Feigned Outrage Of The Right

The repubs who are outraged because Reid's remarks were supposedly racist are all wet....What he said is as true as what Rush said about the media rooting for Donovan McNabb because they really, really, REALLY want a black quarterback to succeed.

However, if guys like Limpbagh and Trent Lott can be drummed out of their jobs for making the kinds of comments they made, then it's only apropos that Reid be rat fucked too.

Do you're as ignorant as Steph?

Even black conservative Ward Connelly couldn't find what was supposes to be racist about Reid's statements.

The GOP Chairman utters obviously racist comments and all the race protectors here...the con artists, are silent.
Um....Neither could I.

If you could bother yourself to read for comprehension, you'd have noticed that.

Now, quit banging your pots, Ruprecht.
That's because Republicans are racist.

yeah right, and Democrats are as pure as the fresh falling snow..:lol:

No, some Dems suck as well.

But the best leadership is coming from the Dems in the House because they are the closest to the people, and the ones least influenced by the corporate money.

The Republicans in the Senate are the worst.....

You can't win in an argument with these people because they are changing the definitions. No matter how solidly reason is behind you these people will deny it because they want to corrupt the world in their image. They dont care about the truth or winning the war on ideas. They just want power and will lie, cheat, and decieve people to get it.

Steele knows better than anyone that his party can't afford what Clarence Thomas might call a "high-tech lynching" of the only visible black guy it has in even a second-tier office.

Steele has said that white Republicans are "scared" of him.

They are.

He loves to play head games with their racial paranoia and insecurities, whether he's publicly professing "slum love" for the Indian-American Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, or starting a blog on the R.N.C. site titled "What Up?," or announcing that he would use "fried chicken and potato salad" to recruit minority voters.
okie dokie
The repubs who are outraged because Reid's remarks were supposedly racist are all wet....What he said is as true as what Rush said about the media rooting for Donovan McNabb because they really, really, REALLY want a black quarterback to succeed.

However, if guys like Limpbagh and Trent Lott can be drummed out of their jobs for making the kinds of comments they made, then it's only apropos that Reid be rat fucked too.

What jobs has Rush lost? If anything, he's more popular.
He lost his job at ESPN, over the remark about the media pimping for McNabb.
The repubs who are outraged because Reid's remarks were supposedly racist are all wet....What he said is as true as what Rush said about the media rooting for Donovan McNabb because they really, really, REALLY want a black quarterback to succeed.

However, if guys like Limpbagh and Trent Lott can be drummed out of their jobs for making the kinds of comments they made, then it's only apropos that Reid be rat fucked too.

Do you're as ignorant as Steph?

Even black conservative Ward Connelly couldn't find what was supposes to be racist about Reid's statements.

The GOP Chairman utters obviously racist comments and all the race protectors here...the con artists, are silent.
Um....Neither could I.

If you could bother yourself to read for comprehension, you'd have noticed that.

Now, quit banging your pots, Ruprecht.

Steele has said that white Republicans are "scared" of him.

They are.

He loves to play head games with their racial paranoia and insecurities, whether he's publicly professing "slum love" for the Indian-American Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, or starting a blog on the R.N.C. site titled "What Up?," or announcing that he would use "fried chicken and potato salad" to recruit minority voters.
comprehend this.
I wasn't talking about Steele.

But if I had just stepped on my own dick I would want to distract and deflect too. :lol:
That's because Republicans are racist.

yeah right, and Democrats are as pure as the fresh falling snow..:lol:

No, some Dems suck as well.

But the best leadership is coming from the Dems in the House because they are the closest to the people, and the ones least influenced by the corporate money.

The Republicans in the Senate are the worst.....

Keep singing that DailyKOS talking point Chris...soon you'll find yourself and your corrupt progressive Democrat Party in the street and out of power.
BTW, I know this subtlety is lost on much of the left. But the right was upset over the double standard. Not the comment itself. Of course, you guys are in denial that a double standard exists because in your own minds you can do no wrong, but that's still what we have complained about.
Well it's evident the left doesn't care as much about Racism as they claim they do, they hardly batted an eyelash over the demeaning and degrading comments said about Obama from Reid, so who cares now.

It just proved once again that lefties only care about racism when it can used against others who don't have a D next to their name..

You righty-whiteys are so bogus, such a bunch of freakin' hypocrites, LOL....

Like you honestly truly care, or haven't said things that are considerably worse when you thought only "friends" and sympathisers were able to hear you.....
Well it's evident the left doesn't care as much about Racism as they claim they do, they hardly batted an eyelash over the demeaning and degrading comments said about Obama from Reid, so who cares now.

It just proved once again that lefties only care about racism when it can used against others who don't have a D next to their name..

You righty-whiteys are so bogus, such a bunch of freakin' hypocrites, LOL....

Like you honestly truly care, or haven't said things that are considerably worse when you thought only "friends" and sympathisers were able to hear you.....

Really, and you know this how? crystal ball.:lol:
BTW, I know this subtlety is lost on much of the left. But the right was upset over the double standard. Not the comment itself. Of course, you guys are in denial that a double standard exists because in your own minds you can do no wrong, but that's still what we have complained about.

