Feds to Map Every Neighborhood to Eliminate Segregation

IMO all this does is forces whites to move into the suburbs. It's almost as though the government doesn't want whites living in cities.

Been there, done that. Whites have already been forced out of the cities and into the 'burbs. Now this little pet project that HUD is working on will let low-income minorities (welfare whores) creep into middle class (hard working) neighborhoods.
IMO all this does is forces whites to move into the suburbs. It's almost as though the government doesn't want whites living in cities.

Been there, done that. Whites have already been forced out of the cities and into the 'burbs. Now this little pet project that HUD is working on will let low-income minorities (welfare whores) creep into middle class (hard working) neighborhoods.

In the cities it will.

That's why I said this policy will push those whites who are still living in the cities into the suburbs.

Minorities typically don't live in the suburbs for many reasons.

1) That's where the vast majority of whites in the country lives, so intolerance towards minorities is much higher there in the suburbs and rural areas.

2) The commute into the city is longer thus more expensive (gasoline.)

3) Fewer jobs in suburban towns available to minorities for varying reason.

Off the top of my head that's all I can think of, but it mostly revolves around economics why minorities live primarily in cities.
I'm glad you posted a thread on this, I was going to do it, but couldn't.

On topic: Bottom line is this.

You cannot force people to live in a neighborhood they don't want to live in.

Sure you can, but it's a really, really bad idea.
Didn't social engineering via housing play one of - if not the key - roles in the economic mess that started a few years back?
I'm glad you posted a thread on this, I was going to do it, but couldn't.

On topic: Bottom line is this.

You cannot force people to live in a neighborhood they don't want to live in.

Sure you can, but it's a really, really bad idea.

Technically you can, but that would result in violence. And violence is never a good thing...
That sounds like a wonderful plan. I want to move to a white neighborhood if you guys do not mind.
city-data.com already supplies this info from census data. Guess this will force a few into government jobs, rather than allow a private company to exist.
One example -

Bowling Green, Kentucky (KY) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news

It appears that HUD is going to have to help finance 13% of the black population to integrate into the white populated areas whether they like it or not. HUD HAS SPOKEN!
If the government truly intends to racially balance neighborhoods, they will have to control the price of the homes.

This law is apparently directed at realtors and the considerations they use when showing homes. A huge reason on choosing where to show homes has to do with finance, not race. A poor black person will not be shown a home in Beverly Hills if they can't afford a home there. A wealthy white person will not be shown a home in South Central if their house buying budget is five million dollars. Unless there is an equalization of home prices, the kind of integration envisioned by Papa Doc obama isn't going to happen.
If the government truly intends to racially balance neighborhoods, they will have to control the price of the homes.

They don't.

This law is apparently directed at realtors and the considerations they use when showing homes.

You don't know that. You made it up.

A poor black person will not be shown a home in Beverly Hills if they can't afford a home there.
Yeah now they won't, I'd bet anything in 2006 before the housing crash they would have! Just make that loan, sell it to whoever will buy it, pocket the fees, and next!

Unless there is an equalization of home prices, the kind of integration envisioned by Papa Doc obama isn't going to happen.

That's not what this law is doing. I think you know that. Either that or you are incredibility stupid. Really all it is doing is making existing census data available in an easier to use format. This is data the taxpayers have already paid to collect.

Perhaps you're just afraid to see how segregated America really is.
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America is very segregated, by economic standards not by race. The lower the financial position of the individual, the more racially segregated the area.

50 years ago, the government intended to end segregation. That failed. This will fail too. It's not at all that people refuse to live with those of another race. They will refuse to live with those of another class, until you get down to the very lowest denominator, then they are afraid to live with those of another race, both whites and blacks.

I know what the law does, and what it wants to do. What it will do is increase wholly owned private communities that are walled with armed private security guards. The poor will live in the war zone beyond the gates.
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Your home should reflect YOUR income. Not yours and my tax dollars.

This shits been going on for years. And I've seen first hand the damages.
And it's not about race,it's about some section 8 apartment dweller who cant manage to get ahead in life moving into my neighborhood at tax payers expense.
And then letting the house go to shit because he's a lazy slob to begin with.
Bringing down my home value and everyone else's.

And I dont give a damn what color they are !!
It's more than moving poor black people into white neighborhoods, if there is to be a true end to segregation white families will have to be forcibly moved into black neighborhoods too.
we have a black TWO TERM president and an AG who is black....

hmmmmm....two black people in two very powerful positions, but we still need to focus on social engineering...

And before Hillary Clinton, the last two Secretaries of State were black, one of whom was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
America is very segregated, by economic standards not by race.

How do you know its not segregated by race?

50 years ago, the government intended to end segregation. That failed. This will fail too.

will fail?
It's not at all that people refuse to live with those of another race.
How do you know?

I know what the law does, and what it wants to do.
No you don't. You're just making it up as you go along. You really have no clue.
I'm glad you posted a thread on this, I was going to do it, but couldn't.

On topic: Bottom line is this.

You cannot force people to live in a neighborhood they don't want to live in.

Sure you can, but it's a really, really bad idea.

Technically you can, but that would result in violence. And violence is never a good thing...

I disagree. Violence is the great equalizer when used as a last resort. Our government uses it on a daily basis, irresponsibly, with few checks or balances.
Feds to Map Every Neighborhood to Eliminate Segregation

Social engineering

According to HUD, long-term solutions include "helping people gain access to different neighborhoods and channeling investments into under-served areas." The mapping tool may guide development and zoning decisions, for example.

In a July 16 speech to the NAACP, Donovan said the American Dream still isn't within equal reach of all communities. He lamented the lack of diversity in America's boardrooms, schools, and the nation's "strongest neighborhoods."

"We have got to shape a future where ladders of opportunity are available for all Americans," Donovan said. "For African Americans, this is critically important. Historically, for this community, the rungs on these ladders have been too far apart -– making it harder to reach the middle class."

- See more at: HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. | CNS News

Haven't we gotten beyond this idea of Social Engineering and Affirmative Action? What about struggling Caucasians?

Waaaah waaaaah waaaah waaaah waaaah waaaah!

The American Dream still isn't within equal reach of all communities not because there is a racist agenda but because our jobs are shitty. Who's fault is that Washington? I'm tired of this race baiting shit. You don't live in an upper crust neighborhood because you don't have the cash not because of the color of your skin. Stop blaming whitey for all your woes, it's not our fault it's yours. I know people who came here from Africa,India,South America,Afghanistan,China,Lao's, had nothing but the clothes on their backs and now live in nice neighborhoods. You didn't live in a refugee camp for two or more years waiting to immigrate to the USA, So whats the African American excuse? There isn't one. Quit your bitchin,suck it up and GTFO there and work your way to the top just like everybody else you lazy cows. Nobody's holding you back but you and your constant whining.
i'm glad you posted a thread on this, i was going to do it, but couldn't.

On topic: Bottom line is this.

You cannot force people to live in a neighborhood they don't want to live in. You can make it easier for certain people to move into certain neighborhoods but you can't stop white flight.

This move is just going to exacerbate white flight. It is in my opinion residential terrorism and a waste of tax dollars.

They're just creating more ghettos this way. What a stupid move by these cultural marxist. :evil:

no one is forcing anyone to move you idiots

I can't see, make it 14.


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