Feds tout school lunches as ‘national security issue’


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


School lunches are VERY unhealthy. The problem that I'm seeing is that there's no healthy options. I'm all for freedom of choice. But we should give kids healthy options as well. If I don't bring my lunch to work I'm stuck from choosing between pizza, chicken tenders, french fries, etc. Nothing really healthy is being offered. That's the problem.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
America is so evil that our poor people are obese.
i agree. it is evil to subject some one to a life of obesity. don't you agree? they aren't doing it benevalently, they are doing it for their own personal gain and to all our harm. monsantos is feeding you all soilent green. lol. the use of antibiotics, so the animals grow faster, your stupid kids included, to be sold off to stupid people just like you. it only strengthens diseases as it weakens us and leaves us much more defenseless by giving these diseases more knowledge of our weapons. but you don't have a clue cause your are one of the walking dead watching walking dead. dah........ your finger is your iq
Hell yes! Nurturing future generations of soldiers and consumers is what public education is all about.

Go team!
i agree. it is evil to subject some one to a life of obesity. don't you agree? they aren't doing it benevalently, they are doing it for their own personal gain and to all our harm. monsantos is feeding you all soilent green. lol. the use of antibiotics, so the animals grow faster, your stupid kids included, to be sold off to stupid people just like you. it only strengthens diseases as it weakens us and leaves us much more defenseless by giving these diseases more knowledge of our weapons. but you don't have a clue cause your are one of the walking dead watching walking dead. dah........ your finger is your iq

You'll find it easier to get Hamas volunteers in the Israel/Palestine threads! Same IQ, one finger!
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


All the fat fucks in this country IS a national emergency

This coupled with the fact that kids who are fed nutritious meals LEARN more while at school than those who don't and I find it pretty credible to call it a national emergency.

However , the reality is I believe we should have NO cafeterias at school and parents who fail to send a lunch from home should be charged with child neglect.

And I don't want to hear about the poor, because they get SNAP.

Think of how much money our schools would save if they didn't have cafeterias.
why do you look to save money at school and piss it away everywhere else? i feel sorry for you all. you don't know what you do to yourselves.
why do you look to save money at school and piss it away everywhere else? i feel sorry for you all. you don't know what you do to yourselves.

I look to save money in EVERY facet of government.

And here's the rub, I don't think schools should forfeit money currently spent on cafeterias anyway. I think it would be better spent ELSEWHERE in the schools.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


All the fat fucks in this country IS a national emergency

This coupled with the fact that kids who are fed nutritious meals LEARN more while at school than those who don't and I find it pretty credible to call it a national emergency.

However , the reality is I believe we should have NO cafeterias at school and parents who fail to send a lunch from home should be charged with child neglect.

And I don't want to hear about the poor, because they get SNAP.

Think of how much money our schools would save if they didn't have cafeterias.

That's interesting considering the fact that many schools don't allow kids to bring their own food out of fear of lawsuits due to some kind bringing something that some other kids are allergic to.
why do you look to save money at school and piss it away everywhere else? i feel sorry for you all. you don't know what you do to yourselves.

How much money is spent on public schools in this country?

Study: US Education Spending Tops Global List

WASHINGTON — The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs than in the past, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – which groups the world's most developed countries – writes in its annual education report that brand-new and experienced teachers alike in the United States out-earn most of their counterparts around the globe. But U.S. salaries have not risen at the same pace as other nations and the United States is one of the few places where overall education spending has fallen since the economic crisis hit in 2008.

The findings, part of a 440-page report, put the United States' spending on its young people in context.

The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system – more than any other nation covered in the report.

That sum was slightly higher than some developed countries and it far surpassed others. Switzerland's total spending per student was $14,922 while Mexico averaged $2,993 in 2010. The average OECD nation spent $9,313 per young person.

As a share of its economy, the United States spent more than the average country in the survey. In 2010, the United States spent 7.3 percent of its gross domestic product on education, compared with the 6.3 percent average of other countries in that organization of the world's most developed countries. Denmark topped the list on that measure with 8 percent of its gross domestic product going toward education.

Yet in real dollars, the United States was among only five nations in the study that cut education funding. The average nation increased education spending on average by 5 percent between 2008 and 2010; the United States cuts its education spending by 1 percent during that time.

"The United States is one of the few countries where spending on education actually dropped," said Andreas Schleicher, a special adviser on education policy to the OECD secretary general.

Spending, of course, only tells part of the story and does not guarantee students' success. The United States routinely trails its rival countries in performances on international exams despite being among the heaviest spenders on education.

U.S. fourth-graders are 11th in the world in math in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, a separate measure of nations against each other. U.S. eighth-graders ranked ninth in math, according to those 2011 results.

The Program for International Student Assessment measurement found the United States ranked 31st in math literacy among 15-year-old students and below the international average. The same 2009 tests found the United States ranked 23rd in science among the same students, but posting an average score.

And it's not as though all spending on education is public, the OECD report found. Public spending accounts for just 70 cents of every education dollar in the United States. Parents picked up another 25 cents and private sources paid for the remainder in 2010.

A decade earlier, the public's share of education spending was 72 cents on every dollar.

The average OECD nation spent 84 cents of every education dollar, down from 88 cents a decade earlier.

For post-high school programs, the United States is far outspent in public dollars. U.S. taxpayers picked up 36 cents of every dollar spent on college and vocational training programs. Families and private sources picked up the balance.

In other OECD nations, it was roughly reversed: The public picked up 68 cents of every dollar in advanced training and private sources picked up the other 32 cents.

"When people talk about other countries out-educating the United States, it needs to be remembered that those other nations are out-investing us in education as well," said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, a labor union.

Still, teachers in the United States earn more than their global peers. But that gap is narrowing.

Study US Education Spending Tops Global List


So, the spending is not the problem. Let us know what is.

Is it because kids are drinking Gatorade? Kids in those other countries never drunk sugary drinks?

What a bunch of hippy liberal bullshit, and NO it is not a problem with NATIONAL FUCKING SECURITY!
why do you look to save money at school and piss it away everywhere else? i feel sorry for you all. you don't know what you do to yourselves.

I look to save money in EVERY facet of government.

And here's the rub, I don't think schools should forfeit money currently spent on cafeterias anyway. I think it would be better spent ELSEWHERE in the schools.
you are being robbed everywhere. most of your school bills are "adminstrative cost" . do you wanna cut them? best to start their and keep your hands off kids food.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

Between that and global warming we be screwed!
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


All the fat fucks in this country IS a national emergency

This coupled with the fact that kids who are fed nutritious meals LEARN more while at school than those who don't and I find it pretty credible to call it a national emergency.

However , the reality is I believe we should have NO cafeterias at school and parents who fail to send a lunch from home should be charged with child neglect.

And I don't want to hear about the poor, because they get SNAP.

Think of how much money our schools would save if they didn't have cafeterias.

That's interesting considering the fact that many schools don't allow kids to bring their own food out of fear of lawsuits due to some kind bringing something that some other kids are allergic to.

And I disagree with that policy in EVERY case. It is YOUR responsibility to teach your child not to eat what they are allergic to. It is my responsibility to teach my kid not to share/trade/eat other kid's lunches
Yes, its a national emergency. Our kids are so fat, we have to expand school lunches to school dinners because all of our kids are starving and its the only meal they get all day long!

Do you people even talk to each other before you start these 'We have a crisis' issues?
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.

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