Feinstein should be investigated by the FBI

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
Takes a real Democrat to think a dead woman is no big deal.


You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Now please answer the question.
How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country.


Save for Jack and Bobby, they've essentially been a bunch of neurotic inbreds.
Let's not forget about the drunk one that let that poor little lady drown while he sobered up.

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

Huge difference, we have evidence....dumbass.

You're absolutely right. John Kennedy is not even related to the amazing Kennedy family that has done so much for our country. He dishonestly played on the coincidence of his name to get elected, and is more aligned with Louie Gohmert than he is with the REAL Kennedy's. He's an embarrassment to what the republican party once was, and to common decency.

Yeah, the "amazing" Kennedy family.


And you were whining because you thought Ford's claims were too old. Hypocrite much?

How am I being hypocritical? Please be specific.

Did Mary Jo Kopechne wait THIRTY-SIX YEARS before reporting that Ted Kennedy had left her to DROWN while he sobered up?

So this was pretty well known, across the nation, within a few days of the incident, was it not? This tragedy happened on July 18, 1969, a Friday night. Ted Kennedy was a Senator from 1962 until his death in 2009. Specifically, when did Democrats and Progressives reject him for his morals or the fact that he has MURDERED SOMEONE?

What a childish remark. You whine because you say Ford's claims are too old, yet you come up with something from 50 years ago.
Oh but we know Kennedy let the girl drowned while he sobered up. Ford doesn't know when, how, where, and her own 4 witnesses said her story isn't true. This kinda shit could happen to you too, just think if you pissed a girl off in school then you get a big boost in your company. She says oh hell no, and then pulls a Ford on you. Hope you will say she has the right to be heard.
Kavanaugh is the one that needs a bag:

(deleted disgusting graphic)
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Take your Friend Soros with you. The latest news is that the Woman in the Elevator was a Soros Plant. This is the info I got on her:
Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.

So you think what she said was made up, and she really didn't mean any of it?
Well you and I know you can not prove a negative and when you don't really have any evidence but your own word it does not go far towards any proof. I could not judge you with someone giving nothing that would say you did a crime or tried to do a crime, it would not be fair to you or your family. Example: You were working as a hooker in Ft Lauderdale in 1988 and I order you to leave the corner you were standing on. Cop or no cop without any evidence that you were working as a hooker or just standing on the corner or was even there. You get the idea.
What drives the hate of the Alt. Right? They hate and attack the character of every person who does not hold to their ideologically based conspiracy postulates.

Postulates which are never proved and which they echo among themselves, and never even become a theory.

Thus, they remain one more of their BIG LIES,
repeated ad nausea by biddable fools and agent provocateurs.
What drives the hate of the Alt. Right? They hate and attack the character of every person who does not hold to their ideologically based conspiracy postulates.

Postulates which are never proved and which they echo among themselves, and never even become a theory.

Thus, they remain one more of their BIG LIES,
repeated ad nausea by biddable fools and agent provocateurs.
Maybe we should try to murder Democrats like all of the Republicans who’ve been targeted.
He will eventually make it on. So quit being a bunch of I'll begotten snoflakes. I do not feel one ounce of pity toward anyone going for the position. They should be subjected to intensely scrutiny. Or they should not apply.
Trump is doing a fine job of destroying himself, and I haven't seen many wanting to destroy the country. Perhaps your imagination is getting the better of you.

Why do you hate all the good things happening in America? It must be hard being so filled with hate that you can't enjoy all these great things!

Americans' optimism on economy near two-decade high
By Leia KlingelPublished September 28, 2018 U.S. EconomyFOXBusiness
Americans' optimism on economy near two-decade high


America's GDP advances by 4.2% in 2Q
By Leia KlingelPublished September 27, 2018 U.S. EconomyFOXBusiness
America's GDP advances by 4.2% in 2Q
Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.
Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser

Cotton says Feinstein will be investigated over leaked letter by Kavanaugh accuser
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh..... “They have betrayed her,” Cotton, R-Ark, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” about Ford. ” “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh.” Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

It's about time that Feinstein and her office face a full Senate investigation. I would also suggest that the Attorneys referred to Ms. Ford be fully investigated and if necessary have their licenses to practice law revoked for refusing to allow Ms. Ford the opportunity to be interviewed at her home.

Cotton added that the Democrats will be to blame if women stop coming forward to report sexual assaults because Ford’s confidentiality was compromised. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center found that 63 percent of incidents of sexual abuse go unreported to the police.

Tom Cotton is full of bullshit. Republicans are the ones smearing Ford not Democrats. Cotton represents one of the most backwards states in the Union. Educated women are not going to buy this.
What drives the hate of the Alt. Right? They hate and attack the character of every person who does not hold to their ideologically based conspiracy postulates.

Postulates which are never proved and which they echo among themselves, and never even become a theory.

Thus, they remain one more of their BIG LIES,
repeated ad nausea by biddable fools and agent provocateurs.
Maybe we should try to murder Democrats like all of the Republicans who’ve been targeted.

Really? You're advocating murder?

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