Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

Huge Development: Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

For the past several weeks, Democrats and their liberal media allies have publicly excoriated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over a number of uncorroborated allegations and unverifiable rumors of criminal wrongdoing, essentially convicting and sentencing him to political death in the court of public opinion.... Obviously intent on derailing Kavanaugh’s nomination by creating a massive public outcry and rendering him toxic to moderate Republicans, Democrats had no problems whatsoever in publicly discussing every sordid detail of the allegations and smears hurled at the previously spotless nominee.... now Democrats suddenly want to ensure that any new information discovered about Kavanaugh is kept secret so only members of the Senate and select staffers will be permitted to see what the FBI produces after concluding the probe.... Democrats like Feinstein and Coons had no problem making all of the details of the allegations against Kavanaugh public when they thought doing so would succeed in derailing his nomination, but now that it looks like Kavanaugh will survive the smears and be confirmed to the Supreme Court, they want to keep any exonerating information secret from the public.

We, THE PEOPLE deserve to see how our taxes are being spent by the FBI and in particular the Senate. One has to wonder, is it because it the latest FBI investigation that DSA Dems cried for now names other names that the they can’t afford to have out there?
It really doesn't matter if this entire case is made public, if judge Kavanaugh is Vindicated, the left still will not believe that it is true! They have accomplished their goal! I believe all investigations should be made public! This is and has been a despicable display of DSA Democrat hatred. We can only hope that their vile antics leave a taste in the mouths of voters and they see what the horror of having the liberal/democrats in control of our country would be an absolute disaster.
Feinstein, Ford and many of her cohorts deserve prison time for what they have done to Judge Kavanaugh. ALL of them.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.
You must have taken the same courses as I have. You are 100/% right and it comes right out of the text books. The public can be manipulated if they are not aware of it. It was a textbook, choreographed play of the best scripts. They taught that a woman crying real tears can sway men. For some reason other women are not easily fooled. The whole hearing was just act 1 can't wait for the 2nd.

Jurisdiction - About Us - U.S. Senate Select Committee …
The Senate Select Committee on Ethics is authorized to receive and investigate allegations of improper conduct which may reflect upon the Senate, violations of law, violations of the Senate Code of Official Conduct and violations of rules and regulations of the Senate; recommend disciplinary action; recommend additional Senate rules or

But none has been identified. What conduct has violated the rules so as to be actionable?

Dianne Feinstein has violated essential ethical and professional rules of the United States Senate, and done so knowingly and intentionally, for the purpose of besmirching a man’s reputation.
Sen. Booker appears to have violated provisions 5 and/or 6 of Rule 29 of the Standing Rules of the Senate (Rev. Jan. 24, 2013),” Judicial Watch details in a letter delivered to the chairman and co-chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics.
Huge Development: Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

For the past several weeks, Democrats and their liberal media allies have publicly excoriated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over a number of uncorroborated allegations and unverifiable rumors of criminal wrongdoing, essentially convicting and sentencing him to political death in the court of public opinion.... Obviously intent on derailing Kavanaugh’s nomination by creating a massive public outcry and rendering him toxic to moderate Republicans, Democrats had no problems whatsoever in publicly discussing every sordid detail of the allegations and smears hurled at the previously spotless nominee.... now Democrats suddenly want to ensure that any new information discovered about Kavanaugh is kept secret so only members of the Senate and select staffers will be permitted to see what the FBI produces after concluding the probe.... Democrats like Feinstein and Coons had no problem making all of the details of the allegations against Kavanaugh public when they thought doing so would succeed in derailing his nomination, but now that it looks like Kavanaugh will survive the smears and be confirmed to the Supreme Court, they want to keep any exonerating information secret from the public.

We, THE PEOPLE deserve to see how our taxes are being spent by the FBI and in particular the Senate. One has to wonder, is it because it the latest FBI investigation that DSA Dems cried for now names other names that the they can’t afford to have out there?
It really doesn't matter if this entire case is made public, if judge Kavanaugh is Vindicated, the left still will not believe that it is true! They have accomplished their goal! I believe all investigations should be made public! This is and has been a despicable display of DSA Democrat hatred. We can only hope that their vile antics leave a taste in the mouths of voters and they see what the horror of having the liberal/democrats in control of our country would be an absolute disaster.
Feinstein, Ford and many of her cohorts deserve prison time for what they have done to Judge Kavanaugh. ALL of them.
Now that the FBI investigation shows no evidence Democrats can now safely support Kav.
Kennedy admonishes: "To the person who leaked Dr. Ford's letter, to the person who breached Dr. Ford's anonymity, and to the person who did not tell her she could have avoided this by testifying privately in her home in California, you know who you are. You should bow your head in shame, in my opinion, and you should hide your head in a bag every day for the rest of your natural life." His remarks were clearly directed at Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), whose shenanigans were exposed at the hearings.