What Strom Thurmond said:

According to an excerpt of the speech, which was posted on NPR.org, Thurmond says:

“And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”

That speech was made July 17, 1948, as Thurmond championed his platform of racial segregation. At the time, he was accepting the presidential nomination of the State’s Rights Party, more accurately called Dixiecrats.


What Trent Lott said: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."

Thurmond had based his presidential campaign largely on an explicit racial segregation platform. Lott had attracted controversy before in issues relating to civil rights. As a Congressman, he voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act, voted against the continuation of the Civil Rights Act and opposed making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday.

Go for it, righty-whitey, tell us how you aren't excusing Lott and Thurmond!

You people ared so full of shit!
BTW, I know this subtlety is lost on much of the left. But the right was upset over the double standard. Not the comment itself. Of course, you guys are in denial that a double standard exists because in your own minds you can do no wrong, but that's still what we have complained about.

What Strom Thurmond said:

According to an excerpt of the speech, which was posted on NPR.org, Thurmond says:

“And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”

That speech was made July 17, 1948, as Thurmond championed his platform of racial segregation. At the time, he was accepting the presidential nomination of the State’s Rights Party, more accurately called Dixiecrats.


What Trent Lott said: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."

Thurmond had based his presidential campaign largely on an explicit racial segregation platform. Lott had attracted controversy before in issues relating to civil rights. As a Congressman, he voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act, voted against the continuation of the Civil Rights Act and opposed making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday.

Go for it, righty-whitey, tell us how you aren't excusing Lott and Thurmond!

You people are so full of shit!
BTW, I know this subtlety is lost on much of the left. But the right was upset over the double standard. Not the comment itself. Of course, you guys are in denial that a double standard exists because in your own minds you can do no wrong, but that's still what we have complained about.

What Strom Thurmond said:

According to an excerpt of the speech, which was posted on NPR.org, Thurmond says:

“And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”

That speech was made July 17, 1948, as Thurmond championed his platform of racial segregation. At the time, he was accepting the presidential nomination of the State’s Rights Party, more accurately called Dixiecrats.


What Trent Lott said: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."

Thurmond had based his presidential campaign largely on an explicit racial segregation platform. Lott had attracted controversy before in issues relating to civil rights. As a Congressman, he voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act, voted against the continuation of the Civil Rights Act and opposed making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday.

Go for it, righty-whitey, tell us how you aren't excusing Lott and Thurmond!

You people are so full of shit!

So what was Sentor Byrd (DEMOCRAT), Grand Kleagle Ku Klux Klan's comment on this? Enquiring minds want to know.
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BTW, I know this subtlety is lost on much of the left. But the right was upset over the double standard. Not the comment itself. Of course, you guys are in denial that a double standard exists because in your own minds you can do no wrong, but that's still what we have complained about.

What Strom Thurmond said:

According to an excerpt of the speech, which was posted on NPR.org, Thurmond says:

“And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”

That speech was made July 17, 1948, as Thurmond championed his platform of racial segregation. At the time, he was accepting the presidential nomination of the State’s Rights Party, more accurately called Dixiecrats.


What Trent Lott said: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."

Thurmond had based his presidential campaign largely on an explicit racial segregation platform. Lott had attracted controversy before in issues relating to civil rights. As a Congressman, he voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act, voted against the continuation of the Civil Rights Act and opposed making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday.

Go for it, righty-whitey, tell us how you aren't excusing Lott and Thurmond!

You people are so full of shit!

LOL, why don't you go and dig up something from a hundred years ago, we'll wait.
I believe we were talking about what Reid said just last WEEK..:cuckoo:
What in the world does a compaign from over 60 years ago have anything to do with today? Please tell me. This is a completely different generation. And the Republicans have never been nor ever will be Dixiecrats.

I know you, like Chris, think the Definition of Racist is Republican. But in reality it's not. And you guys have already demonstrated that this has nothing to do with racism or what anyone said and everything with trying to marginalize your opponents by calling them names that you've changed the definition to.

So please, let's be honest here.
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What in the world does a compaign from over 60 years ago have anything to do with today? Please tell me. This is a completely different generation. And the Republicans have never been nor ever will be Dixiecrats.

I know you, like Chris, think the Definition of Racist is Republican. But in reality it's not. And you guys have already demonstrated that this has nothing to do with racism or what anyone said and everything with trying to marginalize your opponents by calling them names that you've changed the definition to.

So please, let's be honest here.

Yes, let's be honest here.

The Republicans have become the party of white racist southerners.
The repubs who are outraged because Reid's remarks were supposedly racist are all wet....What he said is as true as what Rush said about the media rooting for Donovan McNabb because they really, really, REALLY want a black quarterback to succeed.

However, if guys like Limpbagh and Trent Lott can be drummed out of their jobs for making the kinds of comments they made, then it's only apropos that Reid be rat fucked too.
Both Rush's and Trent Lott's intent and motive were mean spirited and derogatory.

Reid meant no offense whatsoever.

Even Ward Connelly, the CA black conservative, wrote in the WSJ, that he could not find what was supposed to be racist in Reid's comments.

I doubt anyone who is honest can say the same about Lott or FatsoRush

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