Feds tout school lunches as ‘national security issue’

As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


School lunches are VERY unhealthy. The problem that I'm seeing is that there's no healthy options. I'm all for freedom of choice. But we should give kids healthy options as well. If I don't bring my lunch to work I'm stuck from choosing between pizza, chicken tenders, french fries, etc. Nothing really healthy is being offered. That's the problem.

What schools have you seen that don't offer healthy choices? Most parents are aware of what their children eat at school and have the option of packing lunches if they don't feel the school lunches offer good choices.

It begins with parents. Even at work, it's up to you to ensure that you eat healthy. It's not always up to someone else, but most schools did offer healthy foods. I've seen so many kids toss the veggies in the trash and just eat desserts. It's not the school's fault, rather the parents for not teaching good habits from the start.

I used to send lunches with my children because for a while schools in our area, and likely others, were deliberately serving high calorie lunches on the belief that the children needed as much as possible since they might not eat at home. This caused a lot of children to gain weight.

Another problem was that schools were serving breakfast, lunch and then sending home backpack dinners while the children's family was also receiving other aid. Many were eating two breakfasts and two dinners. The schools didn't check to see who actually needed more help and just assumed that all the children should eat more. Now they are trying to undo the damage that they are partly responsible for.

If you are going to try and educate people on diet, start with parents, then stop overfeeding children. It doesn't matter that they get low calorie food at school when they go home and eat crap. If the parents don't take healthy food seriously, the children will continue to eat junk and get fat. And too many kids don't play outside and get exercise these days.

I used to take my own lunch to work. I am in charge of my own well being and no one else. I was responsible for what my kids ate at home and at school, so I took charge of that and they are all healthy and not overweight. If parents are going to sit back and expect someone else to take responsibility for their kid's health, they will end up with overweight and unhealthy kids. Then they'll blame someone else and expect government to fix it. I like my way better.

That stops being true the minute you let the government supply anything for you. Then THEY have a right to tell you how to eat/drink/whatever.

It's the same logic I use to defend drug testing for welfare recipients. If the taxpayer is paying for your food, the taxpayer has a right to tell you you can't waste money on drugs.
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

Dear God I hate liberals.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
Remember they go apeshit over the First Lady trying to promote good eating for children.
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

Dear God I hate liberals.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.


School lunches are VERY unhealthy. The problem that I'm seeing is that there's no healthy options. I'm all for freedom of choice. But we should give kids healthy options as well. If I don't bring my lunch to work I'm stuck from choosing between pizza, chicken tenders, french fries, etc. Nothing really healthy is being offered. That's the problem.
You aren't stuck with jack shit. Your option is bringing your own lunch every day. If you don't then you eat what is available. Why the hell does there need to be federal law to feed your sorry ass healthy food?
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

What kids will choose healthy food if given the chance to pick them over junk? Kids whose parents taught them good habits before they set foot in school. To this day, my kids aren't crazy about sweets. Parents who allow their children to eat junk instead of vegetables are setting them up for a lifetime of bad habits.

My school didn't have a lot of junk. We didn't have many choices, but there were always veggies and fruits. When I volunteered in my kids' schools, I was always sad to see so much good food thrown in the trash. Some just won't eat healthy foods and it started at home. Now kids are complaining about the healthy lunches and many won't eat it. Parents need to do their jobs for the good of their children. There is only so much you can do if parents don't take their children's health seriously.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
Remember they go apeshit over the First Lady trying to promote good eating for children.
That's the parent's job, not the first ladies. If we had real parents in communities we wouldn't need a fat pig first lady as our leader in what to eat, while she chomps down on some burgers and shakes. I don't like advice from a woman that has a three ax handle ass telling me what my kid needs to eat. Kinda carzy but there are better roll model's out there than fat ass moochelle.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
Remember they go apeshit over the First Lady trying to promote good eating for children.
That's the parent's job, not the first ladies. If we had real parents in communities we wouldn't need a fat pig first lady as our leader in what to eat, while she chomps down on some burgers and shakes. I don't like advice from a woman that has a three ax handle ass telling me what my kid needs to eat. Kinda carzy but there are better roll model's out there than fat ass moochelle.

Are you serious? MO is by NO means fat. I personally don't find her at all attractive, but she is not fat.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol
Remember they go apeshit over the First Lady trying to promote good eating for children.
That's the parent's job, not the first ladies. If we had real parents in communities we wouldn't need a fat pig first lady as our leader in what to eat, while she chomps down on some burgers and shakes. I don't like advice from a woman that has a three ax handle ass telling me what my kid needs to eat. Kinda carzy but there are better roll model's out there than fat ass moochelle.

