FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

and thats what has been proven


FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates.

This was not how the Twin tower core was configured.

It was a concrete tube as was seen on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2.

dont make changes to a post that changes the content asshole

Your post was in error, I fixed it.

So it's okay for guiliani to take the towers plans and hide them with the courts protect their hiding when the plans are vital to a valid analysis of cause of death but my correcting your error intended to keep methods of mass murder secret is okay, Riiiiiiight.

Such confirms your crimnal tendencies.
and you LIE once again

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates.

This was not how the Twin tower core was configured.

It was a concrete tube as was seen on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2.

dont make changes to a post that changes the content asshole

Your post was in error, I fixed it.

So it's okay for guiliani to take the towers plans and hide them with the courts protect their hiding when the plans are vital to a valid analysis of cause of death but my correcting your error intended to keep methods of mass murder secret is okay, Riiiiiiight.

Such confirms your crimnal tendencies.
and you LIE once again

The evidence shows the reverse to be true and your behavior consistently reinforces the notion.

You haven't even logically recognized that Robertson would have asked for a correction or Newsweek immediately corrected IF there was an error.

You are unreasonable.
You haven't even logically recognized that Robertson would have asked for a correction or Newsweek immediately corrected IF there was an error.

You are unreasonable.

1. how do you know he didnt ask for one?
2. how do you know he would have?
3. how do you know he even saw the error?

and then there is the PBS interview with robertson which states the core has no concrete.
NOVA | Transcripts | Why the Towers Fell | PBS

then there all the pictures of the core being built from steel but no pictures of the core being built with concrete.

the evidence is overwhelming that the core was built from steel without concrete. sorry. you lose. :lol:
stop stonewalling, I'm not stopping....

Correct, you are stopped. You have no evidence.

Show the core columns in the core area on 9-11 if they existed, NO, your master stole the images of concrete at construction so you'll have to go to them to see construction pics with concrete. Just like the missing 2 hour PBS video they stole from PBS when they infiltrated it. A 2,007 search for it found it listed in libraries. Listen to this audio from Dr. Ron Larsens, Ph.D, physics web radio show I co hosted with him.


Then back up your statement about this NOT being the only official depiction of the core.


This is your photo. It shows perimeter columns right/left and steel core columns in the center, the columns that you mis-identified as concrete wall. Case closed.

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stop stonewalling, I'm not stopping....

Correct, you are stopped. You have no evidence.

Show the core columns in the core area on 9-11 if they existed, NO, your master stole the images of concrete at construction so you'll have to go to them to see construction pics with concrete. Just like the missing 2 hour PBS video they stole from PBS when they infiltrated it. A 2,007 search for it found it listed in libraries. Listen to this audio from Dr. Ron Larsens, Ph.D, physics web radio show I co hosted with him.


Then back up your statement about this NOT being the only official depiction of the core.


This is your photo. It shows perimeter columns right/left and steel core columns in the center, the columns that you mis-identified as concrete wall. Case closed.


Far left, far right, perimeter columns. Just left of old glory are the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core wall at its base. Which has a 3x7 foot utility hallway running its length.

Here is the 3rd floor core plan and it shows that there should be an air shaft, a steam shaft or an elevator there.

Proving the concrete core and disproving the silverstein plans all in one.

The FEMA deception,

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
Correct, you are stopped. You have no evidence.

Show the core columns in the core area on 9-11 if they existed, NO, your master stole the images of concrete at construction so you'll have to go to them to see construction pics with concrete. Just like the missing 2 hour PBS video they stole from PBS when they infiltrated it. A 2,007 search for it found it listed in libraries. Listen to this audio from Dr. Ron Larsens, Ph.D, physics web radio show I co hosted with him.


Then back up your statement about this NOT being the only official depiction of the core.


This is your photo. It shows perimeter columns right/left and steel core columns in the center, the columns that you mis-identified as concrete wall. Case closed.

Far left, far right, perimeter columns. Just left of old glory are the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core wall at its base. Which has a 3x7 foot utility hallway running its length.