Wow! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Who in their right mind would want to be nominated to the SC now considering wormy Dem's will attack you like a pack of rabid dogs?

I think the idea is to nominate someone who will fight back preemptively.

A hard ribbed conservative, one with the judicial temperament of a Judith Sheindlin, who will tell the doofus libs on the Senate committee to "Zip it" when they talk stupid instead of trying to be polite.
Or the point has been reached where only a one armed ethnic minority atheist transvestite bisexual single mother will be a safe bet?

The Dems might not like beer but .......

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...

The problem is that there is nothing illegal about it. It does not contain classified information so where is the crime.

She was specifically requested NOT to release the information...dumbass.
I think that is all a rouse, and that Blasey Fraud in fact agreed to it being used at the last moment and they’d all pretend it was ‘leaked’.

Otherwise why would Blasey Fraud get lawyered up and take the faux polygraph etc?

Blasey Fraud has not shown any anger about the alleged leak nor the fact that she allegedly was not told by her own legal team that she could have testified in privacy in her own home if she wanted to. Also, the fact is these offers that were made to her were also tweeted by Grassley and were/are on the senate committee web sit.
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You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
View attachment 219955

Who do you think you will influence with that? Just trying to keep the crazies stirred up?
Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
View attachment 219955

Who do you think you will influence with that? Just trying to keep the crazies stirred up?
Your hypocrisy is dripping on the floor.
This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America

Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?

Progressives are not advocating violence, they are advocating for the needy: those who have or will lose health care; those who cannot afford food, clothing, shelter, health care and transportation; The middle class too, who can't afford to provide for their children what their parents did for them.

Those of us who can and do support our kids and grandchildren understand that hard work of our sons and daughters-in-law have been screwed by the power elite, i.e. member of Congress and Plutocrats like Trump&Co., and the faux Christian Pence.
Thanks for your flawed analysis


You are most welcome. And I'd be remiss if I do not thank you for your response, which lacks substance and thought, but is a classic example of a logical fallacy, i.e. an ad hominem.
We have something in common then. I dismissed your comments for different reasons mainly your unsubstantiated claims

Dianne Frankenstein should have been run out of the District of Criminals on a rail, when she was caught red-handed looting the treasury by directing no-bid military contrasts to her husband's company.

But it's always (D)ifferent when leftists are straight-up crooks.
Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?

Progressives are not advocating violence, they are advocating for the needy: those who have or will lose health care; those who cannot afford food, clothing, shelter, health care and transportation; The middle class too, who can't afford to provide for their children what their parents did for them.

Those of us who can and do support our kids and grandchildren understand that hard work of our sons and daughters-in-law have been screwed by the power elite, i.e. member of Congress and Plutocrats like Trump&Co., and the faux Christian Pence.
Thanks for your flawed analysis


You are most welcome. And I'd be remiss if I do not thank you for your response, which lacks substance and thought, but is a classic example of a logical fallacy, i.e. an ad hominem.

We have something in common then. I dismissed your comments for different reasons mainly your unsubstantiated claims


My "claims" are opinions formed by my keeping up with current events, framed by my education, experience and intelligence.

Seems you once again / ad nausea posted an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?

A Senator simply sends a letter to the Ethics Committee requesting they investigate a believed breaking of Senate Rules.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?

A Senator simply sends a letter to the Ethics Committee requesting they investigate a believed breaking of Senate Rules.

The fact that you and others on the far right spend so much time assassinating the character of everyone who is not far right is unseemly and un-American.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?

A Senator simply sends a letter to the Ethics Committee requesting they investigate a believed breaking of Senate Rules.

The fact that you and others on the far right spend so much time assassinating the character of everyone who is not far right is unseemly and un-American.

