Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

The anti-amnesty people have explicitly said no solution is possible to immigration reform if there is compromise, and having no solution is better than a solution. I agree our immigration policy is absurd, but the reason its absurd it the TPM people pushing this demand an absurd result. And Boehner lacks the stones to tell them to stfu.

You heard it here first, the 3-4 year old Tea Party with barely any congressional representation, zero executive representation and negative judicial representation is the SOLE CAUSE of the immigration crisis!

lol @ [MENTION=42949]bendog[/MENTION]
The anti-amnesty people have explicitly said no solution is possible to immigration reform if there is compromise, and having no solution is better than a solution. I agree our immigration policy is absurd, but the reason its absurd it the TPM people pushing this demand an absurd result. And Boehner lacks the stones to tell them to stfu.

What is absurd about our immigration policy? Is it absurd because so many violate it to the point of being meaningless? Do you believe that the real problem is that we are not letting enough cross the border? Certainly that is how you must feel.

It's absurd to argue that a law that is practically unenforceable (deporation) should be enforced. Sort of like saying all pot smokers are criminals.

A law that does not effectively affect behavior is by definition absurd.

Full Definition of ABSURD


: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous <an absurd argument>


: having no rational or orderly relationship to human life : meaningless <an absurd universe>; also : lacking order or value <an absurd existence>

Absurd - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I realize this implies you "thinking" is absurd, but that is not my fault. Take some responsibility.

PS and don't ever presume to tell me what I "must" mean.
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The anti-amnesty people have explicitly said no solution is possible to immigration reform if there is compromise, and having no solution is better than a solution. I agree our immigration policy is absurd, but the reason its absurd it the TPM people pushing this demand an absurd result. And Boehner lacks the stones to tell them to stfu.

You heard it here first, the 3-4 year old Tea Party with barely any congressional representation, zero executive representation and negative judicial representation is the SOLE CAUSE of the immigration crisis!

lol @ [MENTION=42949]bendog[/MENTION]

Hey EXCUSE ME. I see TPM and I see racist, because I'm from Miss. If you're banging about "illegals," and you're not a racist, I'm soooooo sorry.
:lol: You are a George Costanza type of moop, you know.

Maybe .0027 of our population feel like you, about 850000: you will lose tomorrow if folks do something stupid.

The govt will drone the idiots, who will have no chance at all.

You are no patriot or minute man, just a moop.
Like a libtards knows anything about liberty? Wrong as usual libtard.

Ah, another moop mumbling, our AF, is: doesn't have any idea about liberty or what it is.
Wrong again like the libtard you are. I obviously know more about liberty than any libtard on here or in the WH.
I just have to wonder if Obama and I.C.E. and the border agents understand the EXTREMELY EXPLOSIVE situation they are creating, by showing DEADLY FORCE to "protect" illegal aliens from and instead of U.S. citizens?

Obama is now playing politics with the threat of deadly force.

He honestly believes that American citizens would actually HARM non-citizen children on buses? SHAME ON YOU, Obama.

This could very well be the tipping point, or the crossing of the "line in the sand".

Over 300 MILLION firearms in this country, Mr. Obama. Remember that. Don't disregard this

Yup and demostrations should tell everyone that NO ONE wants these illegal kids in the US at taxpayer expense. Send them home. Obama and his administration are out of their fucking minds.

NO ONE? Since when do you speak for everyone?

Do YOU want these illegal kids here, away from their parents?
There are not enough federal courts and federal prosecutors to deport 12 million people, not to mention the necessity of enforcing other federal crimes, some of which arguably deter criminal activity.

If your solution is deportation, your solution is absurd, because it bears no possibility of being a reality.
Yup and demostrations should tell everyone that NO ONE wants these illegal kids in the US at taxpayer expense. Send them home. Obama and his administration are out of their fucking minds.

NO ONE? Since when do you speak for everyone?

Do YOU want these illegal kids here, away from their parents?

Obviously not, but Texas is the entry state, Texas needs to foot some of the bills, not ask for reimbursement. Florida pays for most illgal entrants through our coast, why is Texas off the hook?
The anti-amnesty people have explicitly said no solution is possible to immigration reform if there is compromise, and having no solution is better than a solution. I agree our immigration policy is absurd, but the reason its absurd it the TPM people pushing this demand an absurd result. And Boehner lacks the stones to tell them to stfu.

What is absurd about our immigration policy? Is it absurd because so many violate it to the point of being meaningless? Do you believe that the real problem is that we are not letting enough cross the border? Certainly that is how you must feel.

It's absurd to argue that a law that is practically unenforceable (deporation) should be enforced. Sort of like saying all pot smokers are criminals.

A law that does not effectively affect behavior is by definition absurd.

Full Definition of ABSURD


: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous <an absurd argument>


: having no rational or orderly relationship to human life : meaningless <an absurd universe>; also : lacking order or value <an absurd existence>

Absurd - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I realize this implies you "thinking" is absurd, but that is not my fault. Take some responsibility.

PS and don't ever presume to tell me what I "must" mean.

In 2012, 409,849 were deported, you think if we actually OBEYED the law, instead of circumventing it as the obomanation, holder and ICE has done, we could do 1 million a year....hey, small numbers but it's a start and IT WOULD BE FOLLOWING THE LAW WHICH IS NOT FOLLOWED CURRENTLY!....but that's only a suggestion!:cuckoo:
There are not enough federal courts and federal prosecutors to deport 12 million people, not to mention the necessity of enforcing other federal crimes, some of which arguably deter criminal activity.