Are you serious? MO is by NO means fat. I personally don't find her at all attractive, but she is not fat.
I could land an F-18 on her ass if she was dead man floating. It's that big.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol

when did that become the Governments business? Do they OWN YOU? Maybe they should start jailing parents who's children are overweight. then can they fire people who works in government for being too fat, and HOW the hell we ever got this far into a freaking fascist Government that used to be "of the people"...Now we have Government masters and we are their subjects/slaves to be told what and how to live and now raise our own children
Kids who are fed healthy obama lunches do not learn more but less. They throw the food away because it is vile and get too hungry to pay attention. All that's on their minds is getting out and getting something to eat.

The schools could cut out the kids as middlemen and just throw the money in the trash.
I've worked in schools and been around schools most of my life and I've found kids who don't like school lunches bring their own lunch. My grand kids check the weekly lunch menu and end up bringing their lunches about twice a week. The only time you have a problem with kids wasting food is when you have vending machines filled with junk food.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Childhood diabetes and other obesity related diseases have skyrocket. In one sense, feeding junk food to kids has become a national security issue. Serving healthy food at schools is only a part of the solution. .

Wouldn't you say that has more to with sedentary behavior? Meaning more kids (people and not just kids) spend more time in front of a computer, or playing video games than ever before. Sugary drinks and cookies and candy have been around for over 100 years. Yet, the internet and video games have been introduced into our society over the last 30 years or so. Plus, I would say parents are a lot more aware and feed their kids healthier now than they were in the 70s. As you say, obesity and diabetes have grown over the same time span that people are on the computer and playing video games more than ever before. Not a factor? Only fits within the time line you mentioned. Considering McDonalds and Coke has been around for a lot longer than that, what is your conclusion?

That is the issue, but again this has nothing to do with any of that. The government is trying to push total control over all of our choices. This is just another way they are trying to put a thumb on our heads. Cradle to grave socialists.

In no sense, is it a national security issue. What an absurd notion. Isn't there any way we can get one liberal to make one argument that is valid? Ever?
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

well I hope you force feed your own children right?
I worked in a GRADE school you all would be appalled if you knew what they were doing to force your children to eat this stuff. which of course is just getting THROWN away, the kids are still hungry because they won't eat the crap some I wouldn't give my dog. but hey they don't give one shit about any of that. they know what's best for you and your children so sit down shut and obey
when did that become the Governments business? Do they OWN YOU? Maybe they should start jailing parents who's children are overweight. then can they fire people who works in government for being too fat, and HOW the hell we ever got this far into a freaking fascist Government that used to be "of the people"...Now we have Government masters and we are their subjects/slaves to be told what and how to live and now raise our own children

I think this is how they see it. But from their perspective, the government is "us", so it's all good. It's a daunting task to get them to see the folly in this. I'm not sure it's possible.
Neither you or michelle have the right to dictate ANYBODIES choices.

You need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I clearly states that I'm ok with unhealthy options in the cafeteria BUT healthy ones should also be offered. How is that me making the choice for anybody? I'm for more options--not less.

Ps: I'm not a liberal and your attempt to paint me as one was both lazy and pathetic.

Answer this question: why should unhealthy or healthy foods be the ONLY choice in schools? Why should schools not offer both and let the students/staff make up their own minds?

Also, it's "anybody's" not "anybodies". You obviously weren't paying that much attention in school. Way to go you can spell at a 5th grade reading level!!!!
What really ticks me off it we didn't ELECT MaBell to reform jack shit. Hillary tried this crap and she got smacked down to where her role was, AS FIRST LADY not someone elected to change POLICY. Plus MaBell had her HUSBAND as President she had an Unfair advantage right off the bat.
When I was working at the school and they changed every damn thing on the menu. we had a little Hitler woman who came around to make sure we were following the masters orders down to the weight. then they forced the children (this is grade school mind you. to march back into the food line and PUT a fruit or vegetable on their trays if they wanted it OR NOT. they even tried to take peanut butter and jelly away from them and give them some pathetic looking Quesadilla. a piece of cheese slapped on a flour tortilla. I quit, after I worked there four years. I wasn't hired on to be anyone's food Nazi. and watch all these children standing there in tears while being dragged to go get the food. It's CHILD ABUSE in my book. I would never force food on my child. These people are compete freaking control freaks while they live and eat high off the wagyu steaks and lobsters. And you can bet their children in private schools aren't being on choice of Quesadillas

how dare they call our children National Security risks. that used to be saved only for terrorist.
I made the point earlier. Sugary drinks and junk food have been around for over 100 years.

Obesity and diabetes have increased drammatically over the last 30 years.

Within that 30 years the internet, video games etc have become a large part of our culture.

Is it possible that increased sedentary behavior through these two factors is a bigger cause of the increase.