Here is the 3rd floor core plan and it shows that there should be an air shaft, a steam shaft or an elevator there. Proving the concrete core and disproving the silverstein plans all in one.
The FEMA deception,
FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

Your partial plan shows no concrete core walls. and your link to YOUR BOOK!!! Shows ulterior motives. No wonder you are debating so dishonestly, there is no conspiracy and no bad publicity.
Except that your "conspiracy" is sooooo stupid that no one with a brain believes you. So that leaves just you and Dennis Kucinich as co-conspiracy morons.

Your BOOK??

Hope you sell about 2-copies. Thats two more than "thanked" you for your moronic thread.
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1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">
a. Newsweek was clearly wrong, unless they misinterpreted the fireproof "shaftwalls" as concrete.
b. We can resolve this with a quick email to Mr. Robertson. That would either confirm or end the "disappearing concrete wall" conspiracy. Just ask him if the core had structural concrete walls or not.
c. The conspiracy would need better proof of concrete walls than a misprint in Newsweek.
d. You need to show the remnants of wall on the ground, there would be 12 miles of wall that you don't see lying on the ground.
e. I provided several independent sources that show the towers did not have concrete core
walls. (FEMA, NIST, Robertson, Guardian, and photos that don't show R/C walls on the ground) You need to show several sources of the reinforced concrete walls at least 3' thick on drawings and on the ground. You never show any concrete wall pieces on the ground.

2. Fire would never be a cause of collapse in a tower with a concrete structural core. Dumbed down and divided America is expected to accept steel core columns because of cognitive distortions used in presentation. There was fire, steel does bend when it is heated. We know how dumb the perps want Americans to be and assist them to assume that small fires on a few floors could heat the entire steel structure as if Allahs great torch from hell came from the ground and raised it all uniformly to that temperature at one moment to cause a free fall collapse. No way, even in hell.
I provided a link, from "The Guardian" which is very neutral source of information, as well as from other credible sources. No mention of concrete walls.
Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls: One guardian article should equal one Newsweek misprint. As for the "small fire" did you see the fireball at impact? There were hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel in the jets that created massive fire, plus the jet impact knocked the fireproofing off the steel. so you have a massive fire and no fireproofing, the towers collapsed exactly as predicted by the NIST engineers.
Plus, part-B of the question:
what possible gain would a conspiracy have to say that there were or were not concrete walls? The conspiracy makes no sense, just ask Mr. Robertson.

3. This thread is not about what brought the towers down, it is about what was brought down, the towers themselves. The towers survived 110mph winds, and they were designed for 120mph, while probably capable of surviving 140mph because the method of construction was so good. The concrete tubular core kept the steel perfectly aligned in its maximum load bearing position. The hat truss was bearing on the top of the concrete tube which absolutely made the moment frames and transfer of sway into compression loads optimized. Moment frames and that transfer with that mechanism do not work well all in the same material because that which is trying to resist the flex, flexes as much as that which it is trying to brace and stiffen. The core resisted torsion supremely, so oscillation was gone.
3. So you agree that there was no "secret method of mass murder" , correct ? If not, you need to say what it was.

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved? You get no credit for saying Rudy did it....(thats an LOL actually)
The towers were built way before Rudy came to NY. He had nothing to gain from the tower design. Even Silverstein had nothing to gain/lose. The buildings were insured. The insurance companies would be all over any "wall conspiracy". The Port Authority also has all the tower design info, so you need to see that there were way too many people involved to cover anything up. who would gain anything from disappearing concrete walls? No one Its a stupid conspiracy, really dumb.

5. They were also fine until the sunlight of September 11, 2001 hit them. Off topic herr kaiser.
5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. the "question is: what difference did it make if it had concrete walls or not? The towers didn't just "fall down" from bad design. The designs were reviewed by NIST and ASCE and many others who all said that the buildings, w/o concrete walls, fell exactly as engineers would expect.
If the jets didn't hit them the design was fine. I don't see where the "wall conspiracy" came from, its just stupidity.

6. Are you competing with divot for how much BS you can assert? Not a question herr kaiser.
6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? <thats an on-topic question>
If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?
Its engineering proof that the documented sway the towers experienced could not happen if concrete walls were present. Steel columns sway, concrete core walls don't. Thats engineering, not bullshit. Your conspiracy is bullshit.
stop stonewalling, I'm not stopping....no one will buy your book unless your conspiracy makes sense, and IT MAKES NO SENSE. Its stupid.

