Feds tout school lunches as ‘national security issue’

I knew an old lady from Armenia about 10 years ago , she loved the USA . She was very thankful , said with happiness that even the bums and homeless walk around with a chicken leg in hand . Just saying !!
I'm hearing that the next emergency is that school days start too early in the morning so there is talk about starting school a bit later in the morning . Yeah , kids are too tired to learn properly . FUNNY !!
I'm hearing that the next emergency is that school days start too early in the morning so there is talk about starting school a bit later in the morning . Yeah , kids are too tired to learn properly . FUNNY !!

The next epidemic on the horizon is that the younger generations aren't watching enough TV!!!!
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.

The food is not vile, certainly when the new regulations came out the food wasn't very good , but after food companies had time to adjust they did . Of course since time immemorial kids have complained about school lunches, but the reality is the meals aren't vile, in fact they are more tasty than anything you can get at McVomit.
if I was a school kid nowadays I'd simply throw away any mandated school lunch simply based on the principle of , Who the heck are they to tell me wot to eat , and I think that may be happening !! When I went to school the food was good as our friends Moms made the food .
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
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Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
It is not a CRISIS...Yes there are kids who are overweight and obese.
Their diet is not the only issue.
It is their habits.
1. Spending too much time indoors playing video games.
2. parents who use snack foods as a pacifier.
3 the ability of parents to easily remove their kids from any physical activity in Phys Ed classes.
Those a just a few of the issues facing American youth.
The most prevalent reasons for obesity is that parents coddle their kids. They give them these devices to play with that keep them indoors.
When I was growing up, we never stayed indoors. we were outside playing sports, climbing trees, riding bicycles. In winter we went sledding, played pond hockey, built snow forts and has massive snowball fights.
All of these things burned off energy( no such thing as a hyperactive kind who needed to be doped up just to make through the school day) and burned calories.....
Good training and indoctrination for children and the weak of mind though . You can't buy incandescent light bulbs ,you gotta wear your seat belt and mc helmet or pay a fine , no smoking or if you use tobacco you pay heavy taxes on tobacco , same higher costs coming for sugar [probably] . And you gotta buy junk health insurance that you don't want because its mandated and you also gotta eat the way THEY say that you should eat !! FUNNY , land of the free !!
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


All the fat fucks in this country IS a national emergency

This coupled with the fact that kids who are fed nutritious meals LEARN more while at school than those who don't and I find it pretty credible to call it a national emergency.

However , the reality is I believe we should have NO cafeterias at school and parents who fail to send a lunch from home should be charged with child neglect.

And I don't want to hear about the poor, because they get SNAP.

Think of how much money our schools would save if they didn't have cafeterias.

That's interesting considering the fact that many schools don't allow kids to bring their own food out of fear of lawsuits due to some kind bringing something that some other kids are allergic to.
That is not true. MY son's former school permits kids to bring their lunch to school.
There is however a ban on peanut products. This is because there might be 5 or 6 kids with these stupid allergies that 30 years ago no one ever heard of and they didn't exist.
So not PB&J with the crust cut off.
How ridiculous this is. Weight isn't a concern for national security any more than sexual orientation, gyndyr, or the mythological social construct of race.

So what if every single American because morbidly obese? That's their choice. And if at some point in the future, our entire country is too physically unfit to defend itself or reproduce any further, well then that's what machinery and immigrants are for--defending our borders and replenishing our population, respectively.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


School lunches are VERY unhealthy. The problem that I'm seeing is that there's no healthy options. I'm all for freedom of choice. But we should give kids healthy options as well. If I don't bring my lunch to work I'm stuck from choosing between pizza, chicken tenders, french fries, etc. Nothing really healthy is being offered. That's the problem.

Neither you or michelle have the right to dictate ANYBODIES choices.
I think the peanut allergies are silly , might be real but my parents woulda told me not to eat peanuts and to stay away from kids that had peanut butter on their lips or fingers or in their hair .
Gatorade is nothing but flavored sugar water with some electrolytes thrown in. The only people who should be drinking it are athletes who are losing a lot of bodily sugars and electrolytes as they exercise.

People who are just sitting around should not be drinking it. It is not a health drink.
I wouldn't let my kids drink it same as I didn't let them drink sugary fruit drinks or soda in the 80s or eat too much pizza or potato chips but none of my business if another kid drinks Gatorade .
if I was a school kid nowadays I'd simply throw away any mandated school lunch simply based on the principle of , Who the heck are they to tell me wot to eat , and I think that may be happening !! When I went to school the food was good as our friends Moms made the food .

The kids do throw the food away after taking pictures and posting them so everyone knows what kind of slop they are getting. It gets trashed. Except for apples and oranges. They throw those at one another.
Kids drinking Gatorade is a national security concern, but the endless illegals flooding into the country all to the delight of liberals everywhere is no concern at all. Regardless of the mass illegals having similar color skin as the terrorists that are bound, determined and planning to destroy America.

Yes folks, these are the people that consist of at least 47% of our voting base.
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
Last edited:
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


School lunches are VERY unhealthy. The problem that I'm seeing is that there's no healthy options. I'm all for freedom of choice. But we should give kids healthy options as well. If I don't bring my lunch to work I'm stuck from choosing between pizza, chicken tenders, french fries, etc. Nothing really healthy is being offered. That's the problem.

What schools have you seen that don't offer healthy choices? Most parents are aware of what their children eat at school and have the option of packing lunches if they don't feel the school lunches offer good choices.

It begins with parents. Even at work, it's up to you to ensure that you eat healthy. It's not always up to someone else, but most schools did offer healthy foods. I've seen so many kids toss the veggies in the trash and just eat desserts. It's not the school's fault, rather the parents for not teaching good habits from the start.

I used to send lunches with my children because for a while schools in our area, and likely others, were deliberately serving high calorie lunches on the belief that the children needed as much as possible since they might not eat at home. This caused a lot of children to gain weight.

Another problem was that schools were serving breakfast, lunch and then sending home backpack dinners while the children's family was also receiving other aid. Many were eating two breakfasts and two dinners. The schools didn't check to see who actually needed more help and just assumed that all the children should eat more. Now they are trying to undo the damage that they are partly responsible for.

If you are going to try and educate people on diet, start with parents, then stop overfeeding children. It doesn't matter that they get low calorie food at school when they go home and eat crap. If the parents don't take healthy food seriously, the children will continue to eat junk and get fat. And too many kids don't play outside and get exercise these days.

I used to take my own lunch to work. I am in charge of my own well being and no one else. I was responsible for what my kids ate at home and at school, so I took charge of that and they are all healthy and not overweight. If parents are going to sit back and expect someone else to take responsibility for their kid's health, they will end up with overweight and unhealthy kids. Then they'll blame someone else and expect government to fix it. I like my way better.
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

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