Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021 - VP-Elect Harris: "Violence Will Not Stop After Election..Should NOT Stop"

She is a slave owner for gosh sakes.

I don't know that she owns slaves, her grandfather did, but that isn't her.

Now LeBron James owns slaves TODAY to make his shoes over in China.
Just where oh where do you think all that Trump gear you're so proud of came from? Look in side, bet it don't say "Made in USA!"

All the MAGA stuff does.

But your straw man fallacy aside - LeBron is a slave owner - part owner of Nike, you know the "Just whip them" brand.

Maybe add some intelligence to that response. Reasonably certain NIKE employees are paid so..
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021, as Capitol, statehouses are fortified for inauguration
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021

"Violent extremist activity will likely surge in the United States and pose "the greatest domestic terrorism threat in 2021," a trio of federal law enforcement agencies warned in a recently released bulletin."

In 2020 foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM perpetrated looting, burning, destroying, holding entire city blocks hostage, assaulting, murdering, and committing acts of crime in Democrat-run cities across the nation that caused HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE.

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. “And that should be – everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”
-- Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris in an interview on Violent BLM Riots

Newly-elected VP Kamala Harris started up a program during the violent riots to pay the bails for violent Antifa and BLM members after they were arrested for committing these crimes, putting them back on the streets to commit more damage and endanger more American citizens.

During an interview she Incited and encouraged continued violence. As you can also see above, Harris said, WE should not stop", counting herself as one of the violent protestors.

Oh, I thought this was about real violence. Not just getting in the way of police batons. :rolleyes:
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021, as Capitol, statehouses are fortified for inauguration
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021

"Violent extremist activity will likely surge in the United States and pose "the greatest domestic terrorism threat in 2021," a trio of federal law enforcement agencies warned in a recently released bulletin."

In 2020 foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM perpetrated looting, burning, destroying, holding entire city blocks hostage, assaulting, murdering, and committing acts of crime in Democrat-run cities across the nation that caused HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE.

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. “And that should be – everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”
-- Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris in an interview on Violent BLM Riots

Newly-elected VP Kamala Harris started up a program during the violent riots to pay the bails for violent Antifa and BLM members after they were arrested for committing these crimes, putting them back on the streets to commit more damage and endanger more American citizens.

During an interview she Incited and encouraged continued violence. As you can also see above, Harris said, WE should not stop", counting herself as one of the violent protestors.

She was talking about protests, not riots.

You guys are getting desperate. Put down the orange koolaide.

"peaceful protests" is what the bloodshed and looting fests compliments of BLM been PUBLICALLY called in my city by the slobs who
run this city and should also be impeached or
jailed. In fact--Trump did not call for a "riot".
He called for a MARCH ON THE CAPITOL. He
has been indicted on the charge that he did not TRY TO STOP THAT PROTEST THAT "got out of hand"
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021, as Capitol, statehouses are fortified for inauguration
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021

"Violent extremist activity will likely surge in the United States and pose "the greatest domestic terrorism threat in 2021," a trio of federal law enforcement agencies warned in a recently released bulletin."

In 2020 foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM perpetrated looting, burning, destroying, holding entire city blocks hostage, assaulting, murdering, and committing acts of crime in Democrat-run cities across the nation that caused HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE.

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. “And that should be – everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”
-- Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris in an interview on Violent BLM Riots

Newly-elected VP Kamala Harris started up a program during the violent riots to pay the bails for violent Antifa and BLM members after they were arrested for committing these crimes, putting them back on the streets to commit more damage and endanger more American citizens.

During an interview she Incited and encouraged continued violence. As you can also see above, Harris said, WE should not stop", counting herself as one of the violent protestors.

She was talking about protests, not riots.

You guys are getting desperate. Put down the orange koolaide.
Harris was talking about the violent protests. Democrats do not have a quote calling for violent protests from Trump...like the one here from Harris.

She should be Impeached immediately after taking the Oath of office.
Without Trump to blame who will Dems blame for their animals running amok rioting, looting, and burning??

