Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

What is it about Senator Kennedy that his mouth always looks weirdly wet when he talks. For the longest time, I wasn't even sure he had teeth.

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

Tom Cotton is full of bullshit. Republicans are the ones smearing Ford not Democrats. Cotton represents one of the most backwards states in the Union. Educated women are not going to buy this.
busybee01 kindly share some smears on Ford from the GOP senators during the hearing.

Or, better yet. STFU.
What is it about Senator Kennedy that his mouth always looks weirdly wet when he talks. For the longest time, I wasn't even sure he had teeth.


He has teeth, but he takes them out most of the time.
Spyfeinstein is a traitor ....she should be investigated.....

and this is only the beginning ....we have a second Witch here.....Hillary first......this scum after...
Hide her head?

Feinstein should be in federal prison for espionage and treason....
Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

Tom Cotton is full of bullshit. Republicans are the ones smearing Ford not Democrats. Cotton represents one of the most backwards states in the Union. Educated women are not going to buy this.

Democrats on that committee used Ms. Ford. They could have investigated her allegations in private as she wished but instead they used her to attack Kavanaugh and stall his confirmation. "Educated" women are going to recognize that fact. What they choose to do at that point will have a lot to do with their political view. Some will be repelled by the sheer sleaziness of what was done to Ford by Democrats on the committee...some will chose to ignore what was done because they feel the end justifies the means. The only problem with the latter is that it makes those women somewhat complicit in what was done to Ford...something they'll have to live with.
You can not take money to the grave.....you Witch Spyfenstein
Surely all middle class have become rich.

How do you become so filled with hate for our President that you allow all the hate to extend itself to the great things the man is doing? How is that even possible?
What great things?
Mexicans arent sending rapists to America: republicans are sending them to supreme court.

And what next: Bring slavery back.
The Dem/Lib double standard will be vigorously applied and staunchly supported.

Agree with you!

I thought I'd never see a witch of the caliber of the Hillary....but now I realize there is another like her and even surpassing her

the Demonrats are a truly Satanic Party....

vote them out!

vote them all out!

America does not need Demonic people
By his own words, he is NOT "our" president. All he does is say mean things about people who support the Democratic Party or otherwise decided not to vote for him, so he is not the CEO of all Americans.

He has done no "great" things that are constructive. He has failed in so many ways. The guy is mentally ill.
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Take your Friend Soros with you. The latest news is that the Woman in the Elevator was a Soros Plant. This is the info I got on her:
Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.
Whoever funded them did the right thing. Listen to what they were saying is important.
Margaret Thatcher once said to the conservatives "Listen to what I am saying and not how I am saying it".
So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?

No question in my mind whatsoever that she meant every word she said. Do you question that there are millions of Progressives who seriously would do anything to destroy President Donald Trump and our country? IF you do, then you're just being naive.

Trump is doing a fine job of destroying himself, and I haven't seen many wanting to destroy the country. Perhaps your imagination is getting the better of you.
Bulldog: Get help, you are watching too many Russian ads and Fox News entertainers. They are screwing up your mind.
Frankenstein's office held onto the letter until closer to the November elections, then leaked it to the media. This is the likely scenario.
By his own words, he is NOT "our" president. All he does is say mean things about people who support the Democratic Party or otherwise decided not to vote for him, so he is not the CEO of all Americans.

He has done no "great" things that are constructive. He has failed in so many ways. The guy is mentally ill.

Really? How has he failed?


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