Feds tout school lunches as ‘national security issue’

glad I'm all done with the kids in school stuff !! And the kids and guns , kids playing unattended , kids and sex education , kid sleeping issues , kid day care , kid obesity , yada , yada ,yada , kids , yada , pre pre school , pre school [funny] . I missed it all by about 20 years . [ phew ]
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Neither you or michelle have the right to dictate ANYBODIES choices.

You need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I clearly states that I'm ok with unhealthy options in the cafeteria BUT healthy ones should also be offered. How is that me making the choice for anybody? I'm for more options--not less.

Ps: I'm not a liberal and your attempt to paint me as one was both lazy and pathetic.

Answer this question: why should unhealthy or healthy foods be the ONLY choice in schools? Why should schools not offer both and let the students/staff make up their own minds?

Also, it's "anybody's" not "anybodies". You obviously weren't paying that much attention in school. Way to go you can spell at a 5th grade reading level!!!!

....and you respond with "I states", I imagine even YOU might be able to see the irony in your babbling.

Point number 2....show me where I made the case that YOU were a Liberal, do you have comprehension issues, or are you just stupid?
....and you respond with "I states", I imagine even YOU might be able to see the irony in your babbling.

Point number 2....show me where I made the case that YOU were a Liberal, do you have comprehension issues, or are you just stupid?

There's a difference between a typo (the "S" is right next to the "D"), and not knowing how to spell. It's not that difficult to diffuse.

And you lumped me in with Michelle Obama. By saying that we don't have the right to tell anybody what they can or cannot eat. You do understand what that implies right?

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