Feds: Sebelius violated federal law by campaigning for Obama


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Feds: Sebelius violated federal law by campaigning for Obama

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated federal law when she campaigned this winter for President Obama, federal investigators announced Wednesday.

Sebelius broke the law by making “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in February at a Human Rights Campaign Event in Charlotte, N.C., according to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). She made the comments in the city that would later host the Democratic National Convention.

The agency said Sebelius’ comments violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits public officials from campaigning in an official capacity.

The agency said the Department of Health and Human Services after the event reclassified the trip from official to political and that the federal government was reimbursed for related costs.
Nice... they knew she broke the law, and covered for her. Way to go, Democrats! If a Republican had done this, you libtards would be all over them like white on rice.
the question is will anything be done? libs and dems arent known for prosecuting their own.
Oh no. She made "comments"? How dare her.

so its okay when dems do it but not when republicans do it? what she did was break the law, oh thats right ur people dont care if certain people break the rules, they are called patriots.
She made "comments". Republicans outraged.

Bush lied us into Iraq. Republicans cheered.
She made "comments". Republicans outraged.

Bush lied us into Iraq. Republicans cheered.

lords, stop being silly, dems do wrong today republicans lied to this and that is that how u work one gets away with someone else as long as u are keeping the "wrong" bank. how much is banked for the dems? stop being silly,
She made "comments". Republicans outraged.

Bush lied us into Iraq. Republicans cheered.

U.S. Office of Special Counsel says she violated federal law, dumb ass.

I know. She committed,

wait for it


wait some more

She committed:


She made "comments". Republicans outraged.

Bush lied us into Iraq. Republicans cheered.

U.S. Office of Special Counsel says she violated federal law, dumb ass.

I know. She committed,

wait for it


wait some more

She committed:


U.S. Office of Special Counsel says she violated federal law, dumb ass.

her 'comments' were campaigning for Obama, which is against federal law for her to do, dumb ass. Of course, since it was a Dem, you'll overlook the breaking of federal law.
You gotta admit, it's pretty hilarious that a party engaging in "voter suppression" being upset by "comments"?
You gotta admit, it's pretty hilarious that a party engaging in "voter suppression" being upset by "comments"?

You DO realize this was a non-partisan agency of the Federal Government that says she violated federal law... right?
It doesn't matter, Dems are sacrosanct, they can do whatever they want and rdean would be there to lick up the cum drops for them.
It doesn't matter, Dems are sacrosanct, they can do whatever they want and rdean would be there to lick up the cum drops for them.

Deanie loves it when the Dems piss on his head and tell him 'it's just rain... sit back and take it, bitch'.

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