Felon/not felon, fun with Universal Background check laws for law abiding citizens...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The focus of anti gun extremists is never on stopping criminals, it is always on punishing or irritating law abiding people who commit the sin of wanting to own a gun. That is why they are pushing for Universal Background Checks even though the current background check system does not stop criminals from getting guns or mass shooters from getting guns. In fact, the same methods used to avoid the current Federal Background Check system will be used to avoid the new "Universal Background check" system…thus making them pointless the minute they are instituted…

To demonstrate the real agenda of anti gun extremists..punishing people who want to own guns….here is a test.

Please decide if the law abiding citizens in the following questions are felons, or not felons according to the desired Universal Background check law for all gun sales and exchanges….

1) My wife and I both have concealed carry permits. I own a pistol. She is going out, I hand her my pistol and holster as she is leaving since she doesn't have one of her own….

Felons or not felons

2) My pistol needs to be repaired, I send it to a the manufacturer for the needed repair. A worker opens the box and picks up the gun.

Are we both now felons or not felons.

3) A widow wants to get rid of her husband's gun collection, she gives it to one of her sons.

Felons or not felons.

4) We are at the range shooting. You are looking to buy a gun of the same model I am shooting. You ask if you can shoot a few rounds to see if you like it. I hand you the gun.

Felons, or not felons.

5) I need to have my gun worked on by a local gun smith…I hand him my gun for repair.

Felons or not felons.

And on top of these questions….the fee for a background check can become excessive and can be used as a way to deny poor Americans the ability to afford guns under their 2nd Amendment right. Also, in rural areas, the local gun store might very well be 100 miles away, if you want to sell or give your gun to a friend, family member or neighbor, why should you have to travel 100 miles just to get a background check….or have to wait to get it done.

The gun grabbers always say they want "Common Sense" gun control….knowing full well that any of these "common sense" gun control laws can be used as hammers to punish law abiding, peaceful people for the sin of wanting to own a gun.
This assault will continue as long as there is a Democrat in office to push the U.N. agenda and weaken our Constitution. Obama has already set into motion taking guns from vets and seniors. And they will common core the children in school to believe that guns are the reason for all the ills of the country.
Here is another one…

Me and a friend are driving. I have a pistol on my hip but we need something from a store with a "No Guns Allowed" sign. He doesn't have a concealed carry permit but I leave my gun in his car as I go into the gun free killing zone……

Felons, or not felons.

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