Your proclaimed core is a physical impossibility. Here is a drawing of what you claim existed.

Physical eyewitness descriptions of WTC1's lobby disagree with you

There are photos that prove you wrong.

I have spoken to people who worked there and they say that the towers were the same in the lobby and that BOTH had access to elevators from outside the core.

Where are your photos that show the walls of the WTC1 lobby with no access? Where are your eyewitnesses that worked there who agree with you? Have you spoken to any of them?

You have nothing but your own assumptions and that's it.


As far as your claim that that the plans were fake, how come I can match any actual picture to the plans from either construction photos or debris photos?

Show me one photo that doesn't match the plans.

As far as your claim that that the plans were fake, how come I can match any actual picture to the plans from either construction photos or debris photos?

Show me one photo that doesn't match the plans.
because Mr Brown is totally fucking delusional
Physical eyewitness descriptions of WTC1's lobby disagree with you

Blah, blah, blah, text.

You are a disinformation agent and have been busted photoshopping WTC 2 images to appear as WTC 1 because you have no evidence of steel core columns. Those plans have been digitally altered and come from the guy that made billions off of the 3,000 murders to appear as final drawings, silverstein. They are obsolete beyond description and shown to be faked.


The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

And there is a page all about you and breakfornews.com where you were first busted photoshopping, evidence and everything.

Breakfornews.com, Fintan Dunne

You support the secret methods of mass murder and work for the perps. You have no independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns.

Only the concrete core has independently verified evidence. Here.

The Concrete Core Of The WTC Towers

You promote the FEMA deception.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

As far as your claim that that the plans were fake, how come I can match any actual picture to the plans from either construction photos or debris photos?

Show me one photo that doesn't match the plans.

Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Here is the concrete core wall at its base with a 3x7 unitily hallway running the lenght of it. Huge plumbing cast into the core walls was connected via access of the hallway.

Here is the 3rd floor core plan and it can be seen that the north side core of WTC 1 is supposed to have a steam shaft, air shaft or an elevator where that massive concrete wall is.

The original, total sheet.

3rd floor core plan

The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel. This picture taken fro the street is closer and clear than the helicopter photos that the truth movement has been fed as misinfo. Left and right of the central crane are guide rail support steel with butt plates on top. Such methods of joining vertical steel is totally inadequate for "core columns". Too weak. It makes fast alignment for elevator guide rail support steel.


"Core Columns" must have a 100% fillet weld as seen here on this "I" I beam, but on all four sides. Then they are of maximum strength as a continuous steel column.

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Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Here is the concrete core wall at its base with a 3x7 unitily hallway running the lenght of it. Huge plumbing cast into the core walls was connected via access of the hallway.
you altered the picture. i dont see any concrete core.

dude, terrorists flew planes into buildings. the buildings fell down and killed lots of innocent people. i dont really give a fuck if an airshaft on the third floor is in the building plans or if the terrorists have moustaches. it doesnt really fucking matter.
Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Here is the concrete core wall at its base with a 3x7 unitily hallway running the lenght of it. Huge plumbing cast into the core walls was connected via access of the hallway.
you altered the picture. i dont see any concrete core.

I noticed you have no evidence.

Prove I altered the image.

Here is 400+ feet of the WTC 2 concrete core with all of the exterior steel having fallen.

Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Here is the concrete core wall at its base with a 3x7 unitily hallway running the lenght of it. Huge plumbing cast into the core walls was connected via access of the hallway.
you altered the picture. i dont see any concrete core.

I noticed you have no evidence.

Prove I altered the image.

Here is 400+ feet of the WTC 2 concrete core with all of the exterior steel having fallen.


why do you believe the core is concrete...the constuction photos and the construction documents clearly show it is a steel core....
Here is the concrete Here is the concrete core wall at its base with a 3x7 unitily hallway running the lenght of it. Huge plumbing cast into the core walls was connected via access of the hallway.

