Feds will use lethal force to break up protests by citizens in Murrieta

If anyone violently attempts to forcibly deport outside of the law and in violation of its officers, those persons will be "deported" into a prison for some time to come.

There will be no deportation of 12 million people. Ese.

Close the border and enforce the immigration laws. Your corrupt president and you are enemies of the American people.
Pass a GD Immigration bill that will add trillions to the economy, choose reality with deserving illegals, and pass a good SS ID card so this doesn't happen AGAIN. Racist stupidity just doesn't accomplish anything.Mega rich greedy idiot Pubs love cheap labor and could give a shytte about you chumps, hater dupes...

Utter bullshit argument. If rich so-called "Pubs" were making a buck off of illegal aliens, you liberals would be standing on the border with billyclubs to keep them out.

As it stands, you liberal assholes are down there with ladders trying to get as many illegal democrat voters into this country as is humanly possible.
UPDATE: The protestors were successful again today (Mon., July 7).

Police blocked off the road near the processing center to keep protestors away. So the protestors set up further out, apparently on the main roads leading TO the processing centers, and stopped the buses again. After a while, the buses left (again) without unloading the illegal aliens.

There have been three attempts by the Fed to dump illegal aliens in Murrieta. One on July 2, one on July 4, and today on JUly 7.

Keep up the good work, Murrieta residents!


Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

by Michelle Moons
7 Jul 2014, 1:20 PM PDT

MURRIETA -- Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

For a third time, the buses were rerouted to the San Ysidro, California Border Patrol station, near the U.S.-Mexico border, for processing. The demonstrators gathered in areas to the north and south of the Murrieta station after law enforcement blocked off the road near the station itself. Many told Breitbart News they considered their stand a success, since buses scheduled for Murrieta are avoiding it as long as demonstrators remain.

The anti-illegal immigration protests Monday brought out new, first-time demonstrators and onlookers from many different backgrounds--from young enlisted Marines to legal immigrants from Germany, Mexico, and Central America.
UPDATE: The protestors were successful again today (Mon., July 7).

Police blocked off the road near the processing center to keep protestors away. So the protestors set up further out, apparently on the main roads leading TO the processing centers, and stopped the buses again. After a while, the buses left (again) without unloading the illegal aliens.

There have been three attempts by the Fed to dump illegal aliens in Murrieta. One on July 2, one on July 4, and today on JUly 7.

Keep up the good work, Murrieta residents!


Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

by Michelle Moons
7 Jul 2014, 1:20 PM PDT

MURRIETA -- Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

For a third time, the buses were rerouted to the San Ysidro, California Border Patrol station, near the U.S.-Mexico border, for processing. The demonstrators gathered in areas to the north and south of the Murrieta station after law enforcement blocked off the road near the station itself. Many told Breitbart News they considered their stand a success, since buses scheduled for Murrieta are avoiding it as long as demonstrators remain.

The anti-illegal immigration protests Monday brought out new, first-time demonstrators and onlookers from many different backgrounds--from young enlisted Marines to legal immigrants from Germany, Mexico, and Central America.

3 for 3
UPDATE: The protestors were successful again today (Mon., July 7).

Police blocked off the road near the processing center to keep protestors away. So the protestors set up further out, apparently on the main roads leading TO the processing centers, and stopped the buses again. After a while, the buses left (again) without unloading the illegal aliens.

There have been three attempts by the Fed to dump illegal aliens in Murrieta. One on July 2, one on July 4, and today on JUly 7.

Keep up the good work, Murrieta residents!


Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

by Michelle Moons
7 Jul 2014, 1:20 PM PDT

MURRIETA -- Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

For a third time, the buses were rerouted to the San Ysidro, California Border Patrol station, near the U.S.-Mexico border, for processing. The demonstrators gathered in areas to the north and south of the Murrieta station after law enforcement blocked off the road near the station itself. Many told Breitbart News they considered their stand a success, since buses scheduled for Murrieta are avoiding it as long as demonstrators remain.

