popular in Mexico as Himmler in a Nazi death camp. The chance that Mexico will do anything significant is remote.

The number of migrants arriving at the border is going to decrease over the summer as it always does because of the danger in traveling across Mexico on foot in the heat. As the numbers drop, Trump will back off on his threats, declare his policy a great success and thank the president of Mexico for his help.
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If you think releasing thousands of illegals onto America is great idea, but no one is talking about most of these illegals are men from Honduras...Guatemala and Brazil who are very violent and will be walking your streets in neighborhoods near you
No, I don't think it's a good idea but there's not much choice. There is no place to put them. You would think Trump would have thought of this before he got us into this mess. He announces he's going cut off all aid to these Central American countries which guarantees things going to get worse. Over and over he declared he was going to close the border to punish Mexico and stop migrants from coming into the country. This was like waving a red flag in front a charging bull. Caravans in Central American told the people that this was their last change to get into the US. The border is going to close. And boy did the people respond. Now Trump is demanding Mexico bail him out by stopping migrants from reaching the border. The president has wielded threats, insults and punishments against Mexico since he got in office with little to show for it. The result is Trump is about as popular in Mexico as Himmler in a Nazi death camp. The chance that Mexico will do anything significant is remote.

The number of migrants arriving at the border is going to decrease over the summer as it always does because of the danger in traveling across Mexico on foot in the heat. As the numbers drop, Trump will back off on his threats, declare his policy a great success and thank the president of Mexico for his help.
Trump got us into this mess? This mess was dumped into Trump's lap because 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama did nothing to secure the border. They know if they can get across the border and turn themselves in they will be released so they keep coming because the border is not secure because Nancy and her gang will not let it be secured. These people are used to the heat and nothing will stop them but a secure border and enforcement of our immigration laws.
If you think releasing thousands of illegals onto America is great idea, but no one is talking about most of these illegals are men from Honduras...Guatemala and Brazil who are very violent and will be walking your streets in neighborhoods near you
No, I don't think it's a good idea but there's not much choice. There is no place to put them. You would think Trump would have thought of this before he got us into this mess. He announces he's going cut off all aid to these Central American countries which guarantees things are going to get worse. Over and over he declared he was going to close the border to punish Mexico and stop migrants from coming into the country. This was like waving a red flag in front a charging bull. Caravans in Central American told the people that this was their last change to get into the US. The border is going to close. And boy did the people respond. Now Trump is demanding Mexico bail him out by stopping migrants from reaching the border. The president has wielded threats, insults and punishments against Mexico since he got in office with little to show for it. The result is Trump is about as popular in Mexico as Himmler in a Nazi death camp. The chance that Mexico will do anything significant is remote.

The number of migrants arriving at the border is going to decrease over the summer as it always does because of the danger in traveling across Mexico on foot in the heat. As the numbers drop, Trump will back off on his threats, declare his policy a great success and thank the president of Mexico for his help.
Trump got us into this mess? This mess was dumped into Trump's lap because 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama did nothing to secure the border. They know if they can get across the border and turn themselves in they will be released so they keep coming because the border is not secure because Nancy and her gang will not let it be secured. These people are used to the heat and nothing will stop them but a secure border and enforcement of our immigration laws.
Trump entered office with the lowest number of illegal immigrant crossing in 20 years. At the current rate, he will be breaking records for the highest. His threats to seal the border, close the border, build an impenetrable wall, tighten asylum requirements, cutoff help for poverty stricken Central American countries is sending millions of migrants north. 4 years of hateful rhetoric toward Mexico guarantees that they are going to be of little help and they are the only country that can help. Today, Mexican confidence in Trump stands at 6%. Any Mexican public official that sides with Trump is toast.
If you think releasing thousands of illegals onto America is great idea, but no one is talking about most of these illegals are men from Honduras...Guatemala and Brazil who are very violent and will be walking your streets in neighborhoods near you
No, I don't think it's a good idea but there's not much choice. There is no place to put them. You would think Trump would have thought of this before he got us into this mess. He announces he's going cut off all aid to these Central American countries which guarantees things going to get worse. Over and over he declared he was going to close the border to punish Mexico and stop migrants from coming into the country. This was like waving a red flag in front a charging bull. Caravans in Central American told the people that this was their last change to get into the US. The border is going to close. And boy did the people respond. Now Trump is demanding Mexico bail him out by stopping migrants from reaching the border. The president has wielded threats, insults and punishments against Mexico since he got in office with little to show for it. The result is Trump is about as popular in Mexico as Himmler in a Nazi death camp. The chance that Mexico will do anything significant is remote.

The number of migrants arriving at the border is going to decrease over the summer as it always does because of the danger in traveling across Mexico on foot in the heat. As the numbers drop, Trump will back off on his threats, declare his policy a great success and thank the president of Mexico for his help.

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