Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

The Senate ethics committee is going to be very busy over this.
Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.
She should also be reported to the ethics committee.
This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America

Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is the Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?


No what?



Oh and just what does anyone think the ethics committee will do??

Anyone really think Di Fi will have anything done to her??

One group of Senators doing something to a fellow Senator??

Don't hold your breath. I sure won't.
Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

Tom Cotton is full of bullshit. Republicans are the ones smearing Ford not Democrats. Cotton represents one of the most backwards states in the Union. Educated women are not going to buy this.

Women must love the idea of having a Senator blab your confidential information to the world. Right?
This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America

Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?

Progressives are not advocating violence, they are advocating for the needy: those who have or will lose health care; those who cannot afford food, clothing, shelter, health care and transportation; The middle class too, who can't afford to provide for their children what their parents did for them.

Those of us who can and do support our kids and grandchildren understand that hard work of our sons and daughters-in-law cannot with two salaries thrive when they have been screwed by the power elite, i.e. member of Congress and Plutocrats like Trump&Co., and the faux Christian Pence.
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This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America

Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?

Progressives are not advocating violence, they are advocating for the needy: those who have or will lose health care; those who cannot afford food, clothing, shelter, health care and transportation; The middle class too, who can't afford to provide for their children what their parents did for them.

Those of us who can and do support our kids and grandchildren understand that hard work of our sons and daughters-in-law have been screwed by the power elite, i.e. member of Congress and Plutocrats like Trump&Co., and the faux Christian Pence.
Thanks for your flawed analysis


You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.
The amazing Kennedy family? That's rich.
Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton says that he intends to discover who leaked the Ford letter about Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He intends to investigate the staff of California Democratic Party Senator Dianne Feinstein. Senator Feinstein will be investigated as well. The really amazing part of Senator Cotton’s remarks had to do with the shabby treatment that Ms. Ford has received at the hands of the Democrats in the Senate as well as her own lawyer. Senator Feinstein and her staff have denied any part of allowing the letter to be leaked. Will the FBI be used for this investigation? That has been the Democrat weapon of choice lately.

Just In: Dianne Feinstein's Office To Be Investigated [Video]

All I can say is sink this crooked loser. She has a spy working for her and we are suppose to trust anything this loser says. and for years this moron bitch tried taking the guns. MR and MRS AMERICA turn them all in. Screw you lady.
Well that would suck to be Feinstein at an impeachment trial with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court....

Of course, he is classy enough to recuse himself.
Not sure any sort of criminal investigation is warranted….

But it would be good (and appropriate) to see widespread bipartisan condemnation of Sen Finestein’s actions during the Kav hearings.
Oh and just what does anyone think the ethics committee will do??

Anyone really think Di Fi will have anything done to her??

One group of Senators doing something to a fellow Senator??

Don't hold your breath. I sure won't.

You need to remember that the California Democrat Party withheld their endorsement of her for November. She is no longer in their favor and that means the national party has no qualms about having her before the ethics committee.
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.“

House Democrats Lock GOP Out of Committee Room
By his own words, he is NOT "our" president. All he does is say mean things about people who support the Democratic Party or otherwise decided not to vote for him, so he is not the CEO of all Americans.

He has done no "great" things that are constructive. He has failed in so many ways. The guy is mentally ill.
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.“

House Democrats Lock GOP Out of Committee Room
By his own words, he is NOT "our" president. All he does is say mean things about people who support the Democratic Party or otherwise decided not to vote for him, so he is not the CEO of all Americans.

He has done no "great" things that are constructive. He has failed in so many ways. The guy is mentally ill.

How the hell can they do that?

I'll bet the majority asks the Master at Arms to either have the locks removed or changed.

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