Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

It happened a few years ago. Lysistra was talking about how mean Trump and all are. Just a reminder to him.
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.“

House Democrats Lock GOP Out of Committee Room
By his own words, he is NOT "our" president. All he does is say mean things about people who support the Democratic Party or otherwise decided not to vote for him, so he is not the CEO of all Americans.

He has done no "great" things that are constructive. He has failed in so many ways. The guy is mentally ill.

How the hell can they do that?

I'll bet the majority asks the Master at Arms to either have the locks removed or changed.
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...

The problem is that there is nothing illegal about it. It does not contain classified information so where is the crime.
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...

The problem is that there is nothing illegal about it. It does not contain classified information so where is the crime.

She was specifically requested NOT to release the information...dumbass.
Feinstein reminded me just how slimy politicians are. I always had a certain degree of respect for Feinstein, it shocked me that she would stoop to something this low. Now I know I really never knew Feinstein, not really.

The slimy politicians are in the Republican Party. Every Republican has sold their soul to Trump. There are a few Democrats who are independent but no Republicans.
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...
Fine, investigate her and Kavanaugh to the fullest extent. I don’t give a shit lol
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
Who in their right mind would want to be nominated to the SC now considering wormy Dem's will attack you like a pack of rabid dogs?
Brett Kavanaugh, I hope. He's highly qualified, he loves the law, he does the right thing. I hope his children and family are as proud of him as I am. I've had the privilege of reading over his judicial history and am convinced his decisions will put America back on the right road again.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.
This kind of crap is worthy of a civil war. We just can't accept the left agenda in America

Go for it. Stop talking and actually start one.

As you know, and know well, it is Progressives who are strongly advocating for violence. Why?

Progressives are not advocating violence, they are advocating for the needy: those who have or will lose health care; those who cannot afford food, clothing, shelter, health care and transportation; The middle class too, who can't afford to provide for their children what their parents did for them.

Those of us who can and do support our kids and grandchildren understand that hard work of our sons and daughters-in-law have been screwed by the power elite, i.e. member of Congress and Plutocrats like Trump&Co., and the faux Christian Pence.
Thanks for your flawed analysis


You are most welcome. And I'd be remiss if I do not thank you for your response, which lacks substance and thought, but is a classic example of a logical fallacy, i.e. an ad hominem.
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...
She wants to call the hearing a investigation, ok lets call it a investigation,. Since this is a investigation she withheld evidence of a crime, this is obstruction of evidence. She should be charged at such. By with holding the evidence she should be charged with concusion after the fact of attempted rape. Seems Senator Di should get a Lawyer.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.
You must have taken the same courses as I have. You are 100/% right and it comes right out of the text books. The public can be manipulated if they are not aware of it. It was a textbook, choreographed play of the best scripts. They taught that a woman crying real tears can sway men. For some reason other women are not easily fooled. The whole hearing was just act 1 can't wait for the 2nd.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.

Nothing in beatress' lengthy diatribe describes a violation of Senate ethics.


In any event, nothing suggests that Dr. Ford was lying and that the Democrats on the committee knew it. Even if this were to be true, one would be hard-pressed to find an actionable violation of Senate ethics, which does not seem to cover treatment of witnesses at committee hearings. How many times have members of committees seem to have been either sympathetic or antagonistic to witnesses before them?

Jumping from the Kavanaugh hearing to the psychology involved in scripting a movie to the Nazis and their horrors was just weird.
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.

Very rarely are there witnesses to a sexual assault. You are a blathering idiot. She does have a polygraph test and she knows JT, Judge and Kavanaugh were together that day WITHOUT seeing Kavanaugh's calendar. Kavanaugh showed a complete lack of control in his response and he very well could have been lying when he said he didn't get dead drunk on occasions.

The performing was done by Rachel Mitchell. Her memo was a pack of lies and shows how she should be fired as a prosecutor as she has compromised her effectiveness. Defense attorneys have already said they would use her memo in defense of their clients. This is all about the GOP making the world safe for privileged whites even if they are sexual assaulters.

"Matthew Long, a defense attorney who once worked for Mitchell as a sex-crimes prosecutor, was quoted as calling her “the best” in a story in a local paper last week, before the memo was issued. On Monday, Long said he was surprised to see that she cited Ford’s gaps in memory as evidence of the weakness of her allegation.