The anti-illegal immigration protests Monday brought out new, first-time demonstrators and onlookers from many different backgrounds--from young enlisted Marines to legal immigrants from Germany, Mexico, and Central America.

I love your signature. :)
UPDATE: The protestors were successful again today (Mon., July 7).

Police blocked off the road near the processing center to keep protestors away. So the protestors set up further out, apparently on the main roads leading TO the processing centers, and stopped the buses again. After a while, the buses left (again) without unloading the illegal aliens.

There have been three attempts by the Fed to dump illegal aliens in Murrieta. One on July 2, one on July 4, and today on JUly 7.

Keep up the good work, Murrieta residents!


Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

Stand Your Ground: Protesters Divert 3rd Round of Buses from Murrieta

by Michelle Moons
7 Jul 2014, 1:20 PM PDT

MURRIETA -- Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

For a third time, the buses were rerouted to the San Ysidro, California Border Patrol station, near the U.S.-Mexico border, for processing. The demonstrators gathered in areas to the north and south of the Murrieta station after law enforcement blocked off the road near the station itself. Many told Breitbart News they considered their stand a success, since buses scheduled for Murrieta are avoiding it as long as demonstrators remain.

The anti-illegal immigration protests Monday brought out new, first-time demonstrators and onlookers from many different backgrounds--from young enlisted Marines to legal immigrants from Germany, Mexico, and Central America.
This is getting out of hand. Already people are saying it's time to drop the signs and pick up guns.
Jake you're a fuckign idiot. Less than 3% of the population actually fought in COMBAT against the Redcoats. Just because 25-30% supported it doesn't mean they actually fought the good fight.

:lol: You are a George Costanza type of moop, you know.

Maybe .0027 of our population feel like you, about 850000: you will lose tomorrow if folks do something stupid.

The govt will drone the idiots, who will have no chance at all.

You are no patriot or minute man, just a moop.

Wow this really probes how retarded you are!

2.7% = 0.027 not 0.0027
Jake. How in the hell does someone accumulate 75,000 posts? Don't you have a frigging life? There is a big, wonderful world above and apart from this board you know.

He's a hired shill no doubt. It's been revealed by Israel that the US employs them using the same system that the Iraeli's openly admit to using.

Now you are against the Joos?

It's neither a violation of Israel's laws nor constitution to smother their own people with propaganda.
The far right reactionary racist bedwetting mindless drones are funny.

Keep it up, Pete. You are the type of mongrel subhumans you describe above in respect to the OP, and you are the type that wants to kill your enemies and open up the camps for the rest of your opponents.

You are really delusional. Almost any immigrant would be a greater plus for our country than you.

[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] Why didn't you get this upset earlier when [MENTION=38690]mark47[/MENTION] said he wanted to genocide Tea Partiers?

Only Genocide-by-Lefties is justified?

What a whiner! I didn't see Mark's comments, but nevertheless you apparently feel no embarrassment for wanting to mass murder your opponents.

No worry, won't happen.

HOw do you think we got on this subject? Mark47 expressed his holy desire to massacre the Tea Party and you leftist scum applauded him.

If anyone violently attempts to forcibly deport outside of the law and in violation of its officers, those persons will be "deported" into a prison for some time to come.

There will be no deportation of 12 million people. Ese.

Close the border and enforce the immigration laws. Your corrupt president and you are enemies of the American people.

Your wing nuts beliefs are the enemy of Americanism.

We are not deporting 12 million people.

Folks who break the law will go the slammer.

They can cry there.
"Keep up the good work, Murrieta residents!"

Time for armored humvees, water cannons, and plenty of wrist ties.

Time to go criminal hunting.
If anyone violently attempts to forcibly deport outside of the law and in violation of its officers, those persons will be "deported" into a prison for some time to come.

There will be no deportation of 12 million people. Ese.

Close the border and enforce the immigration laws. Your corrupt president and you are enemies of the American people.