Here is the 3rd floor core plan and it can be seen that the north side core of WTC 1 is supposed to have a steam shaft, air shaft or an elevator where that massive concrete wall is.

You have no proof of this whatsoever other than your own speculation. You're a fraud.

That is proof and IF you refuse to recognize it and counter it with the official plans to back your position OR an image from 9-11 showing steel core columns, THEN you prove you are just like ditzcon, ........ again.

This IS a part of the east wall of WTC 1 concrete core toppling into the empty core area. The spire is outside the core on the other side.


This IS the west wall of WTC 1 concrete core standing in an end view left of the spire, which is outside the core.

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Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Give me ground zero photos. I don't care which you use.

The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel. This picture taken fro the street is closer and clear than the helicopter photos that the truth movement has been fed as misinfo. Left and right of the central crane are guide rail support steel with butt plates on top. Such methods of joining vertical steel is totally inadequate for "core columns". Too weak. It makes fast alignment for elevator guide rail support steel.


Show me some closeups of these steel core elevator guide rail support columns that clearly show the "butt plates" on them. Until you do, your ability to determine what things are in fuzzy, grainy photos can't be trusted. You're known to change your story and make up lies a little too much. Same goes for the supposed 3x7 utility hallway. It's simply a sheet of gypsum planking that was torn off. It surrounded the express elevator shafts. Here is a photo of the other side of your "utility hallway".

Here is a partial plan from the supposed "fake blueprints" that match the photo.

Here's a photo further out from the second photo above. Notice the stairwell in behind and to the left of the red arrows pointing to the gypsum planking. I don't see any "buttplates" in the column to the left. Isn't that your supposed "elevator guide steel" that used "buttplates" for ease of installation?

Here's an old photo that you used to post a while ago. How come you didn't out the utility hallway then? Did you find new information to make this claim?:lol::lol::lol:

Here's a little bigger plan view of the area in question.

Here's a photo further out.
That is proof and IF you refuse to recognize it and counter it with the official plans to back your position OR an image from 9-11 showing steel core columns, THEN you prove you are just like ditzcon, ........ again.

Sorry. That's not how it works. the only proof you have is your very own claims. You have no drawings, clear photos, or any engineer or construction worker to corroborate what you claim.

You. Have. Nothing.

It's all your own speculation and that doesn't mean dick. Give us something other than your own garbage. All you have is one picture of what you THINK is a utility hallway.
Notice gamit says "debris photos", not ground zero.

Give me ground zero photos. I don't care which you use.

The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel. This picture taken fro the street is closer and clear than the helicopter photos that the truth movement has been fed as misinfo. Left and right of the central crane are guide rail support steel with butt plates on top. Such methods of joining vertical steel is totally inadequate for "core columns". Too weak. It makes fast alignment for elevator guide rail support steel.


Show me some closeups of these steel core elevator guide rail support columns that clearly show the "butt plates" on them

You are looking at it. Show the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11. Here is the WTC 2 concrete core with all the steel gone. Not structural steel protrudes as it must IF it existed.


Here is a partial plan from the supposed "fake blueprints" that match the photo.

Your plan, silversteins plan has been proven to be digitally altered and obsolete.

The faked WTC 1 plans

Here's a photo further out from the second photo above. Notice the stairwell in behind and to the left of the red arrows pointing to the gypsum planking.

You are suggesting that gypsum could survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel. You are not credible with that. What is credible is that it is steel plate stained with concrete. Just as the interior box column which was encased in conccrete, outside the core is stained.

Here's an old photo that you used to post a while ago. How come you didn't out the utility hallway then? Did you find new information to make this claim?:lol::lol::lol:

Yes, a new photo with an angle looking down the hallway finally showed it clearly enough. You've seen it, core wall at its base, you know what it shows, but you support secret methods of mass murder and work for the perps so pretend you have not.

Here's a little bigger plan view of the area in question.

Here's a photo further out.

The fake plan does not represent the large image showing the concrete core wall at its base.

The image showing the opposite side shows the mass of concrete covered with steel debris. Interior box columns seen are outside the core.

Post an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11. Where are the official plans? FEMAs total depiction of the core amounts to this.

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