feeling grimmer about obama chances today

You euros should want America to throw off the shackles of collectivism.

The history of mankind tells us the world will be needing a free America to bail it out again, in short order.

America is the whole world. And we know it and we are proud of it.
i am not sure whole world but its a great country who future is important to world. that why here in uk us election is being covered in such detail.
i don,t act like i do at all. i just feel it important election. Just become i am british does not mean i should not care as much. what happens in america affects the rest of the world

I'd love to track your IP

what do you say?

i don,t need to prove my ip to you. do i ask for your ip. ask the moderators if you have issue with me man.


moderators? I can send you to a site. It will verify some things. You will go there of your own free will.

what say you decker? step up. man up.

It's not nonsense Jillian. I have no dog in this fight. My comments do not come from emotion or wishful thinking. This is going to be VERY close and anyone that thinks that Obama is just going to walk away with this one is in denial. It's going to be close.

I can see Romney winning the popular vote but losing the EC, I can see a tie, I can see Romney winning, but a landslide victory from either of them I cannot see


this is a world away from what this decker is saying

you have posted what Dante has posted. Style makes us look different. decker is contesting everything you or I have written in the context of this post
i am not contrasting everything. I am just defending myself against attacks on my charcter and who i am and what i have said.

easily settled
that's just IT.

most accomplished posters and trolls LOVE the flame zone.


you try too hard.

why can,t you be good poster without the flame zone. I don,t have anything with those who use it but it not for me. I don,t attack for sake sake. does nothing for me

I saw attacks on you earlier and ignored them as I do most attacks. I do not 'run' with any group.

Dante is an accomplished troll. Trolling is an art form. Most people do not even know they are trolls, It;s like racists who are in denial about being racist.

I only started laughing at you, more than attacking you, after it dawned on me what you were doing. I came to this decision on my own.

If I am wrong, my sympathies and condolences. but I suspect I am correct

You are wrong. i am not a troll. you may think your one but i don,t know that. All i know is i would never ever ever troll. I don,t try to be something i am not. what you see, is what you get

I just try to reflect my views like any other poster on here does
I'd love to track your IP

what do you say?

i don,t need to prove my ip to you. do i ask for your ip. ask the moderators if you have issue with me man.


moderators? I can send you to a site. It will verify some things. You will go there of your own free will.

what say you decker? step up. man up.

i am not going to any site. i don,t have to prove anything to you. simple as that.

i know i am not what you accused me off and you can think whatever the fuck you want to think
It's not nonsense Jillian. I have no dog in this fight. My comments do not come from emotion or wishful thinking. This is going to be VERY close and anyone that thinks that Obama is just going to walk away with this one is in denial. It's going to be close.

I can see Romney winning the popular vote but losing the EC, I can see a tie, I can see Romney winning, but a landslide victory from either of them I cannot see

i agree with your conclusions. where i disagree is that decker in any way represents what obama supporters think.

that's why he's a concern troll.

now let me tell you what someone who DOES have a dog in the fight thinks...

we think... we wish the president hadn't blown the first debate which allowed romney in, even though every position he took was a lie. the fault of the president was in laying there like a latke while those lies were told.

do normal people realize it's close? yes.
is it tighter than i'd like?

hell yes... i can't believe anyone would vote for mr etch a sketch who doesn't have offshore accounts or think jesus should be president.

but thread after thread of lunatics saying "obama's lost"
when are 'liberals' going to "admit" obama lost?

f'em... i'll admit he lost the same time someone who votes for romney would admit romney lost... after the election.

until then, the din from the right is just way too loud... it's like a bunch of two year olds screaming "nah nah nah nah nah"

obviously something that suits some of the louder schmucks around here very well.
Fair enough :) I agree that screaming "Obama lost" is nonsense at this point. I'm personally wouldn't feel comfortable saying that, but what I will agree with is deckers assessment that things are not looking like a cake walk for Obama.

My thoughts on the debate are this. Romneys "surge" was a combination of Obamas first debate performance and people being introduced to Mitt Romney. He was vilified (either rightlfully or wrongfully, not for me to judge) by the media/libs. What showed up at those debates was not that man. Whether he really is all those bad things I really do not know, but what showed up at all 3 of those debates was not the kind of man that was being portrayed by the media/libs/pundits.