Your wing nuts beliefs are the enemy of Americanism.

We are not deporting 12 million people.

Folks who break the law will go the slammer.

They can cry there.

The people who broke the law are the ones you defend. I stand with Americans who pay the bill, you coward scummy cocksucker.
Last edited:
Jake you're a fuckign idiot. Less than 3% of the population actually fought in COMBAT against the Redcoats. Just because 25-30% supported it doesn't mean they actually fought the good fight.

:lol: You are a George Costanza type of moop, you know.

Maybe .0027 of our population feel like you, about 850000: you will lose tomorrow if folks do something stupid.

The govt will drone the idiots, who will have no chance at all.

You are no patriot or minute man, just a moop.

Wow this really probes how retarded you are!

2.7% = 0.027 not 0.0027

You don't get fractions; yeah, you had trouble in grammar school. Your % is off.

Only 1 to a 1000 of patriots feel stupidly like you do today.

You only have numbers in your swiss-cheesed head, not in reality.

Once again: you don't have the numbers.

Almost all of America despises your types.
He's a hired shill no doubt. It's been revealed by Israel that the US employs them using the same system that the Iraeli's openly admit to using.

Now you are against the Joos?

It's neither a violation of Israel's laws nor constitution to smother their own people with propaganda.

So, that's a yes.

You can't do math, almost all of America disagrees with your nonsense, but you are not out of step. Yep, you are a moop.
As usual, the OP is a lie. There is no mention of "lethal force. Do you RW loons practice lying or does it come naturally?
Wow, what kind of madness is going on??? Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs. It's an invasion of foreign people that the govt. insists on dumping in a city that can't and don't want to support. The government is illegally participating in human and child trafficking, this should be stopped immediately but Obama must be really mad because the citizens fought back so now I hope and pray the govt. doesn't cause harm to the citizens of Murrieta.

» Feds Plan Riot Cops to Push Through Illegals in California Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“We’re being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear,” Murrieta resident John Henry said. “They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

The government rerouted the buses to San Diego when the protesters blocked access last week. The feds claim the demonstrators pose a threat to the illegals.

“The Department of Homeland security said that because of security concerns, it will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol,” CBS News reported on Saturday.

Let them fire the first shot.

Every single "ICE" officer is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly! Along with everyone in Washington!

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381
states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort
within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned!

They're burning our flag in hatred as well.

"Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." -- Justice Louis D Brandeis (SCOTUS)

Honestly...were I in charge, the buses (led by a phalanx of armored Hummvees or something similar) would simply have DRIVEN THROUGH the people blocking the road. running down as many as necessary.
"Murrieta residents don't want the illegal people invading and harming them with disease, violence and huge costs."

You have described most of the citizenry in rural America, particularly in the deep South.

What are they supposed to do with these people before sending them home?

Hose them off, give them a set of secondhand clothes, and tattoo "ILLEGAL ALIEN" on their faces!
You see your job ending soon, I can tell. That always' get you in a mood, but your industry brought on yourself.

Now to the OP: the current law is not working and cannot work.

The political back of the far right is breaking and will be completely broken after the election.

Then we can do real immigration reform.

You guys had your chance, and (heh heh) you blew it.

LOL, I'm still clearing 6 grand a month but carry on. In 4 weeks I'll be in Mazatlan......it's all already paid for , two fishing trips....everything. Look, I know that irks you. How many of these colored folks you invited into your own home? None. See you are all talk Jake, always have been,that's why you are so thin skinned. You've never accomplished a thing in your life, not once. The women you've cared about have always walked away from you.
There has never been one you've been able to satisfy, not one. It must be very hard not ever knowing if your kids are well.....yours.

What a paragraph, my thin skinned friend. :lol:. You are on the run.

Enjoy your time, because the money will dry up soon for you. And then what will you? When the money runs out, and you can't go fishing for what you really want.

Are you stoned again, Fakey?

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