Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America


They seem to be dangerously approaching that line. It's something we definitely don't want.

In any case I believe such a move would be very short-lived. They do not have the men, the organization, the arms nor any beliefs that would compel very many of them to risk their lives.

Tying up traffic and being annoying is one thing. War is another.
Take your Friend Soros with you. The latest news is that the Woman in the Elevator was a Soros Plant. This is the info I got on her:
Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.
Take your Friend Soros with you. The latest news is that the Woman in the Elevator was a Soros Plant. This is the info I got on her:
Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.

So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.

So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?

No question in my mind whatsoever that she meant every word she said. Do you question that there are millions of Progressives who seriously would do anything to destroy President Donald Trump and our country? IF you do, then you're just being naive.

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?
So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?

No question in my mind whatsoever that she meant every word she said. Do you question that there are millions of Progressives who seriously would do anything to destroy President Donald Trump and our country? IF you do, then you're just being naive.

Trump is doing a fine job of destroying himself, and I haven't seen many wanting to destroy the country. Perhaps your imagination is getting the better of you.
Why isn't this piece of Feinstein in jail already?

who does she think she is?

We know what she is .....A TRAITOR! that's what!

Why isn't this piece of Feinstein in jail already?

who does she think she is?

We know what she is .....A TRAITOR! that's what!

Interesting you should mention Feinstein. Because she came into the Senate in what was called the "Year of the Woman". 1992.

Why was it called that?

Because that's when a (small) wave of women (of both parties) got voted into the Senate as a direct result of the way Anita Hill was treated in the same kind of hearing as is going on now, in 1991. Women were mobilized by how their concerns as women were dismissed. Besides Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Carole Mosely-Braun and Patty Murray if memory serves.

Ready for "Year of the Woman II"? Because you're doing everything you can think of to make it happen.

And more power to ya for that. :thup:
piece of excrement......that's all that woman traitor is,....

lock her up too


You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Would Mary Jo Kopechne agree?
Bulldog is simply trying to out rdean as an rdean.
I don't know why he wants to dethrone rdean to become the board's most noted laughing stock lunatic but it obviously is his heartfelt ambition so give him some slack, he has almost achieved his goal and in it's own way a very difficult crown to get.

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
"Senator Richard Blumenthal must talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam, where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, that he was a great Marine War Hero. Talked about his many battles of near death, but was never in Vietnam. Total Phony!" - President Trump
So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?

No question in my mind whatsoever that she meant every word she said. Do you question that there are millions of Progressives who seriously would do anything to destroy President Donald Trump and our country? IF you do, then you're just being naive.

Trump is doing a fine job of destroying himself, and I haven't seen many wanting to destroy the country. Perhaps your imagination is getting the better of you.
So, what color is the sky on your planet?

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