In closing thats why I_think_he surged and is closing with female voters
you make fair point that ads can distort but it same with obama. ads can distort him to be something he not.

i think obama allowed romney in ball park with first debate and he should never done so. he was winning the election till then and i think allowed romney in when he didn,t need to. he was passive and let the goal open as cnn john king said

i don,t buy the gop shouts of its all over. think their cockness showing. but i won,t deny that polls show gop nationally in front and that trend that carried on this week

it still close and obama can turn it around. but he need to fight like his life depends on it now

thanks for nice comments man by the way
with gallup poll increasing romney lead, abc with romney in the leaed bad enough but in the
uk guardian newspaper they said that obama could be trouble in pa as the sentator their is behind in his race which could impact on obama. They also said wi is gettting more dominant romney buys then obama

I know nv looking ok for obama but getting sense that even if he wins ohio it won,t be enough in the end

i know nate sliver confident but just sense he off bit time here.

What Obama Bounce is all I have to say. I thought he owned Romney in the 3rd Debate, I thought he reversed the Trend. At least that is what Liberals told us. So how do they explain the current polls?

Every time decker posts, the thread gets derailed with troll crap. We get it. We know how you feel. Let it go.........
i am not a troll. i just fed up with this bullshit man. it bollocks the attacks on me and i am not one for allowing people on internet message board to attack me for no reason

Deck, that was directed at those who refuse to let you post in peace. They've made their opinions known, now maybe they can let it rest, so we can concentrate on the posts instead of the posters. That would be nice.
Every time decker posts, the thread gets derailed with troll crap. We get it. We know how you feel. Let it go.........
i am not a troll. i just fed up with this bullshit man. it bollocks the attacks on me and i am not one for allowing people on internet message board to attack me for no reason

Deck, that was directed at those who refuse to let you post in peace. They've made their opinions known, now maybe they can let it rest, so we can concentrate on the posts instead of the posters. That would be nice.
oh right. many apogies man. my mistake. thanks for the support and sorry for arugments in this thread man.

i hope they can leave the attacks man. it just boring and goes away from the topic. but what will be , will be
You are wrong. i am not a troll. you may think your one but i don,t know that. All i know is i would never ever ever troll. I don,t try to be something i am not. what you see, is what you get

I just try to reflect my views like any other poster on here does
You have an opinion don't defend it :)
Remember true Christians are not voting for a Mormon it's that simple, no one is talking about it . They are not voting obama ,they will stay home . Latinos are not voting romney .
So the numbers are deceiving .

Wrong. Latinos are voting for Romney, and so are Christians.
i am not a troll. i just fed up with this bullshit man. it bollocks the attacks on me and i am not one for allowing people on internet message board to attack me for no reason

Deck, that was directed at those who refuse to let you post in peace. They've made their opinions known, now maybe they can let it rest, so we can concentrate on the posts instead of the posters. That would be nice.
oh right. many apogies man. my mistake. thanks for the support and sorry for arugments in this thread man.

i hope they can leave the attacks man. it just boring and goes away from the topic. but what will be , will be
thanks for the support. same with you to man. but we all have to defend ourselves sometimes.
oh well, decker is going to run away. more white christian conservative than like our cousins across the pond.
not true. anyway if you need me proof anything here some good news for obama. SamFeist CNN on cnn poll of ohio
"Mitt Romney leads President Obama by 5 points nationally, according to the closely watched Gallup daily tracking poll.

Romney takes 51 percent to Obama's 46 in the poll of likely voters, released Friday. Romney picked up a point and Obama lost a point from the same poll on Thursday, which Romney led 50 to 47."

Romney extends lead over Obama in Gallup daily tracking poll - The Hill's Ballot Box

And we were talking about state polls and polls on groups of voters in those states, not national polls. The agreed upon debate here is that the election will be decided in a few states.

National polls tell a wider story, Both campaigns have been messaging to a far narrower audience than any national audience you imagine matters.

then some of us were discussing analysis of polls and what people were saying about how they reach their conclusions or bets.

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