If your solution is deportation, your solution is absurd, because it bears no possibility of being a reality.

Of course there are enough LAWYERS to fill THIS BILL, just look at the amount of IRS agaents they hired for Obumacare and then look at all the LAWYERS graduated in the last few years that DON'T HAVE JOBS, or are working in fields other than law! You're absurd!

Hell, give an out of work person with a confirmed 3 digit IQ and 2 weeks of study of the immigration laws and VOILA...instant ICE judge...like the guys that currently adjudicate traffic tickets in large cities!
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The far right reactionary racist bedwetting mindless drones are funny.

Keep it up, Pete. You are the type of mongrel subhumans you describe above in respect to the OP, and you are the type that wants to kill your enemies and open up the camps for the rest of your opponents.

You are really delusional. Almost any immigrant would be a greater plus for our country than you.

How many of these immigrant children can we send to your house Rep Frog Boy II, and let's see you show us how you would support them, as you're so much in favor of the little diseased invaders that the Obuma didn't bother to have quarantined in one place?

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps[/url]

This is a government problem, that you want your friends to impede.

You want children to die, period, to further your evil political campaign.

The major relief is that you folks now have no power at all politically.

If you strike out yourselves, you will be dealt with harshly.

That is what is frustrating you.

What a worthless vigilante you have turned out be. :smiliehug:
The far right reactionary racist bedwetting mindless drones are funny.

Keep it up, Pete. You are the type of mongrel subhumans you describe above in respect to the OP, and you are the type that wants to kill your enemies and open up the camps for the rest of your opponents.

You are really delusional. Almost any immigrant would be a greater plus for our country than you.

[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] Why didn't you get this upset earlier when [MENTION=38690]mark47[/MENTION] said he wanted to genocide Tea Partiers?

Only Genocide-by-Lefties is justified?

What a whiner! I didn't see Mark's comments, but nevertheless you apparently feel no embarrassment for wanting to mass murder your opponents.

No worry, won't happen.
Like a libtards knows anything about liberty? Wrong as usual libtard.

Ah, another moop mumbling, our AF, is: doesn't have any idea about liberty or what it is.
Wrong again like the libtard you are. I obviously know more about liberty than any libtard on here or in the WH.

I see you are drinking early. Again. You have no idea what liberty and freedom mean and what one must do to keep it. I do know you are a coward, so that is not a concern.
If anyone violently attempts to forcibly deport outside of the law and in violation of its officers, those persons will be "deported" into a prison for some time to come.

There will be no deportation of 12 million people. Ese.
Ah, another moop mumbling, our AF, is: doesn't have any idea about liberty or what it is.
Wrong again like the libtard you are. I obviously know more about liberty than any libtard on here or in the WH.

I see you are drinking early. Again. You have no idea what liberty and freedom mean and what one must do to keep it. I do know you are a coward, so that is not a concern.
You know nothing about me and obviously nothing about liberty and freedom. I am no coward like most libtards are, if you knew me you would know that. By the way, I don't drink.
Stand on the sidewalks and protest, that is your right, but blocking the buses is not. I would arrest the lot of them, if necessary. That is the risk you take when you break the law in civil disobedience.

Maybe they should put the arrested Americans and the detained foreigners together in the same facility.
you do realize he has at his fingertips ALL of the formidable US Armed forces ready to do his bidding....? if they can go protect foreign borders they can certainly protect our own....so stop making up stupid excuses....

They aren't allowed to here. Learn the laws of this country.

The federal law needs to be changed in order to use the military as a border guard.

No, it's another copout. The soldiers could simply man the other side of the border and prevent entry instead of intercept invaders.
Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, this should be stopped immediately but Obama must be really mad because the citizens fought back so now I hope and pray the govt. doesn't cause harm to the citizens of Murrieta.

» Feds Plan Riot Cops to Push Through Illegals in California Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Murrieta resident John Henry said. “They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

The government rerouted the buses to San Diego when the protesters blocked access last week. The feds claim the demonstrators pose a threat to the illegals.

“The Department of Homeland security said that because of security concerns, it will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol,” CBS News reported on Saturday.

Let them fire the first shot.

Every single "ICE" officer is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly! Along with everyone in Washington!

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381
states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort
within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned!

They're burning our flag in hatred as well.

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." -- Justice Louis D Brandeis (SCOTUS)
And you believe Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist? You know, supporters of the Second Amendment are so Pro-Gun aren't they? Well don't lose sight of the fact that officers of the law carry and use guns too as part of their gear in order to control rowdy crowds like those trying to stop the buses with the refugee children. No one should therefore object to their use of guns in situations that warrant it in order to keep the peace. Let that be a warning to residents of Murrieta and other places that further demonstrations like these will not be tolerated if they become overly disruptive of what the government has been charged to do.

Those hateful and ignorant people have brought it all out on themselves by standing in front of buses and trying to play hard politics with this issue. The law has tolerated them for a bit but now it's time to bring in the Feds, the Big Guys, to show them that they Cannot and Will Not stand in the way of these buses and their mission to deliver the children where they have been assigned to any longer. Hopefully there will not be any casualties but if there are, those eccentric people will have no one to blame but themselves in the end for being disruptive and disobedient of the law.

^^^ Straight out of a Nazi handbook. "If you demand our laws be followed; you"ll end up dead!"

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