Not possible? Kids were eating far worse in the 50s 60s and 70s than now. Yet kids were far more active.

No relation eh? Of course not. Let us let the government "take care of our kids."
Last edited:
it always comes down to how much these food corps make off of selling you the cheapest shit food they can. the less you eat the better for them to waste it, your money and your kids life for their profit.
What schools have you seen that don't offer healthy choices? Most parents are aware of what their children eat at school and have the option of packing lunches if they don't feel the school lunches offer good choices.

It begins with parents. Even at work, it's up to you to ensure that you eat healthy. It's not always up to someone else, but most schools did offer healthy foods. I've seen so many kids toss the veggies in the trash and just eat desserts. It's not the school's fault, rather the parents for not teaching good habits from the start.

I used to send lunches with my children because for a while schools in our area, and likely others, were deliberately serving high calorie lunches on the belief that the children needed as much as possible since they might not eat at home. This caused a lot of children to gain weight.

Another problem was that schools were serving breakfast, lunch and then sending home backpack dinners while the children's family was also receiving other aid. Many were eating two breakfasts and two dinners. The schools didn't check to see who actually needed more help and just assumed that all the children should eat more. Now they are trying to undo the damage that they are partly responsible for.

If you are going to try and educate people on diet, start with parents, then stop overfeeding children. It doesn't matter that they get low calorie food at school when they go home and eat crap. If the parents don't take healthy food seriously, the children will continue to eat junk and get fat. And too many kids don't play outside and get exercise these days.

I used to take my own lunch to work. I am in charge of my own well being and no one else. I was responsible for what my kids ate at home and at school, so I took charge of that and they are all healthy and not overweight. If parents are going to sit back and expect someone else to take responsibility for their kid's health, they will end up with overweight and unhealthy kids. Then they'll blame someone else and expect government to fix it. I like my way better.

I agree it's the parent's job to instill healthy habits in kids and not the school's. That's why I clearly said I'm ok with schools offering unhealthy food.

BUT they should also offer healthy foods to the kids that want to eat healthy. In the schools I've worked at this isn't the case. Not in the cafeteria or the vending machines.

I assure you that MANY kids want to eat healthy (and many of them being their own lunch). I've heard complaints from kids that they want to be able to hit a healthy lunch and honestly why shouldn't they be able to?

Offer the pizza and the salad. I'm fine with that.

The reality though is that most schools (that I've been to) don't.
As a new school year dawns, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding of its new rules against Gatorade and caffeine-filled drinks in school cafeterias — and it’s a matter of national security, they say.

“Obesity is not just a health issue,” Kevin Concannon, the department’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said in a statement reported by National Review earlier this month. “It is an economic and national security issue.”

The department’s new rules come in the form of Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, part of the fallout from the first lady Michelle Obama-fueled Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Under the rules, middle schools can’t provide kids with Gatorade, some tea drinks, lemonades, fruit punches or caffeinated beverages.

Read more: Feds tout school lunches as national security issue - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Yes, the kids drinking Gatorade is a matter of national security. No, really. It is.

so you think a nation of obese, diabetic, diseased children isn't a national crisis? this just goes to show the stupidity of the right/wrong wing. you have the freedom to be stupid and allow those feeding your fat heads with lard and hormones and antibiotics but it's bringing this nation to it's fat knees cause we can no longer support our weight. and the next time a billion skinny little yellow men come over the wall chasing our out of shape asses to the next trench, tell me it's not a national security crisis. lol

when did that become the Governments business? Do they OWN YOU? Maybe they should start jailing parents who's children are overweight. then can they fire people who works in government for being too fat, and HOW the hell we ever got this far into a freaking fascist Government that used to be "of the people"...Now we have Government masters and we are their subjects/slaves to be told what and how to live and now raise our own children

when did the health of Americans become the government's business? When they started subsidizing health insurance of course.
This whole approach to rectifying childhood obesity is misguided. The problem isn't so much what kids are eating as opposed to their lack of physical activity. When I was a kid we ate just as many snacks and guzzled down soda and Kool-Aid that was more sugar than water and very few of my friends were fat because we were always outside playing baseball or riding our bikes or whatever. We weren't as addicted to our Nintendos and Game Boys as kids today are to their computers and PS3s. That's where the problem lies.
This whole approach to rectifying childhood obesity is misguided. The problem isn't so much what kids are eating as opposed to their lack of physical activity. When I was a kid we ate just as many snacks and guzzled down soda and Kool-Aid that was more sugar than water and very few of my friends were fat because we were always outside playing baseball or riding our bikes or whatever. We weren't as addicted to our Nintendos and Game Boys as kids today are to their computers and PS3s. That's where the problem lies.

that plays a factor for sure.

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