These right-wing bats seem not be able to understand the basic rules of how the branches of government operate.
Huge Development: Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

For the past several weeks, Democrats and their liberal media allies have publicly excoriated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over a number of uncorroborated allegations and unverifiable rumors of criminal wrongdoing, essentially convicting and sentencing him to political death in the court of public opinion.... Obviously intent on derailing Kavanaugh’s nomination by creating a massive public outcry and rendering him toxic to moderate Republicans, Democrats had no problems whatsoever in publicly discussing every sordid detail of the allegations and smears hurled at the previously spotless nominee.... now Democrats suddenly want to ensure that any new information discovered about Kavanaugh is kept secret so only members of the Senate and select staffers will be permitted to see what the FBI produces after concluding the probe.... Democrats like Feinstein and Coons had no problem making all of the details of the allegations against Kavanaugh public when they thought doing so would succeed in derailing his nomination, but now that it looks like Kavanaugh will survive the smears and be confirmed to the Supreme Court, they want to keep any exonerating information secret from the public.

We, THE PEOPLE deserve to see how our taxes are being spent by the FBI and in particular the Senate. One has to wonder, is it because it the latest FBI investigation that DSA Dems cried for now names other names that the they can’t afford to have out there?
It really doesn't matter if this entire case is made public, if judge Kavanaugh is Vindicated, the left still will not believe that it is true! They have accomplished their goal! I believe all investigations should be made public! This is and has been a despicable display of DSA Democrat hatred. We can only hope that their vile antics leave a taste in the mouths of voters and they see what the horror of having the liberal/democrats in control of our country would be an absolute disaster.
Feinstein, Ford and many of her cohorts deserve prison time for what they have done to Judge Kavanaugh. ALL of them.

Now that the FBI investigation shows no evidence Democrats can now safely support Kav.

On the contrary, further investigation is showing that Ms. Ford perjured herself during her testimony before the Committee meeting. Now the question remains, how far will this go? Will the false statements by Ford, Swetnick and others be brought before grand Juries and prosecuted?
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?

A Senator simply sends a letter to the Ethics Committee requesting they investigate a believed breaking of Senate Rules.

The fact that you and others on the far right spend so much time assassinating the character of everyone who is not far right is unseemly and un-American.

These right-wing bats seem not be able to understand the basic rules of how the branches of government operate.

Sadly, McConnell's behavior is not a rule violation, nonfeasance is not a crime.

However, it could be proved that McConnell's action, not putting Garland Merrick (nominated by Obama) to be vetted and provided and up or down vote by the Senate because it was an election year; then brings Kavanaugh up in an election year and is pushing for a fast up or down vote, strongly suggest Malfeasance, sufficient for his removal from the Senate.

Not only is his partisan behavior in play, but his wife is a member of the Trump Administration, and it seems this conflict of interest - protecting his wife's job and income to their family - is also in play.
Huge Development: Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses

For the past several weeks, Democrats and their liberal media allies have publicly excoriated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over a number of uncorroborated allegations and unverifiable rumors of criminal wrongdoing, essentially convicting and sentencing him to political death in the court of public opinion.... Obviously intent on derailing Kavanaugh’s nomination by creating a massive public outcry and rendering him toxic to moderate Republicans, Democrats had no problems whatsoever in publicly discussing every sordid detail of the allegations and smears hurled at the previously spotless nominee.... now Democrats suddenly want to ensure that any new information discovered about Kavanaugh is kept secret so only members of the Senate and select staffers will be permitted to see what the FBI produces after concluding the probe.... Democrats like Feinstein and Coons had no problem making all of the details of the allegations against Kavanaugh public when they thought doing so would succeed in derailing his nomination, but now that it looks like Kavanaugh will survive the smears and be confirmed to the Supreme Court, they want to keep any exonerating information secret from the public.

We, THE PEOPLE deserve to see how our taxes are being spent by the FBI and in particular the Senate. One has to wonder, is it because it the latest FBI investigation that DSA Dems cried for now names other names that the they can’t afford to have out there?
It really doesn't matter if this entire case is made public, if judge Kavanaugh is Vindicated, the left still will not believe that it is true! They have accomplished their goal! I believe all investigations should be made public! This is and has been a despicable display of DSA Democrat hatred. We can only hope that their vile antics leave a taste in the mouths of voters and they see what the horror of having the liberal/democrats in control of our country would be an absolute disaster.
Feinstein, Ford and many of her cohorts deserve prison time for what they have done to Judge Kavanaugh. ALL of them.

Now that the FBI investigation shows no evidence Democrats can now safely support Kav.

On the contrary, further investigation is showing that Ms. Ford perjured herself during her testimony before the Committee meeting. Now the question remains, how far will this go? Will the false statements by Ford, Swetnick and others be brought before grand Juries and prosecuted?
Part of your proposal would involve a special counsel dealing with criminal misconduct out side of the Senate, part of it would involve the bar and possibly a civil suit by Kavanaugh. We're talking more rings than any circus in history

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