In 2021, as in 2020, the excuse will be systemic you-know-what.

Mr. Biden will promise them all kinds of goodies to calm them down.

He will push for reparations.

They will then ask for more things.

The riots and violence will be in response to
NOT ENOUGH THINGS and the fact of the 400
years of african slavery that took place in the usa out of the
in excess of 6000 years of world slavery affecting just about
every ethnicity--------back then more than 150 years ago and
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021, as Capitol, statehouses are fortified for inauguration
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021

"Violent extremist activity will likely surge in the United States and pose "the greatest domestic terrorism threat in 2021," a trio of federal law enforcement agencies warned in a recently released bulletin."

In 2020 foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM perpetrated looting, burning, destroying, holding entire city blocks hostage, assaulting, murdering, and committing acts of crime in Democrat-run cities across the nation that caused HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE.

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. “And that should be – everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”
-- Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris in an interview on Violent BLM Riots

Newly-elected VP Kamala Harris started up a program during the violent riots to pay the bails for violent Antifa and BLM members after they were arrested for committing these crimes, putting them back on the streets to commit more damage and endanger more American citizens.

During an interview she Incited and encouraged continued violence. As you can also see above, Harris said, WE should not stop", counting herself as one of the violent protestors.

The poor racist is butt -hurt because his racism is no longer White House policy starting in 6 days.

Speaking of foreign funded, how much to you think Vlad and the boys in Moscow funneled into Trump's campaign and into his attempt to overthrow our government last week.

I know you people are worthless but are you cheap too?
You can not deny what Harris said or how she bailed out violent leftist extremists arrested during the looting, burning, and violence.

Your attempt to distract from her REAL incitement and encouragement of violence is despicable, traitor.

You continue to make proven false Russian accusations while supporting an old white elitist traitor who - according to the FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments - took over $1 BILLION from the CCP.
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021, as Capitol, statehouses are fortified for inauguration
Feds warn violent extremism likely to surge in 2021

"Violent extremist activity will likely surge in the United States and pose "the greatest domestic terrorism threat in 2021," a trio of federal law enforcement agencies warned in a recently released bulletin."

In 2020 foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM perpetrated looting, burning, destroying, holding entire city blocks hostage, assaulting, murdering, and committing acts of crime in Democrat-run cities across the nation that caused HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGE.

“And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop….“They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. “And that should be – everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”
-- Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris in an interview on Violent BLM Riots

Newly-elected VP Kamala Harris started up a program during the violent riots to pay the bails for violent Antifa and BLM members after they were arrested for committing these crimes, putting them back on the streets to commit more damage and endanger more American citizens.

During an interview she Incited and encouraged continued violence. As you can also see above, Harris said, WE should not stop", counting herself as one of the violent protestors.

The poor racist is butt -hurt because his racism is no longer White House policy starting in 6 days.

Speaking of foreign funded, how much to you think Vlad and the boys in Moscow funneled into Trump's campaign and into his attempt to overthrow our government last week.

I know you people are worthless but are you cheap too?
You can not deny what Harris said or how she bailed out violent leftist extremists arrested during the looting, burning, and violence.

Your attempt to distract from her REAL incitement and encouragement of violence is despicable, traitor.

You continue to make proven false Russian accusations while supporting an old white elitist traitor who - according to the FBI, DHS, & Treasury Departments - took over $1 BILLION from the CCP.

but you can still lose your CYBER accounts for
Democrats are built for this, as they've been dealing w/violence and terrorism from the rightwing of this country since it's inception.

This time, however, they're ready to quell it for good.

Let those sons-of-bitches come, they will be sent right back to hell from whence they came.

ooooooh, you sound so tough! You'll just shit your pants and run away screaming like most pussies.
Without Trump to blame who will Dems blame for their animals running amok rioting, looting, and burning??

Democrats plan on blaming Trump for all of their faults and failures. Look what they did with Bush?

The guy that lied us into a never ending war?

Julius Ceasar??

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