“The things that she’s highlighting that say that Dr. Ford is not credible are the very things she has taught me to ignore and not rely on,” he said in an interview. The memo, he said, “demonstrates she’s abandoned what she knows to be true in favor of being a political operative.”"

Experts question GOP prosecutor’s memo on Christine Blasey Ford
Sen. Diane Feinstein's unauthorized release of Dr. Ford's letter to her should be investigated by the ..FBI. Since she believes that an unsubstantiated accusation by Dr. Ford is enough to call for an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, shouldn't the same reasoning apply to an accusation against Sen. Feinstein?

Oh, I forgot, she's a Democrat...

The problem is that there is nothing illegal about it. It does not contain classified information so where is the crime.

She was specifically requested NOT to release the information...dumbass.

You are the dumbass. She did not swear under oath to not release the letter. There is no crime here.
You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
Takes a real Democrat to think a dead woman is no big deal.

Murdering the unborn is no big deal, why should the murder of the already born matter?
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.
You must have taken the same courses as I have. You are 100/% right and it comes right out of the text books. The public can be manipulated if they are not aware of it. It was a textbook, choreographed play of the best scripts. They taught that a woman crying real tears can sway men. For some reason other women are not easily fooled. The whole hearing was just act 1 can't wait for the 2nd.

Jurisdiction - About Us - U.S. Senate Select Committee …
The Senate Select Committee on Ethics is authorized to receive and investigate allegations of improper conduct which may reflect upon the Senate, violations of law, violations of the Senate Code of Official Conduct and violations of rules and regulations of the Senate; recommend disciplinary action; recommend additional Senate rules or
I'm not sure what the procedure be for one senator to investigate another senator. Who would do the investigating? What violations of the senate's ethical code would be proposed as a basis for the allegations?
There is usually a disciplinary committee called together when it is deemed by a majority to look into someone's Senate ethics. That usually happens when it is crystal clear to both sides of the aisle wrong has been done by an individual. Unfortunately, the prevarications proffered as veracity by Dr. Ford are protected by her alleged victim status. She pushed every button on persuasive conversation from her makeup to the interval lengths of her quivering voice. The curtain came off when she was praised by Democrats every time she told a serious lie and led right into her biggest lie of all, that she "knew for a fact" it was him. Hollywood actors know that if in their early scenes in a 90-minute movie they pet a dog, help a handicapped person across the street, or make an appeal for help that looks half-way sincere, they have earned the sympathy of their audience. Psychologists know this better than anyone. Her performance came straight out of a persuasive communications book a step above a master manipulator's convincing anybody to do anything he suggests. She didn't do this by herself. Every DNC member at the speech who egged her on was in on this deception. I say deception, because there wasn't a single iota of probity in anything she said, evidenced by a total lack of corroboration of facts. We who watched this travesty live witnessed one of the most believable hoaxes against a political rival since Adolph Hitler conned the dissatisfied-by-WWI German people into murdering six million Jews and considering themselves world-class heroes in doing so. It was all smoke and mirror lies.

The Nazis were willing to tear the world apart after listening to Adolph Hitler's propositions and happy as clams following Kristallnacht. (Germany, November 9, 1938.) They were so overjoyed, the kicked all Jewish kids out of public schools the very next day. Hatred for the sake of feeling good about hatred of a target never has a good end.

Be careful, Americans, to be certain all this harassment and false witness shit coming from the Democrats who, like John Denver whose fatality was caused by failure to refuel. Failing the nation by perpetrating a pack of lies is like failing to refuel. The results are terribly disappointing to everyone.

That speech was nothing but a Kristallnacht event.
You must have taken the same courses as I have. You are 100/% right and it comes right out of the text books. The public can be manipulated if they are not aware of it. It was a textbook, choreographed play of the best scripts. They taught that a woman crying real tears can sway men. For some reason other women are not easily fooled. The whole hearing was just act 1 can't wait for the 2nd.

Jurisdiction - About Us - U.S. Senate Select Committee …
The Senate Select Committee on Ethics is authorized to receive and investigate allegations of improper conduct which may reflect upon the Senate, violations of law, violations of the Senate Code of Official Conduct and violations of rules and regulations of the Senate; recommend disciplinary action; recommend additional Senate rules or

But none has been identified. What conduct has violated the rules so as to be actionable?

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